Lee Yeon-hee addresses acting criticism

Lee Yeon-hee has been picking up a lot of flak for her acting in East of Eden, which many feel has been pretty weak. And while the 20-year-old feels that some criticism, when stated with affection, can be motivating, “outright condemnation is a little hard to take.”

After many of those bad reviews came out, she received lots of encouraging text messages from friends and acquaintances in the biz telling her not to worry about the negative press, which, ironically, is what clued her in to the overwhelming press in the first place: “Because I was busy filming the drama, I didn’t know how much people were talking about my acting. Seeing all the messages made me realize it.”


She did feel better when producers told her to continue acting as she had been, and says, “These days if you were to draw a diagram of my brain, the entire cerebrum would be taken up with East of Eden, so the unwelcome words made me feel embarrassed.” Citing the many hours she’d put into practicing a dance sequence, she wishes she could get more credit for her efforts.

(I generally like Lee Yeon-hee, but I don’t tend to agree with her statement. She’s a professional, getting paid obscene amounts of money and given a ridiculous amount of attention for doing her job. If the end product is not good, the public is justified calling her on it. While it’s nice to keep in mind how much effort goes into something, we’d hardly say, “Well, too bad my car’s wheels fell off, but I’m sure those automakers tried.”)

Lest you start feeling sorry for the starlet, she goes on to decry, “I was upset seeing myself looking chubbier onscreen than I am in real life.” (I know we all have our own issues, but: Are you kidding me? Bish, plz. Lee Yeon-hee is practically pro-ana “thinspiration” material, so to hear her say that makes me pretty unsympathetic, if not downright cranky.)

It’s a bit interesting to see the amounts of criticism from East of Eden, because Lee has a pretty good valuation from her film work: Millionaire’s First Love and M, for instance. Then again, drama filming tends to be more draining and fewer takes are shot, leaving a tighter margin for error. Roles with lots of dialogue are given little time to memorize lines, and Eden’s dialogue is stylized, the article notes, and not quite natural. Plus, she’s acting opposite some pretty strong talent, which draws her own shortcomings into greater relief.

Director Lee Myung-sae, on the other hand, isn’t worried as she promotes her new film, Soonjung Manhwa, and Lee feels that this character — a frank, outspoken high schooler — is the most like her own personality.

Asked about her future roles, she answered, “If I like the character, I could work for free in a short film or an indie movie.” She’s most interested in taking on a thriller or mystery project next, though, hoping for a chance at a role like Yoo Seon’s in Black House, or “with Song Kang-ho as his daughter, perhaps, or love interest.”

Her latest film, Soonjung Manhwa, opens on November 27.

Via Hankook Ilbo, IS Plus




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Actually, I LOVE reading your comments belleza~ :)

*High Five* I'm a STH fan too. Even though he's like an epic failure..lol


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at first this thread was getting too heated but now its fun to sit back and watch. where's my popcorn?


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"where’s my popcorn?"

Don't worry about it. They have free popcorn over at Popseoul with the Rain threads.

"Even though he’s like an epic failure..lol"

I can't wait until Shin Tae Hwan meets the Dude at the gates.

Shin Tae Hwan: Hi God.
God: FAIL!!!
Shin Tae Hwan: Sigh. So where's the elevator downstairs? Do I get to keep my fabulous silver hair?
God: Yes. Your stylist did well. Lucifer agrees.


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“why are you dragging LDH and LDH fans into this? ”

Not so much that; EofE’s sparked a big shipping argument pretty much everywhere. And when I saw “everywhere”, I mean Korea. [belleza]

i mean in this particular instance (and also not specifically at your comments). in this particular instance, this article, where was LDH mentioned? this article is about LYH, is it not? suddenly you skip and scoll down a few comments, and LDH is brought in, and continues to be dragged into the discussion. if this is happening everywhere, than the people doing this here are just perpetuating this negativity. the poor actresses (because i feel bad for both LDH AND LYH) and their innocent fans.

