A Star’s Lover is a hit in Japan

SBS’s drama A Star’s Lover was not a hit in Korea, but (as expected) it’s doing well in Japan, thanks in no small part to Choi Ji-woo‘s immense popularity there.

A Star’s Lover was broadcast on Japanese satellite and cable channel WOWOW TV starting in May, and will follow that with a run on a major broadcast station beginning August 25, airing as a Monday-Tuesday series.

Such is the reaction among buyers and Japanese retail and DVD production outlets that A Star’s Lover is being called “a second Winter Sonata” — strong words, given how incredibly strong (and lasting) the impression was from that drama. In June, a concert was held featuring the series’ soundtrack and earned such huge response that additional promotional materials are in the pipeline, from novelizations of the drama, guidebooks, the soundtrack album, and even chocolates.

CEO Go Dae-hwa of the production company Olive Nine said, “Even we at the production company did not know that the drama would cause such a tremendous response in Japan.”

I admit I still haven’t finished the drama, and even with only two episodes left, I have no desire to see the ending (so… painfully… slow). However, I will agree that Choi Ji-woo and Yoo Ji-tae were gorgeous and had intense chemistry (amidst all the crying and wailing), the scenery was beautiful, and the first four episodes were touched with a little extra magic that I wished carried through to the end. But in any case, I’m happy to hear it’s doing so well; all underperforming dramas should get second chances elsewhere.



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Oh..when I saw JB did a posting on this article, I cringed at the thought of Ji Woo's antis will to start bashing the drama (for the sake of bashing even though they didn't even watch the drama). Yes..I am a fan of Ji Woo and yes..I am a fan of Star's Lover. I relatively agree that A Star's Lover is slow in the middle but in overall, I still enjoyed the drama in spite of its weaknesses. I wish that some of the sepia tone and beautiful shots in the earlier episodes were carried to the latter episodes. I guess with the ratings being so low, the production crew felt no need to spend so much $$ and efforts into paying attention to the details. Honestly, it did feel like a different drama by the end of the episode 20. REGARDLESS, I still repeatedly watch a Star's Lover after it's long ended. Why? I just love the chemistry of Choi Ji Woo and Yoo Ji Tae and I love the strong, Independent, gutsy, yet humane characters of Kim Chul Soo and Lee Ma Ri. I think a Star's Lover is the best work of Choi Ji Woo. JB, funny you mentioned the crying and the wailing, because Lee Ma Ri wasn't supposed to cry much or at all in the original script but because of the low ratings and Ji Woo being the queen of tears, they frequently incorporated the crying into the drama. Ji Woo and Ji tae's acting as well as others (Chae Re Yun, and even the evil manager) were great that I wish the storyline could have been better.


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i think this drama was a really touching one. i'm not a fan of either, but i don't hate either. i really did enjoy this, especially because of the chemistry between CJW and YJT. but i agree, it was pretty slow.


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I'am a fan of yoo jitae and glad this drama doing well in japan. I've watched this drama 3 times haha . I like this drama so far. The best for romantic drama genre this year. So good luck. I hope yjt can get huge popularity instead what he get at korea


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I just realized that I should finish up on this too!

I was watching a drama today, only 11 episodes, but sometimes it gets slow that I skipped ep 8-10, and only watched the last 5 minutes of episode 11 to see what the ending was :/

I'm happy that ASL is doing well, and never once expected it to reach the popularity of being the "Second Winter Sonata" (since WS's popularity is unbelievably insane. You still see on shows people imitating the famous BYJ hair with the scarf XD)


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I am glad that A Star's Lover is doing much better in Japan than in Korea. I hope this news will lift Ji Tae's spirit up. After all, this was his first drama. I actually saw a Star's Lover chocolates at the Incheon Airport with a big sign "The number #1 selling chocolate" hehehe.


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wah....so sad you've just missed last 2 episode !!! coz both such a lovely episode of Star's Lover.


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Hehe...I knew Star's Lover will do well in Japan because my mom is the best indicator.

After the 2nd episode was shown in WOWOW, my dad said "your mom wanted to go to Nara" (during the airing period of star's lover my parents were in Japan visiting some friends and relatives)...my mom now is a fan of YJT!!! Unbelievable!! ^___________^

Hehe...so far, I still do not think she knew about this site yet, when she found it, that's the time I shall leave this place.


