Open Thread #79




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J - I started to watch Cain & Abel. Can't get past Shin Hyun-joon's right eye. Is it the eyelashes? Can't seem to look at him straight ... or my attention just goes straight to that right eye! Scary. So Ji-sub is the only thing that keeps me going. I'll stick it out to the end.

Have a great weekend!


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Open Thread seems to be the right place for a random question:

Does anybody have a suggestion with regard to a free online RSS Reader?

Have been looking for good one for a couple of days but he pros and cons are giving me the hives and this not taking into account vocubulary like Apache, PHP, Ajax, OPML structure and so on - I am but a user for Pete's sake!

Back to favourite subject: Rewatching Lawyers of the Great Republic at the moment.

A nice weekend to all of you!


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First, in-sa to JB (noona?) for her wonderful site. Thank you! Where else can I go, to explore, to share, to listen, to laugh... about my love of k-dramas!

Second, here's my updated list on what we've watched recently. We've watched 15 dramas over the last few months or so. My wife and I discussed what we liked and didn't like so much, and so here's our new order of dramas:

The Best:

1. My Name Is Kim Sam Soon
2. Coffee Prince Shop #1
3. My Girl
4. Snow Queen
5. Bad Family

Worth watching, fun to watch, don’t miss these:

6. Super Rookie
7. Delightful Girl Choon Hyang
8. Goong
9. The Grand Chef (Gourmet)
10. My Love Patzzi
11. Full House
12. Save The Last Dance For Me

Others found it to be worth watching:

13. Evasive Inquiry Agency
14. Bimil

Still waiting for Dennis Oh to pay me back $70:

15. Sweet Spy


As for Snow Queen:

What can I say. Of all the dramas above, I think Snow Queen might have been the most...dramatic? Belleza mentioned it to be akin to the Endless Love series and MiSa / Stairway To Heaven, none of which I have seen. Maybe I'll change my mind about how good Snow Queen is, if I ever watch Winter Sonata and/or MiSa, but right now, Snow Queen is che-go. All I know is that once I started watching, I almost couldn't stop. I watched this series in just over 2 days, and it was all I could think about at work. Snow Queen is so engrossing, so awesome, so interesting, so much drama and story and love and everything. And Hyun Bin is awesome, but the star of this series is Sung Yu Ri, and I don't know if there is another actress that could have done what she did.

Sung Yu Ri is now one of my favorite actresses for what she did in this drama. She may have sucked before, she may suck in the future, but that doesn't bother me in the slightest. She held her own against a vastly improved Hyun Bin, and I felt she was the best actor in the drama. I never once thought she was "acting," and I can't imagine seeing her in another role, just like I have a difficult time seeing Kim Sunah in another role. She was just great.

As for Evasive Inquiry Agency:

I read through JB's comments that she did back in the day (2007??) when she recapped, and I have to say that I agree with a lot of what JB said. Overall, if I were to summary JB, I would think that JB would say it was well-done, and with this assessment I would have to agree. The series WAS well-done.

Still, I never got into the drama. I didn't particularly like the characters (although I really do like Ryoo Seung-soo quite a bit - I wish I had a friend like him, he has this honest way about him in any role that he does), and I didn't laugh so much at the comedy, I didn't like the dramatic sequences, I didn't really like the mystery elements or the adventure elements. I felt...I'm not sure, sort of like an outsider when I watched this drama. I felt like the drama wasn't really for me, and I wasn't really supposed to be watching because I am too old, or too young to understand, or not smart or hip enough, or something. In the end, watching these dramas is supposed to be fun, and trying to watch it was a little bit like work rather than pure fun.



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Yay for Epik High concert?! Anyone else going? =D


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Completely worn out - what a tough week... However, am late to BBF and have 9 more eps to look forward too this weekend! Lucky me! (Don't think the ironing is EVER going to get done.)

Am most curious about your twitter note referring to your cousin watching Stairway to Heaven as his FIRST Kdrama. He specifically asked for a tragic weepy? (Puzzled look.) He loves it? Hates it? Is completely obsessed with it? Do tell! Would love to hear more!


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@tiki in ny?


