Park Shin-yang criticized by netizens, SBS denies involvement

On January 6, a netizen wrote on an online café some words of criticism for Painter of the Wind star Park Shin-yang, pretending to be the drama’s director, Jang Tae-yoo (at left, with Park on far left).

No big deal, right? I mean, anyone can comment on this site using the name “George Clooney” and nobody would think it was actually him, wishful thinking aside.

But no, anything dealing with SBS and/or Park Shin-yang must be handled awkwardly. SBS made an official statement asserting that PD Jang was surprised to find himself in the middle of a commentroversy and that he did not, in fact, author the comment, following criticism of PD Jang because of it. (And I say: SBS, are you unclear on the concept of the internet?)

Apparently PD Jang, who worked with Park Shin-yang on their previous drama War of Money, is a good friend of the actor — in which case, shouldn’t this have passed without a fuss? I just think this is hilarious — what, after you banned Park from your station, SBS, are you suddenly afraid of somehow offending him?

Via Star News


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It wasn't SBS banning Park, the producers' association did.


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^ Yes, you're right. Of course, after SBS kicked up a fuss over War of Money, shut Park out of the Daesangs, typically ignored his role in Painter in press (although yes, Moon was really the draw there), and generally showed a "punish him" attitude, it's not too far from the truth.


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Teh intarweb is SERIOUS bizness.

Word I Like For The Day: Commentroversy!


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Sorry to be a late comer to this "controversy" with Park Shin Yang but what is the controversy? What happened? Why did he get banned?


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I guess they want to beat him from the all sides...
So, PSY got banned on the whole tv or only on SBS projects? For how long exactly? It's strange issue and i wonder if they actually paid him for War of Money (was is about that extra episodes?). We already know that korean celebs are paid for the role like in America but i think its fault of tv stations since they make deals like that. Once they have money and then they don't... They could just refuse and promote the new stars. It's not like unexperienced actor doesn't have predispositions to make it big. You know - one significant appearance and you are a star.
Park Shin Yang, it's not like he is my favorite person in drama world but i pity him a little bit (maybe not about money but that ban issue). Time is ticking and i guess his just ended as a lover drama character.

BTW, Director in the pic looks like younger brother of PSY :D


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Yes, I'm also unfamiliar with the Park Shin-Yang controversy. I've heard bits and pieces here and there ... mostly that he was asking for exhorbitant amounts of money for his dramas?

What is the general public's consensus of this actor? Are people supporting him or shunning him? I really do like his acting, and I hope this ban doesn't spread to include the other networks as well as movies.


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About the PSY ban matter:

I still think the ban should be lifted.

Just what was SBS doing - good cop, bad cop?


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wow they really do look alike. i thought the director was kimdongook/harim at first!


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I feel so bad for PSY. Why can't they just leave him alone? I hope PSY never works with SBS.. What has PSY done to deserve this treatment? I think the reason why he's become a target from the drama association and the media is because he generally refuses to compromise when it comes to business which also explains why there are a lot of controversies surrounding him.

About that director, yeah, he's actually famous for resembling PSY.. he's called mini-PSY. I can't believe someone wrote such comment pretending that PD cuz they seem to be good friends.


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ahhahaah i was so confused at first...

i thought that the netizens were angry that park shin yang was criticized for "dressing up" like the PD and that the PD was not a part of the whole "dress up" idea.... ahahhahahahh... o gosh -____- i read it sooo wrong...


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Jang Tae Yoo was in a heated controversy of his own when POTW was airing. He rewrote scripts at the last minute to fit the story he wanted, which was whatever made Park Shin Yang's character the hero of the drama.

POTW started with so much potential to be great, but it only got gradually worse as Park Shin Yang's and Jang Tae Yoo's egos became bigger and they couldn't understand the story is supposed to be about the woman, Shin Yoon Bok and not the man, Kim Hong Do.


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Wow, Jean, is that your page? It's really nice!

Thank you for shedding some light on this matter. Such a shame that PSY has to suffer because someone wants to renig on the contract and then turn it around to make him look like the bad guy. I hope he can overcome this and prevail ... he really is a fine actor!


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To edgy: I searched on google and came across this that I feel comfortable referring. PSY is too good to be wasted just like that.