Sorry but the people who dragged LDH into this were the ones that tried comparing her to LYH, saying how much LDH was than LYH. Oh my are we still in grade school here? Who’s talking about bullying? [BLAHBLAH]

first of all, uh, is that the case here? are you sure about that? i'm pretty sure a LDH fan wasn't the first to draw insult upon LYH HERE.

second, well, i don't know about you, but some of the reasonings here seem pretty grade school to me. for instance, you seeming to justify the insult of LDH and her fans by saying LDH fans did it first. can't you see? it sounds just like grade school kids saying, "well, she did it first/too so why can't i?"

an eye for an eye makes the world blind you know. just because someone else did it so you're doing it back to them, doesn't it make it right or okay.

and why are people just assuming that anyone and everyone who criticizes LYH is a LDH fan? it is likely, you know, that those comments come from people who don't even like LDH! they may be a fan of nobody in the show, except for the show itself, and still have something to say.
and which if i tell you that i think LYH is an exceptional actress (could happen you know, i have nothing against her and i'm ready and willing to be impressed), but i tell you i'm a LDH fan, would that just turn your world up-side down?

all i'm asking, is for people to take a look at their reasonings, and try to be fair. if this particular article enrages you, stick to the content of the article, to be fair, don't drag anything and anyone else that isn't specifically related to this article into it.


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@innocent bystander/LDH fan,

"in this particular instance, this article, where was LDH mentioned?"

To be honest, I didn't even realize all this fanbase stuff was going on until I went over to Soompi, and some people were talking about it. It's not particular about LYH or LDH; this happens from time to time with other shows with other actresses (not with actors, though; we all have multiple boyfriends anyway in K-drama land. :D ) For example, if you had a show with Yoon Eun Hye and Song Hye Kyo, Soompi may have to shut down. :D

In any case, if it's SSH/LYH, well great. That's what I personally want anyway.

Actually, I'm kinda rooting for Shin Tae Hwan and Ji Hyun to get together. That would, like, destroy Shin Myung Hun's brain!! :D


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This whole shipper war is getting out of hand. LYH&SSH fans you have a right like them as a couple. I personally like LYH&SSH as a couple but I don't go off on people that like LDH&SSH as a couple. People have a right to like which ever couple they want. This is the same for LDH&SSH fans, you too have a right to like LDH&SSH as a couple. So let's stop this nonsense and let everyone be.


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Yay, belleza! You're rooting for SSH&LYH!
You're too funny! Shin Tae Hwan and Ji Hyun getting together is something that would be considered a shock and a surprise to everyone if it were to happen. Yea, it would totally mess with Shin Myung Hun! I would think that this may enrage Shin Myung Hun so much that he may actually kill both Shin Tae Hwan and Ji Hyun!


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U funny mymy!! :D

"You’re rooting for SSH&LYH!"

Mm hmm. Since day one. Sucks to count me as part of your Klan, huh? ;)

"This whole shipper war is getting out of hand."

And pointless. The EoE crew has already told the press where the story is going. Why can't people just enjoy the drama without yelling at each other?


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wow people, just chill.
people are entitled to their own opinion(s). java and several others have posted theirs, and you don't have to totally blow at them because you disagree.

LYH seems like a sweet girl and i like watching her on EoE. however, i do think that her acting is very stiff, sometimes awkward/unnatural. if she wants to become a respected actress, she needs to recognize her weaknesses and work on it and not make excuses!


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"if she wants to become a respected actress, she needs to recognize her weaknesses and work on it and not make excuses!"

Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with an artist defending his or her work (and most actresses have.) The criticisms are what they are. 5 years later, Lee Young Ae is still vocal about the criticism she received over Dan Jang Geum.


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"Personally, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with an artist defending his or her work"

True, but when the defense is the artist saying "cut me some slack, I tried" (based on teh article) it's a pretty weak stance. She should acknowledge that she maybe wasn't the best and try harder instead of asking people to go easy on her because acting is so hard and tiring. Everyone else has to work in the same conditions but they manage to act better (maybe not SSH he's sort of mediocre) so that is a weak excuse on LYH's part.


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Belleza pleasepleaseplease reserve 6th STH fan spot for moi if he mess with his son with Ji Hyun, then just comes out of the closet to proclaim his love for DC his style by doing sthsth to YR, then when DC leans on HR to cry on and doing sthsth more to HR....and DC will be broken completely and join the STH fanclub...DW will follow.


