Boys Before Flowers actress commits suicide

Oh, this is sad.

Jang Ja-yeon, one of the Boys Before Flowers‘ Jin-Sun-Mi trio of Mean Girls, was found dead in her home on March 7. Her death has been deemed suicide.

The police are still are still looking into the matter, but police have stated that after a first examination of the deceased’s body, there do not appear to be signs of foul play or struggle. Jang’s family does not want an autopsy, so out of respect for their wishes, none will be performed.

Jang had hanged herself at her apartment; her older sister found the body on the evening of the 7th. She explains that Jang Ja-yeon had suffered from depression, and prior to her suicide had been staying inside her room for long periods of time more frequently, signaling perhaps that she was falling into deeper depression. About 10 years ago, Jang lost both parents in a car accident when she was in high school, and has lived with her sister ever since.

But to staff from Boys Before Flowers, the 27-year-old actress who played the dimwitted “Sunny” character was “always bright and positive, with a lot of passion for acting. I cannot believe that she would commit suicide.”

Another source from the drama, however, said, “She was lively and passionate, but as a rookie actress, I think she felt a lot of anxiety about her future.”

Jang Ja-yeon debuted in the entertainment industry with a CF in 2006, and acted in the drama My Lovely Fool and a Drama City production called Love Hunt, Thirty minus three (with Sohn Tae-young and Park Ki-woong).

Jang Ja-yeon is not a famous actress, but it’s particularly shocking (and worrisome) given the drama’s far reach into the youth population. As we saw with the untimely deaths of Choi Jin-shil and Ahn Jae-hwan last year, a spate of suicides followed, and while I don’t want to diminish each passing by calling them copycat acts, it’s unfortunately true that they got tremendous press coverage and seemed for a while to spawn a “trend.” Best wishes to Jang’s family.

Via My Daily


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This is extremely depressing. I wonder why a lot of Korean actors turn to suicide?
I hope her family will be okay.


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Why is the BBF production plagued with such bad circumstances? This is so heartbreaking. Best wishes to her family.


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scary scary scary! ):


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What is up with this drama? Despite it's success, the cast has had so many bad incidents and now with Jang Ja Yeon's suicide, it seems weird to just continue filming as if nothing's happened. This is really a tragedy. I only hope her family can be comforted at this extremely difficult time.


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I am currently watching Boys Before Flowers again after having read about Jang Ja-Yeon's suicide. I've noted several things about many K-Dramas lately, and this one in particular. First, the bully characters (yes, that includes Jang's character Sunny) continuously make fun of others, saying things like they should just go commit suicide and die (yes, They really say stuff like that) as well as calling others ugly and therefore monsters. Despite the show's many romantic moments, attractive people, and even quirky and hilarious scenes the main actors find themselves in, there is an underlining darkness to it all. This is not the only Kdrama that undermines the value of women. The shows themselves reflect the culture, making a woman out to be an 'old maid' after 30. In many KDramas, single and/or unwed mothers are looked down upon and treated like garbage. Plastic surgery is at its highest in South Korea and extremely common among almost all celeb Kpop stars. All of this is part of the problem.
Since Jang Ja-Yeon's suicide, she brought to light even more of the problems that occur within the industry. Unknown to everyone, she had kept a secret log of those who had sexually used her in order to get her acting roles. Some of the people she listed included: "* Former CEO of Chosun Journal
* Vice-President of Sports Chosun – Bang Myung Hoon
* Chosun Central Journal’s Director of Advertising – Lee Jae Young
* Chairman of Kolon – Lee Woong Ryeol
* Chairman of Lotte – Shin Kyuk Ho
* Former KBS PD, CEO of Olive 9 – Go Dae Hwa
* Producer (PD) of KBS’s “All My Love” – Jun Chang Geun
* Producer (PD) for KBS, MBC, SBS – Jung Seho
* Producer (PD) for KBS’s “Boys Over Flowers” – Jun Gi Sang
* Broadcasting/Music PD of “Playful Kiss”, “Boys Over Flowers”, “Perfect Couple”, “Goong” – Song Byung Joon (Married actress Lee Seung Min in January of 2010)"

It is so heartbreaking to know these are the kind of things that go on behind closed doors, and actresses like Jang should not have had to suffer the way she did.