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This is the best site -- I visit daily-- thanks for the shoutout!

(Sorry, I couldn't resist, dear Javabeans.)


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It's crap like this that makes me a little ashamed and embarassed inside to be Korean. Complete faux pas and amateurish for SBS to even think that a denial was even necessary. And that association banning Park Shin-yang from TV? He should sue IT for tortious interference. But then again, Korean justice system is a little wacky these days so who knows? Park Shin-yang could get blamed for contributing to Korea's current economic hardship!


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Jang Tae-yoo looks like a mini PSY on this pic


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having read the site & btw thnx for that link -- i think it's just fair that Park Shin got paid for that WOM bonus project no matter how exhorbitant the cost imight be cause he'd done a good job & made his fans entertained with it! i agree he's got a family & a little one to support & give him a break -- his colleagues should support him as well cause he's one of the finest Korean actors & i know that watching & re-watching Lovers in Paris & not only in that drama but others like War of Money, The Promise etc. Give credit where credit is due! (btw yes the director & PSY could pass a brothers they have a striking resemblance). i hope & pray that they lift the ban on him & settle it amicably, after all he did one of his finest roles in that drama & am pretty sure it did well in ratings. More power to you Park Shin ssi & hang in there & hopefully this will be resolved to your favour!


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To Better Understand the PSY situation

Globally, indeed, there is a financial crisis. BUT still, what the Korea Television Drama Production Company Association (KTDPCA) did to PSY was too extreme and clearly there was much injustice here. I want to believe that in South Korea people uphold a “democratic” way of life….much opposite to that of the North. So why is it that the KTDPCA didn’t not even give much consideration for a proper “negotiations” first before acting harshly. Because in any broadcasting industry there are bylaws promulgated to protect equally the production companies and the actors. Laws and regulations are done after a consensus, KTDPCA can’t just decide on a new ruling just because they feel like it.

The crisis is also not PSY’s fault. You know why? Because it was recently posted in The Korea Times, that even Ha Yun geum (of the Korean Broadcasting Institute) admitted that the TV industry needs a “stable” and “effective” system in managing the money paid to actors. They even had to hold the seminar “The Crisis of TV Dramas and Normalization of Performance Fees,” to come up with possible solutions. So clearly, when the crisis hit them nobody was prepared ! No clear rules were set up yet. So where did that KTDPCA based their decision to ban PSY. Crazy right?

The instability of the payment system according to this article was caused by the following conflicting factors:

1. The “cash support” given to Major Networks VS. that given to Outsourcing Productions.

2. The actors’ fee computation based on the Grading System VS. Free Contract Deals

3. Unregulated sponsorships offered by businesses to the TV dramas.

So everyone has been the victim of the non-system they themselves have created. It’s like a “free for all” “anything goes” kind of system. So I think, that it was on this chaotic situation that PSY wanted to defend what is rightfully his.

Okey there are actors, like Kwon Sang-woo, who “voluntary” offered to have his fees lowered. That was really very good of them…but without a fixed system, how far do you think can this “voluntary thing” sustain for them? Financial crisis are volatile, it’s up, then it’s down, the up again. You can only volunteer for so long…in the long run if there will be no clear system to protect them …actors are going to jeopardize their own careers.


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Now I fully understand why I can't be a lawyer... coz my head hurts after reading Berny's comments. :)

To Berny: thank you for your insight!

Please help correct my elaboration on your comments if I misread you:

In banning PSY (but not Bae Yong Jun):

1) is the KTDPCA trying to get all the broadcasting stations to revert back to the "pay grade" system for all actors (actresses alike) so the outsourcing production companies have a pay scale to follow how much to pay to the actors - is that what they're going to do; and

2) if there's additional income from sponsors / overseas then that money will be the sole benefit of the the production company (assuming it can close such sponsorship deal without the broadcasting station) and a list of predefined (don't ask me who or how this list is set) top-star(s) involved will get additional rewards?

And one thing I am still unsure: the ultimate reason why this production company didn't pay up in the first place: was it because SBS (which aired the Money's Warfare and the bonus round) couldn't cough up with the money in the first place or was it because production company over-estimated the sponsorships it would get for the bonus round - that we're talking about around July 2007 when the economy was blooming bright? I really want to know if SBS is behind this or not... perhaps this is a super naive question?...

