Music director defends Boys Before Flowers soundtrack

We’ve all griped (more or less) about the uber-cheesiness of the Boys Before Flowers soundtrack, and so have Korean viewers.

Complaints have mostly been leveled at the overuse of the songs, rather than the quality of the songs themselves. (In fact, the individual songs are enjoying great popularity on music charts, almost on par with the drama itself.)

But now the drama’s music director, Oh Joon-sung, is coming out to defend his work from detractors.


Boys Before Flowers OST – “별빛눈물” (Starlight tears) sung by Kim Yoo-kyung. By the way, I hate this song. I hate how it’s used in the drama (angst! tragedy! Sturm und Drang galore!), and I hate it on its own. On the other hand, I did get repeated requests to upload it, and this post is as good a place to put it as any. [ Download ]

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For the record, Oh Joon-sung has worked on the following dramas: sageuk King and I (which also starred Gu Hye-sun), Get Karl Oh Su-jung, long-running historical Jumong, That Woman is Scary — and yes, as we suspected, PD Jeon Ki-sang’s previous projects Witch Amusement and My Girl. Yes, I think his choices have been awful in many of these shows, but I still have to have respect for anyone who has built up a career like that. Not all series can have stellar soundtracks like Soulmate or Coffee Prince. And yet, I really, really wish someone else had gotten his job.

Oh defends his choices, saying that inasmuch as scriptwriter Kim Soo-hyun uses dialogue to express the emotions of the main characters, the drama also uses its imagery to express its emotions. Okay, point taken, although I would advise Mr. Oh to think twice about using writer Kim as an example of something done right.

He continues: “In cases where the scenes show the characters’ sadness, we increase the gravity of the music.” He particularly addresses Episodes 13 and 14, which included lots of location filming in Macau and portrays the split between characters Jun-pyo and Jan-di: “The intention was to convey their feelings more through the imagery than dialogue.”

Criticism aside, perhaps the real proof is in the pudding — Oh adds, “It’s rare that an OST sees all of its songs becoming so popular. The Boys Before Flowers OST has found all of its songs entering the pop music charts. The soundtrack’s popularity is great, but the drama comes first. A drama soundtrack is just one way of expressing its emotions.”

Hey, nobody’s arguing with the principle of the matter — that a soundtrack enhances the viewing experience. It seems Oh skirts the issue at hand, though, because even if one agrees with everything he says, the fact remains that BBF’s soundtrack has been woefully overused and abused to the extent that it’s losing its punch. It does seem they’re adding a couple new songs into the rotation for Part 2, however, so there is that.

Via Asia Economy


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The more i watch the more i get annoy wit the OST,it didnt go well wit the story.Why not ask the singers who can sing ballade well to ring the soundtrack?Boys before flower is indeed an enjoyment drama.If it work more on the music there wil be great.


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The more i watch the more i get annoy wit the OST,it didnt go well wit the story.Why not ask the singers who can sing ballade well to sing the soundtrack?Boys before flower is indeed an enjoyment drama but If it work more on the music there wil be greater.


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The soundtrack and the drama do compliment each other but they did abuse the use of music!
hehe but the soundtrack is still a good one!
I like the SS501 song >"<


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I´m in love with this song <33


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Is this music director deaf or totally blind about the criticisms thrown at him, we just want an improved version of the musical score he will be using for the up coming series, he is definitely not mute in defending his usse of imagery=music, doesn't work here.
I was only appropriate once when they were in the southern islands..nowhere else.
but kicking bad peolpe in Macau was totally unacceptable..
on the other hand his hands may be tied due to certain circustances, having pop idols as part of the main characters...surely he might have been asked a favour to include other parts of the ost to be sung by the other bands.


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I couldn't help but agree..BOF soundtrack is not great .. the japanese hana yori dongo has excellent songs in the drama...:)


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When a people in any field can't understand the art of understand people that he is facing with i.e politician, musician, actor or music director event and cant read the peoples interest than he is a failure no matter hard he tried.


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i hate all the music in BBF.. such a shame


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I just watched the two extended previews for 15 and 16, and OMG, even these short previews were dominated by the lousy soundtrack. If the PD thinks that he is conveying emotions through the songs, he is delusional. He is distracting emotions. The soundtrack is not just even background--it instead drowns out the actual dialogue at places. JEez. The worst use of music in a movie/show ever.


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I've been substituting the BBF OST onto other dramas. This is nuts right?
I'm currently watching a sad K Drama and when the female character was doing the "tears down one eye" thing, I fully expected to hear the beginnings of STARLIGHT TEARS. "I'll be waiting for you....."
The power of this OST is unbelievable...I think they've embedded subliminal messages into these songs.