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LYH never once made excuses about the quality of her work! I think LYH realizes that there's been negativity surrounding her acting and she excepts that but all she can do know is work her hardest and put a lot of effort into her acting which I think she's always done from the very beginning. People need to give her a break. I seriously don't know why people like to criticize others so much! Please just stop!


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sam, suppose you were an actor/actress, would you serious say that you are not the best actor/actress during an interview and discredit your own acting abilities? that's like looking down on yourself and not believing in yourself, so it wouldn't make sense to say something stupid like that. And when did LYH ever ask people to go easy on her because her work is so hard ans tiring? She just wished that people would have noticed the effort she put into the scene, which I think is totally understandable. If you studied all week for a test and even stayed up the night before to study for the test but failed miserably wouldn't you be disappointed? Let's be honest here, ok? Why do people take her words out of context and make it into what they want? People that do that kind of stuff are just sad!


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i think most o these bad comment are LDH fan they still piss that LDH did not have a romance with SSH yet so they will bad mouth LYH just because they are mad at the drama in EOE i think LYH as improve so much in her acting since the drama first start if u people haven't not even watch the drama dont be just a ass because if u have watch EOE till 25 u would not think LYH bad at acting


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I agree with others. Her acting is not bad at all. Maybe a bit stiff in the beginning, but that's to be expected when you're still feeling your way around a role. Yes, people are hating because she's been paired with Sungie and gets to make out with and hang all over him. I know tons of people would rather Lee Da Hae's characterbe given the honor. Criticism is great .... when it's warranted. Girl is not fat though so I don't get that. Anyway, Fighting LYH!!


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i personally think most of the animosity towards LYH is due to being an on-screen couple with SSH- when you've got a A-list or just a very high B-list hottie actor paired with a girl who has only been in a few mediocre movies- people are bound to feel that she's no good or that she's overstepping herself. Lots of criticism is expected for such an immature actress but i think it goes too far when people pick up little things and emphasize them- like isn't it a bit ridiculous for people to criticize heavily on her dance sequence as if she had committed some blasphemy- people should just focus on the overall acting.

as for the comment about feeling upset about looking chubbier on-screen. I don't think she means it seriously. it's probably a bad attempt at humor or trying to draw attention away from the criticism at acting.


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OMG I am over tired about shipping wars every where, soompi, coolsmurf, and now it's right here. .
Why people don't get the point of the article?

If they criticize one actress's acting, just look at [i]her acting [/i]. She can't act better because the co-stars in drama are not good (if you think so). Bad acting - that's her problem. If her face looks stiff, it does not look better because PHJ , for example, some times looks stiff, or SSH can't act. LOL.

Another thing that javabeans pointed out very well, is LYH's PR. She should seriously consider to improve her PR.
1. When people criticize her acting , please try to talk about her effort in acting. For me, her saying about hours of practicing is an "ok". Or, she can mention the stress being co-star with a lot of excellent artist (I remember Lee Ji Ah talked frankly about her stress and BYJ very careful in each shot). Another "not ok": wish people giving her praise on this (sounds like begging for sympathy).
2. It's obvious that if not she, then her manager should follow up the audience's feed back on her acting. And they should have talked about it. Saying something like, she's so tied up with drama and did not know about criticism until receiving message from friends ... it sucked.
An ok may be: in the end, receiving a lot of comfort from friends, ... thank you all for giving me more strength, I will try my best in the later part.
3. Concern about appearance, ahhh, this is so typical Korean, but not a celebrity. Obviously, every one laughs (I am no surprised). For me, it's like hearing Mariah Career talked about her short legs. Please, please, you are skinny enough (like all other 2 main female leads), it's no excuse for your flaw in acting.


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Belleza: count me in. I bow to all the veteran actors in this show: STH and Guk are my two favorite. They have no flaw seriously, and that's why no criticism. Don't tell me that Janice and Rebecca are not hot enough haha so no one fight for STH.