Read the fully story here: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/general/199670-jang-ja-yeon-story-hidden-side-of-s-korea


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I hope she rest in peace..
I'll be praying for the BBF cast, & her friends and family that they stay strong through this difficult time...


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Feel sorry for her parents may soul rest in peace(sunny)


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So Sad.
Unfortunately many depressed people don't see any other way out. They're looking for a means to and end and they only see death as their choice.
I will be praying for her, that she may be in a better place. And I will pray for the family in this difficult time.


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what with this drama?? its full of accidents and now a suicide.. so sad.. i hope it wont affect the show... condolence to the family...


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♫Teenage suicide~ don't do it! ♪


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omg this is so aweful
i feel so sad for her life.
i cant believe she had to go through that
this show is really cursed
what a tragedy. i wonder how they will continue


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there are so many questions surfacing from this, not the least of which is WHY? ...for that matter, why are they so many of them?! i am not korean, so if someone could paint me a quick picture please of whether is it just the celebrities, or in general? .....if it's just celebrities, it scares me to think that we, as an audience, contribute to this, inadvertently. are the netizens too fiercely critical? is it not in the general scope of the celebrity culture to be thickskinned and prepared enough for the sometimes-very scary anti-fans?? ...are antifans-- or is the culture that permits the existence of and permissiveness towards the brutality of antifans-- to blame?

........ this is a sad, sad affair, and i honestly think there's a bigger picture to this that we're missing, or perhaps not taking the effort to see.

technically, of course, i am curious about the event's repercussions for production, but if there IS a bigger picture to this, that should be the least of our problems.


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That beautiful young woman??? We'd only just discovered her. This stuff is just baffling. It makes no sense at all. Surely things in South Korea can't be worse than they are here in the United States. Horrible, frightening news. It's just all too sad.


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she really did acted well, I really feel sorry for her sister. though I am not a Korean and i have never seen her, I know she had d passion for acting. God knows best, may her soul rest in peace. too sad.


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omg i'm so sad...really i don't know what else to say, i'm shocked...


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i really just don't know what to say, i feel as if all this press coverage is allowing...not exactly but indirectly so, allowing those who are depressed make an easier choice about suicide.


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so sad!
She was a beautiful women, I hope she is at peace now..


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Is this drama series cursed or what?


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deeply shocked for this news! RIP is all I can say for now!


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so shocked and so sad...very sad....heartbreaking...


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oh my! *goosebumps allover* im at lost for words...

what is happening to the korean artists, another suicide?

... is this still part of the BOF curse... ok i'll shut up...

may she finally rest in peace....


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Were things so bad for the poor girl? She was so young, and had her whole life ahead of her...so sad...such a beautiful person driven to suicide...
The people of the korean entertainment industry should really think about whether they have the right to say "This one is more commercial, they'll bring us more money, they'll be more successful, etc". Should anyone have the right to determine whether to bring alive a person's dream or not...


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what is more sad news is that her parents(mother and father..) died from car accident 10years ago.
Since her parents hand down her she did not need to worry about livelihood..
I really hope she is at peace...


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:( RIP....hope she's finally found happiness in heaven.....gosh! to lose your parents in high school must've been horrific :(


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This really is such sad news. I'm sorry to hear it.


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when just a sudden death come its just shocking and disturbing.

RIP to Jang family.


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holy shit


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This is really really sad!

So many young Korean actors and actresses committing suicide.

Can some one please explain what will happen know....with BBF and everything else....i can't imagine the shock everyone is going though. Who would want to carrying on making a drama after this.

And how can they just replace her......

whats going to happen?


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What!? how is that possible?!


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I'm still in shock over Jung Da Bin's (from Rooftop Cat, My Sister-in-law is 19) death, even though it was such a long time ago. If only there was a way for actors to realize the true depth of their relationship with the viewers. Because we, as viewers, know how to appreciate genuine talent, and somtimes I wish there was a way to show the actors how we feel.

