You are one skinny pregnant lady, Sohn Tae-young

Actress Sohn Tae-young (I’m Sam, Sad Movie), newlywed bride to Kwon Sang-woo (Bad Love), is currently pregnant with the couple’s first child (they married in September).

As her due date is at the end of February, this means she’s almost in her last month of pregnancy in these newly released photos, and with the exception of her slightly protruding abdomen, she looks absolutely unchanged from her usual tall, svelte self. I mean, that last shot below looks like she’s posing for a clothing ad, not lugging around a nearly full-formed human being in her body.

Wow. Good genes ftw.


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Im 6 months pregnant and people say I dont even look pregnant. It could jus be her because Im a skinny girl (athletic) and I eat and eat and eat and only gained 5 pounds. Im having a girl December 2.


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I am amazed by how many people are criticising this woman and assuming that she is starving herself.

I am now eight months' pregnant with a bump that is possibly even smaller than hers, despite living a very healthy lifestyle. This has caused me some anxiety, but every time I have been to the doctor or the midwife, I am assured that my baby is a perfectly good size and growing well. And I can tell that she is growing well because she is inside me and moving around, and every week her movements are bigger and bigger. I have gained less than 10 pounds and have just over four weeks to go.

I think people really should just trust this woman to do right by her baby and to believe that if she is worried, she will see her doctor, just as any other expectant mother would.


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Everyone loves to hate on skinny women. Sorry guys, we live in a fast food world. Over half of the population is overweight. Why does everyone think you need to be huge? As long as the baby is getting what it needs, then everything will be fine. She probably has a professional calculating exactly what she needs to eat every day, and giving her supplement. If I were an actress, I would do the same thing, and so would you. Stop hating on skinny women. Your just jealous... deal with it.


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