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this is my fav song in the drama!!! other than because i'm stupid of course. :D


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LAME EXCUSE. If I were him I'd use nise bossa novan sounds and spicey songs and then some nice slow tunes in the sad moments. They just reuse reuse and reuse cause they cant afford to get permission from other songs ;~;


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it's already weird from the beginning I think....
I mean...why it has to be Almoooost Paaraaaadise????
I don't get it...the songs is not that good compare to other kdramas
but crazilly after serious intense use of the songs I begin to like stand by me, and the SS501 song..but the rest is idk...


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Surprisingly, I dun have a prob with most of the songs. Its not great per say but still not overly bad. The only prob I have is like everyone else...ALMOST PARADISE! Good grief! Its soo overused and mostly in non-paradise situations! I used to cringe at it and pull down the volume tab. Now, I still cringe but I start laughing at the horrible choice of song, wondering how you'd comment on it. Lol.


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Stop giving poor excuses for overusing a terrible song at inappropriate scenes!


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The music is the biggest drawback with this show, in my opinion. It could actually have been SO much better had it had better songs AND had they used what they've got better!

The J-versions have soundtracks that I really like. They did have 2 different soundtracks for the 2 seasons. BOF really should have had a lot more songs to work with as the show progressed.

And I absolutely HATE how they have used "Paradise". Seriously, in episode 10 when JP comes out of the car and kisses JD - the fanmade version of that was so much better - as it used a different, and much better song!


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Just as Kimche said in her post: the very fact that the music director is coming out to defend the soundtrack gives more weight to the point that it really IS that bad... jeez, what bigger wake-up call does that director need really? *shakes head in exasperation*


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I think I have to agree......but disagree with people here. Although the songs have been used so many times-and yes I would laugh manically when it came on AGAIN- but now it's stuck to me like glue. I literally have that song ingrained in my head - my daughter loves it and I even have it as a ringtone. EMBRACE the music and the constant use-it IS the show's soundtrack. This isn’t the first time a show used their soundtrack only.......I came to the realization you can be desensitized...lol


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i think they use "almost paradise" too much!i remember the scene where the F3 appear when jun pyo was kidnapped!i seriously was LOL.the song doesnt even match the situation!but again I STILL IN LOVE WITH BOF!hahaha.
ps: almost paradise just appear in my dream yesterday!im not joking!its serious!


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Hahahahaah this is so true.

But I have to say, there is a such thing as an insert song done right, I can think of a few situations.

One Litre of Tears' use of March 9 and Konayuki, ESPECIALLY KONAYUKI, I cry when I hear it.

And Hana Yori Dango 2's use of Flavor of Life. They chose awesome moments every episode.

However, a lot of it can be super cringe worthy. Even Hana Yori Dango's use of Planetarium got a little over the top. I like Almost Paradise and Stand By Me (most of the songs actually) BUT STILL......wayyyyy too overused, and too many songs anyways.


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Off topic, but it seems like they are really milking the fiancee thing. I hope they don't drag it out for too long because I am tired of aching for JP and JD. And I am a grown ass woman who cried during ep 14--AND I KNOW THE STORY ALREADY! I can just imagine the hell the younger fans are going through, especially if they have no idea where this story is headed.

On topic--the soundtrack is not so much awful as it is awfully used. I have never seen a drama use its soundtrack so badly. It is almost always in the foreground not background, as it is supposed to be.


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For me OST makes the drama more enjoyable..


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"...although I would advise Mr. Oh to think twice about using writer Kim as an example of something done right." BAHA! THANK YOU!!!!

I've never watched a show before where the background music absolutely RUINED the scene for me. And honestly, watching these last few episodes, they can't afford to ruin anymore otherwise good scenes.


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Yeah! I know some of them are overused that why people already memorized the lyrics. But i really love this one...i know its cheesy!


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ALMOST PARADISSEEEEEEEE just totally kills a scene...They seriously put that song for almost every other scene whether it may be happy or just some random emotion... I think it's so funny how he's defending himself, which is basically like admitting that the song selections aren't good. I find it kinda ironic though cause My Girl had a fairly decent OST that seemed to match the emotions and such but it just isn't as happening for this drama. Like you said, I guess it's just the overuse of the OST in general. On a side note, I absolutely abhor Starlight tears; it's the only *sad* emotion song in the whole drama which makes it all the more depressing.


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I have decided to convince myself of the following in order to be able to keep watching BBF without wanting to grab my TV by the collar and shake it violently whenever one of the songs comes on out of nowhere and for no apparent reason:

Watching BBF is like working in a bell factory. Overall, a pretty rewarding experience after you get so used to being constantly surprised by the annoying ringing of the bells that you just don't hear them anymore.