And most importantly to me on this matter really, who can override this ban, how else can we help, do you know? Anyone?

For those interested in reading the article Berny kindly mentioned and nicely summarized:

Re: this article, I think I saw news on Kwon Sang-woo voluntarily reduced his pay before PSY got the ban, but I also think that that was for his new work. In Park's case, his agency started this lawsuit way before the economy flopped (I think in July 2008 but don't quote me). There's no indication on whether Song Seung-heon did his "cut" / changed his compensation method for the East of Eden before or after PSY got the ban. I realize the reporter didn't quote PSY's ban in the article, but this article (Dec 9, 08) came out right after the ban was announced so the association or even worse, implied comparison was obvious (anyone who thinks it's not that obvious?). Having these actors and their nice gestures referenced, it made PSY look like he desersed the ban because he didn't drop the lawsuit, and this makes me more angry.


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Hi Jean, thanks for the insights and comments too. I’m really glad you believe in PSY too.

My knowledge of the entire situation is also quite limited, and I had just a personal understanding about it on the articles I have read online. But I hope his supporters can be vigilant because in some parts of the world, an actor like PSY is never and should never be treated like this. They should give him the respect he deserves.

I support him because:
1. He’s a brilliant actor 2. He’s a professional and he gives his best performance in every project. 3. He has surpassed a lot of challenges in his life.

I’ve never really read about the exact stand of SBS or their exact official statement, but obviously that station is the source of this all and then it was backed up by the KTDPCA.

This could be how it happened ? (please correct me if I’ve made a mistake somewhere):

1. For the past few years, there was no FIXED BASIS/ SYSTEM FOR COMPUTATION on actor’s fee, and was confounded by the influx of outsourced productions and corporate sponsorships. “Free Contract Deals” became the “IN” thing.

2. So I think it was in this “scenario” that the CONTRACT of PSY and SBS has been signed. (based on what I’ve read there is a contract signed ! ).

3. Then the global crisis became serious.

4. SBS then might have tried to re-negotiate with PSY, and perhaps proposed a settlement out of the contract (relying on other instances where other top actors volunteered to have their fee cut).

5. PSY might have (this is purely my personal hunch, it might not be accurate) declined because perhaps SBS cannot present him a valid system for the fee reduction…like the percentage basis etc…since according to the KBI they have not come up with a fixed system yet. And led to the filing of that lawsuit.

So SBS, KYDPCA retaliated and the rest as they say is history.

If there is indeed a legal contract signed, PSY has the right to take legal action and counter-sue. I just hope both parties settle this out of court. But they have to lift the BAN first!


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I lost sleep last night.

To Berny: Thanks for your insights; they are logical!

If you want to help escalate your unanswered voices on this ban matter, please visit:
This is a brand new site trying to take the counter ban voices one level higher so it's felt by the broadcasting stations.

Be prepared to work like crazy if you choose to help out but it's worth it if you believe you can help.

This site is accepting suggestions / comments for 3 days, until midnight Jan 11, 2009 (EST). Then it will finalize on all action items and set a schedule to achieve the "impossible" on Feb 5. 2009.

Dear javabeans, may I boldly ("뻔뻔") ask you to please put up a small post in your hot site; your referral will be dearly treasured and remembered; you have a very wide fan base and they listen to you! :) Only if you feel like. Thanks!


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i don't know, i kind of couldn't get SBS's point......
if they keep on banning PSY, other TV stations or movie company will want to recruit him when they could.
and if i were PSY, i would play even harder to demonstrate my ability for a better chance of big success, and that is definitely not going to work for the place once tried to ban me....
so.....what's the purpose for?
they want to save money, in order to lose other chances that can earn money?
i know PSY's pay is not inexpensive; however, his dramas lasted, right?
if they count on the following money PSY might make, they will know his values.


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Can someone research what other top actors are making or asking for??? I mean those in PSy's status?

Also how many actors actually sued based on their written contracts denied to them?

Also, Kdramas are major money making for Korea's Economy, so can someone figure these out???


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oh, this is not good for losing a one of a kind man, a man who have everything, great talent and nice personality. they should not do that foolish decision, because many people truly like and admired him due to his professionalism in terms of acting. His acting skills were very admirable. so please do support him.