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happy friday everyone.

im currently not watching any dramas, just patiently waiting for yoon eun hye's new drama. I will most definitely be watching that one.

this weekend will be filled with sightseeing duties while I show a friend from korea the best of what the oc has to offer. have a good weekend everybody~


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Nice to know that Samsooki included Snow Queen in his favorite drama coz it’s also in my top list same with the rest specially My Name Is Kim Sam Soon and Coffee prince my all time favorite. Well just happy that someone favored the same drama that I like….lol… it gives me that idea what to see next…..


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nope, in LA =D


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Just curious, how are you going to watch Yoon Eun Hye's drama? Are you going to be watching online, "live" (i.e., will you watch it contemporaneously)? Will it be on television where you are?



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On Cain and Abel, I have to take back what I said last week about fast-forwarding. Now that two episodes from the ending, I'm planning to re-watch it in full. All of a sudden, I felt so shallow at enjoying BoF that much when you have a great drama like this :D

@ crzycpl
I finally come round to appreciate Shin Hyun-joon’s acting. In fact, this is my first time ever tearing up for both the hero (SJS) and the villain (SHJ).

@ AnitaLotti
I love Great Lawyers of Korea too - re-watched it a couple of times already. LSJ is simply sublime.

@ Samsooki
What's your wife's view on Sung Yuri? I always think man and woman think differently especially on their liking of male and female actors. I started Snow Queen enthusiastically but dropped it after about 10 episodes. SYR's wooden acting was the main reason.


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Glad things are going well. The first time I saw Yuri was in One Fine Day with Gong Yoo. I watched it for him and I'm glad I did but she was good. I'm not sure if I'm a fan but I have wanted to see Snow Queen so maybe I will now.

Also watching Return of Iljimae and I'm a little dismayed. I know that certain things occur(mainly through the previews) and this makes me a little weary to continue. I like the show though. But question, the little cop dude(forgot his name) makes me feel as though he's playing Javert against Iljimae's Valjean....did anyone else get that feeling? I have no idea how their relationship may unfold but this is how I felt from episode one till now.

Oh and JB can I say that I absolutely love Flowers of My Life!!!!!!!! I truly can not say thank you enough for suggesting and recapping this drama. I don't read the recaps, I am actually watching the show, but if it wasn't on the recap list I probably wouldn't have given it a chance. This show is amazing. I describe it as tragically beautiful! I'm nearing the end(on ep 13) and up until 12 I had dry eyes and felt that it would last till the end but not a chance! This show is one of my favorites right now. Its not a boo-hoo show just one that you will definitely tear over the unabashed simplicity and beauty of particular scenes and their delivery. Its in a word, "sincere."

I'm all too excited about Story of a Man! Can't wait to sink my teeth into that show! I love the comparison with Mawang. I enjoyed that show so I look forward to seeing what this is has to offer. So far so stinking good!

Have a great weekend everyone!


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@ Samsooki

If you liked Snow Queen, then you will love Autumn Fairy Tale.
That movie was so beautifully sad that it inspired me to write my own alternate ending. No Joke, now if only I can get someone other than my family to read it.....


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How is Cha In Pyo's book being received in Korea, by critics and general readers?


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Well, I have to say. I watched Snow Queen by myself. We had it on Netflix, and when my wife was preoccupied with other things (she is not such a drama fiend as I am), I watched it mostly alone. But, after finishing it, I went online and I bought the DVD set from YesAsia ($55), so that we could watch it together.

I really have to disagree with your take on Sung Yu Ri. The story is of a girl who has spent her entire life alone -

- As a child, Bora was abandoned by her mom, who leaves the family to marry another man and start a new family, and that abandonment crushes the entire family, including affecting Bora's older brother profoundly.

- Bora was then abandoned by her older brother who she loved so much, who commits suicide when he fails his father and the unrealistic expectations that many fathers heap onto their sons.

- Bora was then alone in a home without love, as her Dad was just devastated by the loss of his son, the betrayal by his wife, and the effects of all of that.

- And so Bora has been alone her whole life, faced with an incurable disease for which she has spent her entire life in hospitals, getting tortured with needles and treatments and x-rays and the cold reality that she will probably die soon.