Not that I'm comparing the deaths of these two young actresses, but it's just so... tragic...

Best wishes to their families, and to the rest of ya'll, don't give up!!!


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Oh my. Not again. Sad!


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Ohmygosh.. I'm shocked.
She was so gorgeous.
Best wishes to the family..


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that is sooooo sad! like seeing your family hang themselves.. or anybody...
I feel sad for her family/sister...


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I don't mean to distract from the issue here, but a lot of people are tacking on comments about her beauty, as if that makes her suicide especially saddening. Are we saying that if this girl was ugly, it'd be less of a loss?

I noticed that a lot when people were commenting about the Rihanna/Chris domestic violence story. Like, "How could he hit someone so beautiful?" A LOT of comments like that. So ugly people are fairer game for brutality?

I mean, I know this sounds elementary, but it's worth repeating that attractiveness does not make a person more worthwhile.

That tangent out of the way, Jang Ja-yeon's suicide is just tragic. Condolences to her family.


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That was a disturbing thing to wake up to this morning. In response, I wrote up my own take on this latest celebrity suicide.

One of my biggest fears about all this is that these celebrities killing themselves serve to make suicide seem not just acceptable but normative.

Are we saying that if this girl was ugly, it’d be less of a loss?

That's a common reaction with celebrity suicides, unfortunately. But suicides are a tragedy for the loved ones of the deceased no matter the appearance or the personality.


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i agree with Ashleigh, as if these beautiful people are problem-free, recession-free, violence-free, depression-free...that only the ugly deserve to be in this and that ugly situation. these people beautiful and not so blessed with looks are all equal...they are made of flesh and bone and that they are human...

i feel sad...she is young and who knows what the future holds for her. i hope with the influence of BBF among the youths, no one will follow what Jang Ja-yeon did. depression is really a hard battle...people should only learn to think positive and see the world in a more optimistic way...

they always say she was "happy and cheerful" on the set of BBF, well...that is a depressed person's defense mechanism...and there are people who successfully overcome depression because the way they changed their mindset over things that happened to them, while there are those who resort to suicide.



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I just google her name and a lot of website talk about the suicide.It s because she is a star that people talked about it but suicide are extremely common now because of a lot of reason; financial crisis depression..etc .and I think it s become natural for someone to kill themself than trying to survive. Careful, I am not blaming her act. I am blaming mostly what conducts to that way and I don t think it is drama industry itself.
I feel sad that she arrived to that extend cos she really look like someone that can overcome her harder time.


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I think people tend to comment on her beauty because it seems almost like a waste to die when you're that beautiful and people appreciate you more, or maybe that's a reason to be depressed about. Suicides are just sad in general and I wish people wouldn't go that far. It's more sad than people who die naturally.

On something off topic, I just noticed that on these comment forms, the name is automatically filled in.


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seriously! wrote:
they always say she was “happy and cheerful” on the set of BBF, well…that is a depressed person’s defense mechanism…

That's true. And for a lot of people "in the public eye," the pressure of having to keep up that happy cheerful appearance in public becomes an even greater burden that can worsen the depression and the thoughts of suicide. The swing between happy-in-public and despair-in-private can exacerbate things, especially when you feel you can't escape the cycle.


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it's really a shocking news...
she's really a lively actress in BOF...
there are so many people commiting suicide.... it's really sad...
may she Rest In Peace in gods hands...


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This is too sad. Another Korean celebrity suicide, just when you think its over.
Its been a while, so i guess that makes this one more surprising, yet at the same time, its not surprising to hear of a korean celebrity commiting suicide. So many things are wrong with the entertainment circle for this to continue to happen. I really wish that these people could see suicide is not the answer. Its so sad to have to hear about. And for her, she was sooooo young, and had such a bright future ahead of her. Another bad thing to happen to the cast of BBF, this being the worst so far. Its quite shocking. I never expected her to do such a thing, but then again, i dont know much about her and her life. But i guess she was depressed, but still I can never understand how people can take their own lives.

My condolences for her family, friends, and the whole cast/crew of BBF.



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I thought the suicide wave was slowing down ;-; This is heartbreaking, and I'm pretty speechless even though I don't watch BOF. Best wishes to her family.