From now on, I'm insterting my own musical choices as part of my brain's soundtrack--if not for anything else, then for the sake of my own sanity... Just like an annoying younger sibling or a best friend that bugs the hell out of you sometimes, BBF is still lovable. I'd rather have it with all its faults, than not at all :)


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The only songs I liked in the soundtrack was 'Starlight Tears' (not how it's used in the drama though) and 'I Know' (the sax instrumental). All the other songs are quite tolerable, except 'Almost Paradise'..... for some reason it just doesn't belong, like it's somehow out-of-place? And the songs in the soundtrack pretty much do good on their own than when they are incorporated in the drama. Oh well. Can't have 'em all, ne? ^^


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ene unheer goe kino . Ter ahnarigee


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um, yeah, I hate the soundtrack. It's obvious to me what sort of thing is going to happen next by the music.

I'm so sick of Lucky and Almost Paradise.

They ruin the show, a lot. Uh, thinking about it makes me annoyed.

He obviously doesn't take well to criticism. What a baby!


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Paradise - T-Max -> It's a nice song, but T-Max have better songs! 'Blooming' of their latest single, is better than Paradise. And as someone said, 'Paradise' sounds nice listening on your ipod or your computer, but I don't think the song suits the mood of the drama... it just doesn't sound much as an OST song.

내 머리가 나빠서 - SS501 -> I like this song and I think it sounds good when played in the drama.

알고있나요 - Someday -> My top fav song of the 'Boys Over Flowers' Soundtrack!

Stand By Me - 샤이니(SHINee) -> Also very nice song.

^The songs above are the only ones I like of the OST. But unfortunelly, I think the music director doesn't know when to play it. He plays the songs in weird moments and in scenes that doesn't match with the song. If he knew when to play the song properly, it would be way better.

The rest of the songs I don't like and I also hate how most of the intrumentals have solos played with saxophone. Saxophone sounds too cheesy. -_-'


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I hated this soundtrack, besides four songs: "Because I'm Stupid" by SS501, "Stand By Me" by SHINee, "Do You Know?" by Someday, and "Lucky" by Ashily. Even then, the last two selections weren't all that great.
My worst gripe? "PARIDISE" by T-Max. The song itself is annoying itself, but the compiler HAD to blast it in the drama OVER and OVER and OVER AGAIN. I can't help but cringe every single darn time they play it. DAMNIT.
I also hated that Starry-something song for the sad scenes. Annoyed the crap out of me.

Witch Yoo Hee had one or two good songs, but the rest of it sucked. Overused, annoying, horrible sounding selections.

My Girl was okay, I suppose.
Then again, I wasn't really paying attention to the OST that much. x]

That, and I hated the 1st Shop of Coffee Prince OST.
Loathed it and hated it.
Didn't like the drama itself and didn't like the OST.

The best Korean OST mentioned thusfar that I have had the experience of listening to is Delightful Girl Choon-Hyang, especially that one song that mixed traditional with modern rhythms. Awesome indeed.


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The fusion of traditional and modern sounds, at least in some points, like it would be right what the doctor ordered for this OST--something distinctly Korean rather than generic pop music that sounds the same no matter what language it's sung in. If it was the director's and the producers' intention to distinguish the Korean version from all the other manifestations of the manga story (and there are some hints in that direction with the stfonger emphasis on family ties, etc.), they've totally missed the train with the OST. A great opportunity to do something totally orignal and creative just gone begging... I think trying to please too many different groups of people has led to the show having a very incoherent, mix-and-match and lacklustre artistic vision behind it, driven more my commercial appeal than striking a chord with the popular imagination...


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Almost Paradise is just regular strength bad. It is tolerable if you just let your mind go a happy place while they play it, But Lucky? That song is so bad. The girl is off key and cannot sing. It is weird. I have never been into Kpop, but I have never doubted that they could sing. Where did they find this girl and why must we be subjected to her wretched, mind numbingly bad singing ad naseum? I love Starlight Tears though :)


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I agree. The whole OST is being overused.
I mean seriously, we're at Episode 16 now.
How many more times must we hear "Alllmost Paaaaradise"?

But what can we do? We watch anyways (:


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Hey..this is an Asian drama ok...
so stop bashing....
I'm an Asian...
I'm proud of my roots and i think the songs are great...
it gives the drama more feel....
if you understand the songs you will know what I mean...
Thank God I'm Asian....


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Yes I have to agree with cheerybell.. If you could recall the few first episodes were quite plain and there were lack of background sounds.. I find myself more interested after next episodes, thanks to the music which supports emotions.. I begin to like most of the songs although I dont not understand the meaning of the lyrics..
Maybe it is overused, but it does not bother me at all.. I like everything about this drama even though at first I hated it (I was HYD fan)..