I think that Sung Yu Ri didn't play the character in a wooden manner. I think she played the character as if she her heart were frozen, as if Bora were only alive to be hurt again and again and again. and the only way to protect herself would be to keep everyone else away. I thought Sung Yu Ri's portrayal was about as powerful of an acting job that I have seen done in all the korean dramas that I have seen. The way she acts when Kim Deuk-Goo (Kim Tae-Woong) is not around, and then the way she acts when he is around, and her emotional growth through the series.... well, I can't say enough.

It was that good, imo.

Maybe it's because I am a guy, but I don't know for sure if that has anything to do with it. There are plenty of pretty Korean actresses out there, and plenty of pretty Korean actresses who play characters who are are worthy of pity or love or whatever, but I've never seen acting like Sung Yu Ri's in Snow Queen. Maybe I'll change my mind if I ever seen Autumn or Winter series, or MiSa, or Stairway, but for now, she is the shiznit.

When Snow Queen arrives next week, my wife and I will watch it together (after Soulmate), and I will ask her to write her own post on an Open Thread. Hopefully, she will agree and we can see what my wife thinks. I have a feeling she may not agree with me though. She didn't like Jang Nara after all, and I still argue with her about that.

- Samsooki


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@ AnitaLotti i have gmail and use google reader. i love it! i get pretty immediate updates of dramabeans and my other fave sites. hope this helps! =)


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@12, Nea-

You can watch Snow Queen on mysoju.com, and so you don't have to invest in DVDs or wait for Netflix (if you have it).

I'd really like it if you (and other people) would spend the time to watch it, so that I could hear what you (and others) have to say. :)



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I always enjoyed reading your comments. It is refreshing to read a man thoughts of drama. Tough the top five of yours is not my favorite but I admit all of its was a great series. I'm interested on your discussion about Snow Queen.

I have a keen interest while I caught my eyes on Snow Queen few years back. I'm still ignorant of K dramas and haven't watch much except several that was aired on my national tv's including Autumn In My Heart. Being a girl at that times, I found AIMY is beautifully made. But only if I know...

Only if I know after I have watched MISA two years ago that not even one melodrama can be as beautiful, intense, deep, well-written, (maybe not perfect but just right), classic, natural, subtle love more than MISA.

I have watched several dramas, but no weepy drama that can be as classic and depth as MISA. It has comical lines, and it's natural to the fact the love blossom subtlety which many can't even notice it. The scenes in Australia us just amazingly heart-wrenching and breathtakingly beautiful shots for me. It didn't have a draggy lovey dovey scenes but it executed love and the process of it naturally. If many sad K drams ended with sickness MISA is different. It may not answer and fullfil every questions but it just contended enough that even though it has flaws it just suit deep in your soul that you can't think.

It's a human drama and I love read the reviews in spctv net.

Snow Queen, I have stumbled as I said years back, try to watch it but can't go on and after reading a professional critics and reviews still based on what people has said that I still can't suppress MISA.

Since you mention Snow Queen, I will continue my watching. But if you want something more deep, and intense watch the classic MISA and my recommandation not Stairway To Heaven, AIMY or else.

But overall, it's depends on you. Happy watching!


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typo:what people has said that IT still can’t suppress MISA.


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Here's another random question: Does anyone know where I can buy k-dramas and films on DVD in London? I've found all the Korean foods I can't get back home (yay good roasted gim!), but nothing to watch so far.


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The Kdrama net has been cast far and wide again and has managed to snare some new fish. The bait? How to Meet a Perfect Neighbor, Soulmate, and Coffee Prince. The fish? My roommate, my best friend, and my neighbour. (Of the three, only my best friend had any real interest in Asia prior to this.)

In other rambling news, I hate research papers. Well, no, that's a lie. I hate research papers that I haven't prepared enough for. This paper on women in Indian film, for example.. I'd probably enjoy it a lot more if I hadn't waited until the last minute to start my research. It's due next week, and I've only just decided what films I'm going to be watching (luckily, I already have most of them on my computer) and what books/articles I'm going to be reading.

For my Chinese final project (due Monday), I've decided to write a children's story. The only problem is, I can't think of anything... Any ideas?