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@ #36
>>>they always say she was “happy and cheerful” on the set of BBF, well…that is a depressed person’s defense mechanism…
>>>The swing between happy-in-public and despair-in-private can exacerbate things, especially when you feel you can’t escape the cycle.

it's about approach.

the very sad thing is - a lot of people out there associate strength with someone positively not complaining about anything in life and just taking everything in their stride.
people in general just get tired of hearing about negativity in anyone's life. they normally prefer to hear about how good one's days are.

~ the happy upbeat person who doesn't complain is always perceived as stronger, tougher (even if they're not and are always seeking help)

~ the one who whines is weak (even if they're not weak and settle things themselves independently, after whinging).

unfortunately, it is when one keeps stoicly mum about the many stressors or negative incidents in life that these things build up and become overwhelmingly out of control sometimes.

once it gets to that point; coupled with more stress, serious lack of sleep (or insomnia - inability to sleep) ....
accumulatively - it can totally escalate matters, rationality/reasoning ability and spin issues totally out of control.

though we often hear depression is hormonally triggered and a mental imbalance ... i believe depression does NOT just come out nowhere to plague someone.
i personally feel their environment, social network, and people around the person contributes in a large part to the state/well-being of the depressed person's mind and their perception of things as well.

it's sad it had to come to this shocking end for Jang Ja Yeon.
i really hope there's more peace for her now. RIP and condolences to her loved ones.


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yes, it's time somebody starts a movement, where it's chic to go to the therapist. a sign of wealth and part of the fashionable me-first culture, to get your weekly session of mental health restoration. celebs with money can afford it, but what about those just starting out, like jang? maybe it comes down (again?) to how the higher-ups at star agencies (if she was attached to one), would allocate money to look after their investments. of course, it's easier to just walk away, pretend/hope for the best, or keep the human meat-grinder switched On and scout for new faces to replace the old and weary?


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That's too sad. I think she had the potential to become a successful actress following BOF. I heard that a k-celebrity died but was shocked to find out it was her!! I hope that celebrities don't think that suicide is the 'only' way out of their problems.


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I can't believe this.. very sad !
The truth is that i can't believe that's suicide
in other countries they don't make such enounce so quickly ...it's seem's that it's repeating in fast frequency, she's just began to succeed...and maybe every person 1 of 5 get into heavy depression but you know they have medication for this, it's just doesnt seems logic


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Jeee.....this is awkward?! Rip fela.....but i really don't think committing suicide sud b d next thing coming up unto someones head? If jesus didn't commit suicide at his critical stage, I wonder y we sud commit suicide.....my condolences to her parents thou..save journey wherever u are but didn't u think about being too young b4 u died?!¿


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Its kind of hard to believe
Best wishes to her family


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awww....terrible news! RIP and condolence to her family.

off topic: for some reason in this picture of her, she look almost like Sohn Tae Young.\


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always shocking to read about celebrity suicides. T_T

I wonder if it had anything to do with her role in 'boys before flowers'...
she might've attracted lots of hate from evil netizens...that seems to happen often.
Whatever the reason was for her depression....hope she's at rest wherever she is now. RIP


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With all the attention she received due to BOF I was expecting to see her a lot more of her in the future. It's mainly thanks to her character that I view the Vipers with amused indulgence rather than the dislike I have for them in other versions.

We joke about the curse of BOF but this is just sad. Even with all the positive things happening to her all this poor girl could see and feel is the negative.

My deepest condolences to her family.


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If you view this as one of the producers in the show - it may be a heartless view - but this is SOME press going on for BOF. While suicide and accidents are never a good thing to see in the news, these news of car crashes, hospital visits, suicide and the constant rumor of a "Boys Before Flowers" curse, will only make more people watch the show.

Bad publicity is still good publicity.


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that's shocking! my condolences to her family :(


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that so sad! it's such a shame, the drama is so popular and now this beautiful actress is gone T.T

gosh has anyone realized that BOF drama has such horrible things happening to the main cast? first accidents and now a suicide!!

i hope she rest in peace


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