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I am happy for YJT. He deserves all the success. He seems so wonderful in every way. Now only if they didn't have him read Jane Austen i would have watched the show. I am one of those few people who never got into the CJW and Yonsama bandwagon. I am sure they are great but they don't do it to me.


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sooo loved this drama, despite of its flaws because of YJT!!! such a great actor...his eyes speak volumes of emotions... won't mind watching it for the 3rd time!!!( i'll just fast-forward the boring parts!!!)


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I am actually surprised that the drama did so well in Japan. Sure, there are a lot of Choi Ji Woo's fans in Japan but they all couldn't just be watching the drama and stick to it just because of her. They must have different drama taste and perspectives than the Koreans. The Japanese didn't know Yoo Ji Tae that well prior to a Star's Lover and many have became his fans. Believe it or not several YJT fan clubs were established since a Star's Lover. All the 20 episodes of a Star's Lover made to the top 10 of WOWOW charts and it was the only Korean drama, the rest was American shows. Talking about second chances huh?


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omg lol the under -appreciated dramas in korea always make it big in japan!


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erm.. im not an anti, but CJW looks really strange in this picture. that smile just looks.. wrong


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Oh! good to hear!!! Just for Yoo Ji Tae, he's such a hottie in all those decent /good/great/ movies... This drama itself was so so... But I could endure the script with all the K-drama cliche incorporated just for the fact he was on air for 20 long episodes for the first time. And at least the cute happy ending.


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After watching the show, I become a JiWoo-Ji-tae 's fan. I think this is the best performance of Ji Woo and surely freaking in love w/ Ji tae too. People think this show is dragging but to me, it 's just superb. Everybody 's acting so well, the story line made me cry and laugh, all the emotion of lives are present here. I love how the two leads 's sharing the love, the strugles and the conflicts to each others, How they can overcome them and share the love etc, . I cried w/ them, laughed w. them and felt like them when following their story.
So sad that the ratings wasn't good in korea but so happy to know that it's doing well in Japan. At least, not like everybody said , not only ji woo fans love the show, but also others 's been enjoying it .
Besides loving the show, I really love Ji Woo 's outfits and the chemistry b/w Ji Woo & Ji Tae beats all


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@12 the feeling is mutual. I make similar comments once in Starjiwoo, my IP address I believe was debarred. The smile is indeed look so fake. But, the emotional connection between CJW and YJT is excellent. I believe it is comparable or even better than her chemistry with BYJ.

I only like Episode 6 to 11 of the drama. My mom likes Episode 1 to 6. My dad who was forced to watch with my mom said he likes Episode 6 and 10. Nevertheless, all of us think CJW is at her best, and YJT is indeed a very good actor. ^_________^


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"I only like Episode 6 to 11 of the drama. My mom likes Episode 1 to 6. My dad who was forced to watch with my mom said he likes Episode 6 and 10."

LOL, I notice nobody liked Episodes 12 through the end. :)


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Hehe...sorry, forgot to add, we all like Episode 19 and 20!! Clap! Clap! Clap!! Hehe..Dramabeans, if you do not finish the drama, you will regret!! ^_________^ Yeah!!!


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It is me again, Dramabeans!! Just spoken to my mom on skpe, she likes the entire series (because of YJT) and in particular, she likes the ending of Episode 8 and the embrace of Episode 19. She thinks YJT is awesome. That's the word she used!! Er!! I still think my dad is much much better looking than this YJT!!


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"Such is the reaction among buyers and Japanese retail and DVD production outlets that A Star’s Lover is being called “a second Winter Sonata” — strong words, given how incredibly strong (and lasting) the impression was from that drama."

LOL! Don't know why... could never get into this series... but remembered when the show was popular once upon a time, many are crazy knitting and buying various scarves to be in step with the fashion in the drama ;p

Glad to know that SL is doing well in Japan as expected by many.
I haven't gotten to watch it yet but will watch it for YJT's sake :)

DB, hope you'll finish watching the last two epi one of these days (as Bolt up there strongly suggested) and give a review... missed your recap on this drama as it somehow got faded away as the drama progresses... ;p


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JB, My favorite episodes are episode 19 & 20. So, you should finish the drama..after all you've spent 18 hours. hehehe...just a suggestion.