Also, writing this five-page paper in Japanese on my future is turning out to be harder than I'd thought. I get as far as "I'm going to graduate from grad school and get a job," and then stop. What am I supposed to do now, talk about how many children I'm going to have? Describe how I'm going to waste my life away on dramas? Detail my possibly tragic death in a car accident?

By this time next week, I will be completely done with this semester. Then I can watch more dramas to my heart's content.

My uni sent me an offer to participate in the Honors Research Program for next year (my senior year). I'm sorely tempted, but I don't know what I'd do my research on. Korean dramas? Hrmmm.. (Actually, that sounds like fun.)


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Interesting comments.

Originally, I wasn't going to watch Autumn, Winter, Stairway, MiSA, or any of those dramas because I generally dislike being forced to be weepy. Wouldn't you rather be happy than be sad? Why be forced to tears, episode after episode? My life is hard enough as it is, and I don't want to spend my free time being sad or being pulled into tear-jerkers.

But Snow Queen came on Netflix, almost by accident. See, Netflix has this list that you fill up, and whatever they have IN STOCK, based on your list, will be sent to you. So, if your first 10 picks are not in stock, you'll get #11. And that's why Snow Queen came. It wasn't high up on our list (and we didn't know anything about it, just that it had Hyun Bin in it), but it came anyway. So, the Netflix DVDs sat by our TV for weeks, because we had so many other things to watch. But I popped it into the DVD player just sort of to see what it was about when my wife was busy, even though I knew it had the possibility of being sad. And I just loved Sung Yu Ri's performance. And even though it was sad in parts, it was not a sad or weepy drama.

Snow Queen is NOT a sad drama. It is a drama about two people who find joy and happiness in each other's love DESPITE tragedy. It is a drama about love between two people. Yes, it is sad in parts, but it is not a drama about being sad, it is a drama about finding love, and that's always hopeful and optimistic and happy to me.

Anyway, I am a little nervous about watching more dramas like this though. Even though I am curious to see how good MiSa and Winter Sonata and Autumn In My Heart can be, I don't know what I will do.

For instance, I think we might get 9 End 2 Outs next, but if I had a choice between "9 End 2 Outs" or "I'm Sorry, I Love You" how can I choose? They are completely different, and they cannot compare to each other....



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@ Samsooki - I loved Snow Queen.. The little girl who plays young Bora is amazing.. I totally want to see more of her.

I wasn't completely enamoured of Sung Yuri, but I didn't hate her either--she was adequate, if not exceptional. The guy who played her brother, though.. WOW, that kid. I grew so attached to him, I cried buckets when he died. (Can it be counted as a spoiler if it happens in the first episode?) Hyun Bin was wonderful as well, but I always love Hyun Bin, so I'm probably biased.

Snow Queen IS a sad drama, but it's the bittersweet kind of sad rather than the melodramatic "life sucks" kind of sad. I cried several times throughout the course of the show, and I usually don't cry terribly easily.

I do have to agree with your wife, though.. Jang Nara rubs me the wrong way, and I DESPISED My Love Patzzi.


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The end of an absolutely awful week! Now going away for the weekend with the dental school to do some work on the Eastern shore.

Three more weeks until (my last) summer! =]


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Anybody have recommendations for K-movies to watch this weekend? I want instant gratification...so no K-dramas for now.


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NOT THAT YOU aren't entitled to your own opinions. Your opinion is just as valid as anyone else's. For example, I don't like Dennis Oh because he reminds me a plank of wood, if a plank of wood lost all ability to act. Still, can I just ask you a few questions?

1. Why you didn't like My Love Patzzi? Specifically?

2. Why does Jang Nara rub you the wrong way? If, for example, you and her (Jang Nara playing her Patzzi character) were co-workers, you would not want to be friends with her?

3. If the real Jang Nara (not playing the Patzzi character) were your co-worker, would you still not want to be friends with her?

Just curious. I cannot tell my wife that I would want her and Jang Nara to be friends because then my wife would get suspicious as to why I am asking her such a stupid hypothetical, so there are conversations that I cannot have with my wife that I can hopefully have on an Open Thread.