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I'm in the minority opinion here, but I actually liked how the PD used the songs here. It kind of enhances Boys Before Flowers's postmodern stake as an ultimate teen romance fantasy, hovering between the pomp and circumstance of 80s John Hughes and the overload of post-Clueless 90s teen flicks. Many of the songs seem like they could have come between 1979 and 1985, straight out of Footloose. But the way the music is "always on" throughout the show, that's how late-90s teen flicks and Dawson's Creek were done. The Soundtrack of Our Lives, or something like that.

Having said that, he's pretty much using the songs in standard K-drama style. Every pairing gets a song; the main couples gets multiple songs to match different "light" and "heavy" situations. The difference here is the storyline. It's so loaded with these situations that the songs end up getting "activated" more often than they would in most K-drama romances. J-drama works somewhat differently. Usually there's only one insert song that's featured inside the actual show, and that's often narrative formality (i.e. nothing to do with the actual couples, but where the climax is about to hit.) In a big drama, usually each main character gets a main score theme. Often there isn't a theme that's necessarily "shared" by a couple. Rather, that theme (in a romance) is that of the female heroine and her emotional state relative to the male character. In other words, the film score is often treated as a private rather than shared experience. Sometimes, this is also done in K-drama. For example, in "I'm Sorry I Love You", because Moo Hyuk is enigmatic and a silent joe, the film composer would use droning motifs (what I call the "Ave Maria" music of MiSa) to convey his emotions, whether the actual situation was happy or sad. When it's done right, it creates an intimate, emotional connection between the audience and the heroine, where you feel like you're right there with them.

Case in point: In HYD-J, the "Blue Mind" instrumental is Makino's theme. Most people associate it as the HanaDan love theme, but variations of that song are used whenever Makino is fighting the school or if she's running off. The song itself represents her trials, which includes her relationship with Doumouji.


The best music of all the HanaDan versions actually goes to the anime version (I actually have the original CDs too.) For example, for the famous scene between Makino and Rui at the beach, the anime used Mahler's 5th Symphony. And the (massive!) orchestral score for the show Impressionism and Late Romantic-era composers.

However, the best pop song from the HanaVerse is definitely the original Meteor Garden theme song. I've always felt that it best reflected the F4.


"That, and I hated the 1st Shop of Coffee Prince OST.
Loathed it and hated it.
Didn’t like the drama itself and didn’t like the OST."

Oh but 1st Shop's second OST is the bomb, on par with Soulmate. There's loads of sadcore and dreampop, the perfect music for late-20s romantic drift. At least to me! :D


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Wonder why am I reading this now.. o.o


It's a good thing that it skipped me for the most part that they OVER-used the songs [maybe it is because i don't understand korean and that is really a bliss at this point?]

But I sure can see my ears sharpening if I ever choose to watch the whole drama all over again.


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please help
who knows what was the song in the last episode
when Jandi fell into the swimpool???


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guys do you know the title of the song in episode 5 where gu jo pyo is treating jan di's wounds?It is with a line 'lucky in my life'.


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anybody know where to find the background music (not songs like just instrumentals) i don't think all of them were included in the OST


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actually this song makes me cry. And also I luv this song. I can't help but reminisce jan-di's sufferings and also my senti moments.

And also mr.javabeans, can i ask you for a link exchange if you don't mind?


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the sound tracks are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it just makes me cry when i hear the fuckin best songs everI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII LLLLLLLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUVVVVVVVVVVV UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU kim bum,kim huye joong my adress is 80 smith street rhode island(kim bum and kim huye joong here is my adress to vistits me)


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WTF!! fighting over soundtracks doesn't make any sense...
actually, i admire the songs even though I'm from Netherlands...
i like the song tunes though i can't understand the lyrics.,,
i love watching asian tv shows...!!

and to kate (#93 comment), you're fucking right!!


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OST is good!!! Same with the movie...


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ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh wwwwoooooooooowwwwwwwww this is great


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I absolutely love all the songs, get lost to all of you who are complaining about the ost. Some people enjoy watching the show more because of its music.....
I love 'because i'm stupid', 'stand by me', 'paradise', making a lover, and other t-max songs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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i do have to admit they CAN be overplayed
but i dont really have a problem with the music selection, they are all good ..
except maybe almost paradise ... a little bit too cheesy and joyous

the only problem is that they use them at the wrong moments
like when the scene was all serious when Ha Je was bashing up Jun Pyo

and now we can so tell what's going to happen next in most scenes, for example if we see Jan Di walking and all of a sudden 'Lucky' comes on we know she's probably going to cry, and if 'stand by me' comes on Jun Pyo is probably gonna pop out of nowhere D:


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actually the other songs are great....,,, but its too (over) or too much songs they put in the bof,, cant u see in every scene they did not use it in a right moment...other songs are not actually related....im kinda dissapointed in it... but im not just looking in the wrong side...look on the brighter side other songs are great...
almost paradise
stand by me
and othersss....and i really love the making a lover dbest of all!!!!>......


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hello can i get the track list of boys over flowers


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