#14 Belle - Second to that!! I became a fan of JW-JT too.. I know why SL did so well in Japan. Most of Ji Woo's fans are old ahjummas who need a little tune up in the loving department. Ji Woo and Ji Tae did such a mighty fine job in all of their loving actions, whether it be a fight or a flirtation and especially all the hugs and kisses, and other intimate moments. If they were like me, by episode 12 I stopped paying attention to the story...and just looking forward to all their lovey dovey and by episode 19 I was a total goner.. and episode 20, just an icing on a cake. I didn't remember much of the details of the story but I for sure lived vicariously through all those intimate moments between JW and JT. Their chemistry is second to none, in my opinion,


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This was one show I really enjoyed,too. great actors, great music,beautiful settings,and intensely romantic. I really don't understand why it was not more popular.


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I started watching it because of Choi Ji-woo and I love it ! As for Yoo Ji-tae she is indeed beautiful but somehow she is a bit lacking while playing her part... Anyway the drama is still good ! ^o^


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that is why well known korean actors/actress have the rights to ask premium payment due to this...low rating in korea doesn't mean it can'be exported...while the drama with higher rating in korea no one will watch outside the country....


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it really is a pity that CJW has made so many changes on her face, she looks positively ugly in her picture here.


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I watched Star's Lover mainly because of Choi Ji Woo. Not only she's an excellent actress, but I think she's one of the best looking female actress in S. Korea. I was very sure Star's Lover would be a big hit in Japan because CJW is still very popular there. As a matter of fact, she has a new project which is a combine S. Korea & Japan anime of WS. She & BYJ will beboth promoting the WS anime. Thousands & thousands of fans are expected to attend that promotion which will be held in Tokyo Dome.

Now YJT will be known in Japan because of Star's Lover. Maybe, another Hallyu Star is born.


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You're right JB. I stopped watching SL at epsd 14 and never finished it. Starting from epsd 12 it became so draggy, if not for YJT I wouldn't go that far. I saw the fake BYJ look alike on teasers and it made me backed off totally. CJW tried very hard to break away from her previous dramas but failed to do so because the theme is more or less the dame as her other melodramas. She got a different role in AC and we thought that she could show something different but yet to create a different style of acting like other versatile Korean actresses. Part of the drama is filmed in Japan as well as CJW is the household name too so it's natural it has a good rating in Japan.


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SL is boring. Even a megastar like CJW didn't help the drama. I can't compare it with WLS..it's been 7 years since she did that drama with BYJ, and yes, she did try to break away from her "princess"-always crying like a baby roles. But she ends up still crying a bucket and it gets really boring seeing her on the same acting genre. i would love to see her play a character that is less conventional.
She is a fine actress..not really the best of the best, but her passion to make her performances better gives me a thumbs up for her.


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Star's Lover is a great drama in my opinion. Choi JI Woo & Yoo Ji Tae both did great acting. I didn't think it's slow at all. It's a practical way because life sometimes is slow and sometimes it's fast. If life is fast all the time, we will lose the greatest memories in our lives. Just my opinion.


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i loved Choi Ji Woo's outfits in the show. is there a website that recaps what she wore?


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I watch SL because of CJW, she looks very different here, take a role as a big star celebrity.. but maybe because I love her pairing with BYJ in WS, makes me just fell that he's not suit for CJW partner, well.. yeahh.. crazy right?! hehe.. but I still wach SL till the end, its really an happy ending drama.. just think that if YJT is together with CJW in real life than I will love SL much better, but then I've read somewhere (actually in hancinema.net) that YJT already had a long time girlfriend (also an actress and she played as a second lady role in Mary Stay Out All nigt), then I just feel thats too bad.. :(


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Enjoyed the series tremendously, a better change of the many irritating Korean 'Cinderella syndrome' dramas. I find the dialogue mature and refreshing. I understand many may not enjoy the series because it lack "flashy Packaging" of under aged pretty boys. However the chemistry and sincerity of characters lead the story. If you think the show may be slow or lacking perhaps its due to your own taste. I guess many have never read Jane Austen books, or any classics for that matter. To some these books may dragging or boring. Yet their stories have endured the times. Those who find such classics boring are often glossy magazine readers with short words and nice big pictures to entertain them, same for those react to the SL drama, if you don't like it. I suggest you stick to your shallow pretty boy dramas.


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Like,Winter Sonata, I have watched STAR'S LOVER at countless times and i never find the series dragging as some others claim it to be. TO ME, IT IS HOW THE STORY GOES.SO BE IT. And I salute the main characters, even of those secondary roles, for their respective shining performances.Korean actors and actresses always amazes me how good they are no matter how big or small their role is. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR ENTERTAINING ME. GOD BLESS.


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