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@25, KaOri:

Korean dramas? What have you seen, so that I don't give you duplicates?



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Pardon my ignorance, but can someone tell me is MISA actually a title or an abbreviation? I've heard so much praising about this and am very curious to find out what type of drama this is. I can't find it from Wiki. Thanks.

I came across Snow Queen many time but was not tempted to watch it.
However, after reading all of your comments, I think I'm going to give it a shot.


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@ 20 ... KIT.

Good Question....... I've trekked around several local towns here in the UK, covering almost all the more well known retailers of DVD's and Music CD's....Grasping my list of Movies, Kdrama's and Albums.
Do they have ??? Then perhaps are any on their Data Base, that I could order....

Zilch.....results - My reward is some of the wonderful expressions, and Ehhh !!!
'How do you spell that again ???' Not to be found YET.....

Happy Hunting, Still.

Happy Friday to All, and Thank You Javabeans......


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@ 16 rei - Thanks

The Google Reader is recommended a lot on the net. The only thing: It seems they are systematically collecting the data on the consumer's net use to provide us with e.g. personlized advertisements. Google is officially not allowed to give the information to third parties, but hey - what a surprise - they have acquired such an agency themselves. Freeware is obviously not always Freeware.

Maybe this is something nothing can be done about that anyway as we all will be transparent users in 10 years time, but on the other hand I do not want to make it too easy for the powers that be from the start.


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i love open threads! first of, javabeans any latest news on Kim Hyeok (sorry sometimes i can't get their names striaght) who was in a car accident a few days ago? I just hope he's recovering completely.

To Samsooki & others: mysoju has this drama series (2003) called Rosemary & I think it's worth watching as well. Check it out! I'm getting addicted to it.
Re snow queen, i really didn't think much of this drama at all. I only watched it because of Hyun Bin but it's one of those dvd's that i probably won't re-watch in the future. It's collecting dust in my shelves. I'm sorry if I'm offending some fans of this drama but this is just merely a personal opinion & don't take it the wrong way, I love Hyun Bin's acting in here & he was really handsome in this drama but it just didn't hit me as much as the other Kdramas i've seen! The musical score is nice though.


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Do you know Pete Yorn?

if not you should check out his song!! :) I think you'll like it!!

I found this song through House!! episode 20 where Cutner died!! :((((

anyway, check it out. warning- it sounds weird in the beginning!!



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inspiring song . . . thanks dramabeans.


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@28, MISA = I'm Sorry, I Love You.

It's a shortening of the Korean version of the title, which is MIanhada, SAraranghanda. Most Korean shows have a nicknamey title, like "Ijuksa" for A Love to Kill, or "Kkotnam" for Boys Before Flowers. My personal fave is the shortening of The Good, The Bad, The Weird, which is "Nom-nom-nom."

And I'm sorry, I can't get behind Snow Queen. I'm also one who could not get past Sung Yuri's awful bland acting, until she showed her much improved and cute side with Hong Gil Dong.


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I recommend watching Two Faces of My Girlfriend, Antique Bakery, or Speedy Scandal. I really enjoyed watching Speedy Scandal and the dialogue is amazing. Each line is so funny and you really have to pay attention.

@ Samsooki
Since you're on a K-drama roll, may I recommend Dae Jang Geum? I don't know if someone's mentioned it to you or not. It's a huge hit amongst almost all Asian countries and even Turkey! It's a bout a famous woman during the olden times who served the king as a chef and later as a doctor. Very interesting. There's a good amount of plot twists (nothing too complicated) and a love plot as well. The catch is that it's about (I think more than) 50 episodes and each episode is an hour long. So you need a bit of stamina to watch it. Haha. When I watched it, the whole family scarfed down meals, took 3 minute showers, and stayed up all night just to get through it.


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#33 Javabean, wow, thanks for your speedy response. So it is "I'm Sorry, I Love You". Nahh, I think I'll pass on this one. I've seen some of it from Arirang TV and was not so drawn to it. But I'll watch Snow Queen, love Huyn Bin Kim Sun Ah from My Lovely Sam-Soon, my favorite romantic comedy beside Full House.