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From I watched "The Painter of the Wind" I very appreciate actor and actress from this story both Park Shin-Yang and Moon Guen Yong. I think both all of them were able to play this drama very well. But I think in the end of this story was not clear because the head mother of the king "Jeong Jo" and her villians didn't be punished all and Jeong Jo gave Haewon to work in another country for a moment of the time it's not mean all Haewon's life, so I think SBS TV station should produce Shin Yoon Bok "Part 2".
As I know from a web site Shin Yoon Bok part 2 is Sharaku from the below details,
Another novel dealing with the Joseon Kingdom's enigma about Shin, ``Color, Sharaku'' by Kim Jae-hee, is gaining popularity.

The book writes a veiled historical mystery surrounding Danwon and Hyewon, and the Japanese secretive painter, Toshusai Sharaku.

The book offers an interesting view, which suggests that Sharaku (1794-1795), one of the greatest masters of woodblock painting in Japan, was Shin.

Sharaku is also known as a painter with an elusive identity who went missing suddenly after 10 months in Japan, leaving behind memorable paintings. The author spins a work of historical fiction, juxtaposing Shin as an undercover agent Sharaku sent by Joseon.

The book is set in 1792 when Sharaku, abruptly appears in the city of Edo and swept people with his distinguished work.

``Some research show that Kim Hong-do was sent by King Jeongjo to Japan as an undercover agent. But after studying the paintings of Hyewon, I found the styles of the paintings of Sharaku and Hyewon are very similar rather than those of Kim. So I assumed Hyewon could be Sharaku,'' the author told The Korea Times.

She also said that the two painters lived at the same time, and Shin's age is closer to Sharaku while Kim was 10 years older.

``There is no record of Shin almost anywhere in history except for one or two cases. Even Kim Hong-do is mentioned less than 10 times, showing how rigid Joseon aristocratic society was,'' she said.

Not only the cultural productions but also the Gansong Art Museum is holding an exhibition to show ``seohwa,'' or mixture of calligraphy and paintings, which shows traditional Oriental art combining diverse, affluent artistry with a time-honored history.

The museum presents 104 masterpieces including Shin's work ``Portrait of a Beauty.''

In the museum, Shin's four masterpieces ― ``Scenery on Dano Day,'' ``The Lovers Under the Moon,'' ``Who Will Be the Hero at the Brothel?'' and ``A Boat Party on the Clean River.''

To enjoy the works, visitors can compare the scenes of the drama in which Moon portrays the ``Scenery on Dano Day'' and ``Who Will Be the Hero at the Brothel?''

Genre Painting ― Sensual, Colorful

Known above all for his genre-paintings, Shin drew primarily the daily life of the Korean upper class, called ``yangban.''

Through their rich details, his paintings contribute to the knowledge of the customs and activities of the well to do in the late Joseon Kingdom.

His paintings usually show young scholars and noblemen enjoying themselves with gisaeng, or professional female entertainers, or simply depict the girls in various situations.

Given that the society was heavily ruled by Confucian moral norms, his paintings were often daring and sensual. But they kept temperance when he portrayed women's beauty without being too explicit

This is not only because he depicted amorous couples, but also because the gisaeng were the primary figures in his work.

With his daring use of women and their lovers as subject matter, Shin vividly depicted the passion and romantic tastes of his era. Shin also excelled at landscapes in the literati style with depictions of birds and animals, and calligraphy.

``His unprecedented colorful strokes and affection for women as the main subjects were unparalleled in the Joseon genre paintings. He was a libertine who rebelled against the Joseon rule by portraying forbidden subjects,'' said Kim, the author of ``Color, Sharaku.''

She said that he was also good at copying Danwon's paintings. But he also expressed his pent-up complex of being middle class through his satirical paintings.

``His paintings and artistic world seem to meet the demands of modern people who are good at expressing themselves. So that's why more and more novels, dramas and films are revisiting Shin these times,'' she said.

Credit : [email protected]



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I look forward to watching Shin Yoon Bok Part 2 in the name of Color, Sharaku from both all of you again Park Shin Yang and Moon Guen Yong. I like both all of you very much.


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I'm very crazy in your acting.


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