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Please don't promote mysoju...they explicitly defy fansubber wishes to stop streaming their subs. Don't encourage their work.


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I have to agree with cosmopolite. Mysoju provides a service that many appreciate, but they steal subs and refuse to comply with subber rules and make money off others' work. I personally refuse to use them.

Oh, and I forgot to answer Nonbirra:
My coz specifically wanted the mostest tragic-est, weepy, cliche-ridden and dramatic kdrama ever made. Like, the old-school Hallyu 1.0 stuff because he recently got into Korean movies and wants angst and drama. I recced Stairway to Heaven and Autumn in My Heart and sent him dvds, and he called me to say he just watched 6 episodes of STH in one sitting and MIND = BLOWN. Like, "HOW in the HELL does this happen? Who thinks of this stuff? What? Huh? OMG. This is so crazy and insane and I can't wait to show other people."


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@ Kit and @ Beige

You can buy kdramas and kmovies from Yesasia. They have a UK website and international shipping is free if you buy more than £25 worth of goodies (I think). The products on offer are not comprehensive but there should be enough titles there to keep you going.


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I second the Antique Bakery and Two Faces of My Girlfriend recommendations! Especially if you're looking for something fairly light and fun to zip through. Haven't watched Speed Scandal so I can't comment, but I'll watch it soon once I get my hands on it! Also S Diary and She's On Duty. Both Kim Sun Ah vehicles, but they were funny and cute.

Another film that I really liked was The Good The Bad & The Weird. (HAHA at its abbreviated name! Nom Nom Nom just sounds so.. cookie monster-like somehow) It's supremely funny, not very romantic but awesomely and excitingly full of action.

Lastly, if you're alone in your room at night and you just want a bit of a thrill I strongly recommend The Chaser. Fantastic performances by the leads; it was a very tense 2 hours. Or maybe even A Tale of Two Sisters. That was one thought-provoking and chilling movie.

That being said, I still prefer dramas. Maybe you could watch a short drama instead? Haha I know I didn't regret staying up to finish Fight in one night! Yoo Gun is smokin'!!


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Nom Nom Nom? what does that mean?
yeah, Korean makes cute, creative ( and sometimes weird ) abbreviations..like that new tittle of Six Months.

I started watching Job Well Done this week, and I fall in love with it! I still can't understand what makes people love Uhm Ki Joon, but he surely can act. I like his character, but I want Kang Joo to get back with Ho Nam, I don't know why!

I love the girl who plays as Byul!!!!! SO adorable. Add one more Korean actors that I love.

I'm still waiting the subs for Hateful but Once Again, and in the meantime I lurk on its Soompi threads...:D

I'm going to watch Story of A Man, after I post this, and want to see myself how good is it.,,

My cellphone lost its signal this afternoon, ish, I pray that it would be okay by tomorrow because the repairment cost for this particular model is quite expensive.. TT___TT


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I'm currently watching "Jewel in the Palace" or "Dae Jang Geum" right now (via dramafever)

It is such an amazing drama, I normally don't like sa-geuks, but this one is just... too good to miss out on. Maybe it's because I like to watch people cook(my favorite tv channel is the Food Network)

I dunno, but imho(I had to look up what that meant, haha) I think that it may just be my favorite sa-geuk drama of all time(it's also the only one I've watched)
Anyways, happy Friday everyone! :]



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Maybe it's a gender thing after all? Or maybe it isn't a gender thing, but a personal thing? I wonder if I am the only person to think that Sung Yu Ri did a fantastic job in Snow Queen? Well, I guess I'll have to wait until my wife watches Snow Queen and then she gives her opinion. But even if my wife turns out not to like it, will that change my mind? After all, my wife and a lot of other people didn't seem to like Jang Nara (as Yang Song Yi, in My Love Patzzi) either.

How much of opinion is personal, and how much is objective? I hope my opinion is more on the objective side here because I didn't know anything about Sung Yu Ri beforehand, I had no idea of her negative press or had any pre-disposition to thinking that she was bad or good. Apparently, a lot of people didn't like her before the series and were complaining about her even before they saw the drama. Hard to win over people when they already have two strikes against you.

Finally, Hyun Bin did a very good job in this series, and I think his performance was better than when he played Heon-i in MNIKSS. I really, really like him and his roles a lot. However, if anyone could be considered to be wooden and bland in Snow Queen, it would be Hyun Bin and not Sung Yu Ri. I mean, he showed emotion maybe three or four times in the series. Once when Jung Kyu died. Once when Bo Ra gets a job and he finds out. And maybe when he visits Jung Kyu's grave for the first time? What was bland about the fiery, ill-tempered, caustic and ill-mannered Bo-Ra, or the soft and vulnerable Bo-Ra who cannot help but love Kim Tae Woong? Or the scared and lonely Bo-Ra, who has no way to deal with all her pain and illness other than to wall herself away?

A lot of people liked MNIKSS. I loved it. A lot of people loved it. Okay, so we (me and a lot of people) agree. And a lot of people liked the ensemble acting and the primary acting in Coffee Prince Shop #1. And me too, so again we (me and a lot of people) agree.

So, why not here with Snow Queen? Why a 180 degree shift with respect to Sung Yu Ri?

I don't mean to over-analyze, but it could it be that some of you guys feel threatened by the characters Bo Ra and/or Yang Song Yi? I have a feeling that most women are not so much anti-Sung Yuri and Jang Nara, but anti-Bo-Ra and anti-Yang Song Yi. Maybe you would not be friends with those characters because they do in fact piss you off, but that doesn't mean that the acting is bad....?

Disclaimer - I've only panned one actor / actress so far - Dennis Oh, but I think most people would agree that he far from being the best actor in the world. So, I am comfortable in thinking that I am not "threatened" by Dennis and so my feelings toward him are really only about the acting. I am not sure if I would want to be friends with Dennis anyway, but that has nothing to do with how I feel about his acting.


With respect to mysoju, my apologies for unknowning promotion. As you could probably tell, I am unaware of any copyright infringement or other problems / issues associated with them, and all of the dramas we have watched have been bought authentic, with the exception of 2 series (one borrowed from netflix and one borrowed from a friend but his copy was an obvious Chinese bootleg). We don't know much about watching things online (live or otherwise), and about how people make money online, etc.



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@35, hannieoon:

Dae Jang Geum is definitely on my list, but its a longer series, so I want to watch the shorter ones first so as to get them done quickly.

@41, djes:

The movie, The Good, The Bad and the Weird can be translated into the Korean like this: 좋은 놈, 나쁜 놈, 이상한 놈. Literally, good guy, bad guy, weird guy.

So, take out the good/bad/ugly, and you get "guy guy guy" or "nom nom nom"



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Personally, I think many women get slapped with the "you're just threatened" card and it's hard to argue with someone who tries to find ulterior motives in your opinions ("I thought she was bad"). Samsooki, I'm not directing this at you although your comment reminded me of the issue. You sound like you're genuinely curious to know and I think it's an admirable approach to try to understand the opposing opinion.

On the other hand, sometimes an opinion is just an opinion. Frankly, it's very simple for me. Sung Yuri = bad actress = do not like. Then she improved, and I was totally cool with giving her props for improving. (Episode 19 of Hong Gil Dong is probably the highlight of her career thus far.)


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@42 Hyeln - If you like "Dae Jang Geum", you may like "Yi San", even though both are not on my favorite list but they're watchable. I myself a big fan of sageuks, may I recommend "Emperor of the Sea", to me, it's a masterpiece, and the BEST historical drama I have ever watched.

Anyone here watched "Seoul 1945" (2007 43rd Baeksang Awards: Best TV Drama)? I'm totally hooked to it, I hate it but have to say watching this drama makes me understand more about Korean history than my own mother land's.


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I agree with you on Snow Queen. I guess everyone has their own preferences...this is personally on my top ten list. I thought the storyline, acting, and chemistry was all great. Sung Yuri became one of my favorite actresses after watching this drama, and can't wait to watch her upcoming movie with Jang Hyuk and drama with Ji Sung.

As far as some of the other dramas that people have recommended, I wouldn't recommend those if you are not one for tearjerkers. Autumn In My Heart was just weird with it's incestual tone so I would not recommend that one. Stairway to Heaven was good, but it was definitely the saddest drama that I have seen to date. It's also one of those that makes you want to throw something at the TV. MISA was just okay for me. It wasn't good, but it wasn't bad.

One tearjerker drama that I did like was A Love to Kill. A lot of people will disagree with me on this one...not too many people are fond of it. I don't know what it is about the drama, but I watched it in two days. While I wasn't impressed with Bi in Full House, I was mesmerized by him in this drama. I guess it didn't hurt that Shin Mina was in it too, who has become one of my favorite actresses after watching her in Ddae Ryuh with Joo Jin Mo.

Oh, and I definitely recommend watching 9 Ends 2 Outs! It's a very light-hearted rom-com. =)


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You could be right. And everybody else, too, for that matter, could be right. (re: Sung Yuri). Maybe that's why she was voted the worst actress of 2006 or 2007 in some online poll, with respect to Korean singers who crossed over to acting. I mean, even "Mr. One Note" himself, Bi, was given way more positive votes than Sung Yuri. I don't know whether the vote was taken before or after Snow Queen, however. But online polling tends to be fad-ish and over-representative of people who care enough to vote, and usually people vote for favorites or just to vote against people they hate rather than objectively.

Regardless, I didn't know any of the negative stuff until after I was nearly done with the drama. I then went about and read all the comments on d-addicts written from 2 years ago, even some that were written by people who are frequenters here. And I was pretty shocked that so few people agreed with my opinion.

Maybe I'm just a newb when it comes to watching k-dramas. Compared to you guys, I've watched only a fraction of what everyone else has watched - maybe 15-16 dramas, maybe a dozen movies. But still, I think with respect to the ones I have watched, I see that we tend to agree on a lot of things that we found to be really great:

Gong Yoo and Yoon Eun Hye's performances in Coffee Prince.
Lee Da Hae's performance in My Girl.
Jae Hee's performance in DGCH.
Kim Sunah's performance in MNIKSS.
Kim Myung Min / Nam Sang Mi, in Bad Family.

And I think that those choices would probably not cause a stir among other people. Hard for any person to reasonably argue against Gong Yoo (Ep. 12 of CP), right? I mean, I was floored by Gong Yoo in that episode. Just floored. And i think we can all watch that episode again, and then we can all have the same opinion.

So then it is really puzzling to me that my last pick, Sung Yu Ri, in Snow Queen could be that far off. How can we disagree so much? And the same goes for me and my wife with Jang Nara for her role as Yang Song-ee in My Love Patzzi. And so I wonder, if I take it as an assumption that I am being reasonable, then vehement disliking of Jang Nara might be unreasonable, and so, if its unreasonable, perhaps its because the dislikers are disliking for personal reasons. And among the top personal reasons is because they don't fit into the disliker's model of what the character should be like (i.e., "feel threatened.") Anyway, that was my take.

If I eliminate the assumption that I am being reasonable, then if you guys are being reasonable, then I am completely off-base, and I should be worried about my own sanity or sense / taste. Well, the netflix DVDs have been sent back, so now I have to wait til the box set arrives.



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Has anyone watched Cinderella Man? I watched the first episode and found it very boring. I'll give it a chance though for a few more weeks before I decide to drop it.

Story of a man, on the other hand, is great! I'm loving it so far!

Cain & Abel, I'm excited to watch ep. 17 & 18 this weekend. It's approaching the end and it's getting very exciting!

Still have last 3 episodes of Terroir to finish this weekend.......


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I actually think Bi is a decent k-popper-turned-actor. In the few episodes I watched of Sangdoo, he was pretty hilarious. Great comic timing. I never had the, uh, pleasure of watching Sung Yuri act in any of her previous dramas, but I was pretty okay with her in Hong Gil Dong. Her cutesy acting irritated me at times, but girl sure can turn on the waterworks.

I just noticed an addition to WithS2's possible future projects. There's a Korean version of Kekkon Dekinai Otoko coming out? With Ji Jin Hee and Kim So Eun?? That's quite a good cast. I still haven't watched the jdorama though, and I've always wanted to. Must get on that, pronto!


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