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"" i think most o these bad comment are LDH fan they still piss that LDH did not have a romance with SSH yet so they will bad mouth LYH just because they are mad at the drama in EOE i think LYH as improve so much in her acting since the drama first start if u people haven’t not even watch the drama dont be just a ass because if u have watch EOE till 25 u would not think LYH bad at acting ""

OMG : typical reply when any one says anything about LYH. Please leave us in peace, crazy fans.


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Why don't you leave LYH in peace is more like it!


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"OMG : typical reply when any one says anything about LYH. Please leave us in peace, crazy fans."

Not anyone's fan, I think it's obvious that you are LDH's fan, your response seems to be on the defensive side.


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>.< this is gettin me so angry ....... I was hopin for young ran to stay with dong chul but then SOME PPL shattered my whole picture of east of eden's ending =( lee da hae will havto end up with the bro , since ji-hyun will hav to be a committed wife unless well wat am predicting is a death between the 3 dudes


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I'm no shippers of any actors or actresses in EOE. What I can't stand is nobody
criticize others' acting abilities but LYH's. Although improved, SSH's acting is
mediocre and he is the A-list lead. Why not him, the writer, and/ or the PD?!!!

People! LYH is only 20 years old, may be she needs better PR skill in order to
survive all those vicious attacks, but I refuse to be one of those heartless ones
laughing about it like a bad joke!


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I also don't understand why people are so heartless and vicious in this world. Just stop all the hate!


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Not anyone's fan more like LDH lover
i still think that most of these bad comment are LDH fan or people that haven't seen
EOE because in every forum i go too i always see LDH fan bad mouth LYH just because LYH have more screen time with SSH like in soompi EOE tread is full of biss LDH fan who cant wait too badmouth LYH every chance they get


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Boy, there are some stupid people in this thread.

It's ridiculous that people are calling everyone who says anything against Lee Yeonhee an "LDH lover." Why are you dragging an actress into this who has nothing to do with this? Lee Yeonhee's acting criticisms have nothing to do with Lee Dahae and if you automatically accuse someone of being biased in LDH's favor, you're just showing yourself to be an unreasonable and illogical LYH fan.

STOP WITH THE COMPARISONS. If you make your opinion using logic and not automatic assumptions, people might actually listen to you.


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Seriously let's live at peace. A majority of time if someone says something bad about LYH than it's a LDH fan and if someone says something bad about LDH than it's a LYH fan. You may think someone is stupid but the other people may also think you're stupid. Not everyone will see eye to eye! Let's just leave it at that.


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sandy am not a fan of LYH am just sick of seeing LDH fan always say bad thing about LYH in every forum that i go too because most of the bad comment are uselessly from biss LDH fan that why i say most of these comment are from LDH fan unless their people who just don't like LYH for no reason and just like too badmouth other actress


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i just dont like LDH fan at all am mean all they always say on on EOE tread is how they cant wait for HR-DC too pair together but what about the pair of DW-HR if anyone watch the drama they would think DW-HR is like more like it sometime it really get to me about what LDH fan say because am a fan of YJH so when i see these kind of comment it really get to me how LDH fan can be so blind by their pairing of DC-HR that they don't even give DW a chance and i agreed with most of people who think that most of the bad comment in here are from LDH fan because i see in EOE tread in soompi all the bad comment are always from LDH fan who still piss that LYH is having more screen time with SSH then LDH am mean why cant they just be happy that LDH is with YJH in EOE


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LYH has really improved really, really a lot since since her she first started in episode 1. Her acting has improved tremendously, especially in the later episodes of EoE in the scenes with SSH. In those scenes, she really let her emotions flow and many viewers were touched by her acting, if you all haven't read...


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i agreed kuo ching LYH acting as improve allot since the drama first start if people would just watch the show before they start to say LYH acting is bad


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People I have been in all the pages for EOE, and believe, the ones that are talking bad LYH work is LDH fans, I have seen the same comments, and they still come here saying that they not LDH fans Omg you such a LIARSSS, PLEASE is not LYH fault that she is the one with more scenes with SSH, LDH is doing a good work, she is pairing with DW so stop being so childish about this just because she is not pairing with SSH, and be honest is because of this!!!!


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LYH, keep working you are great!!!


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I LOve LHY work, and i don't care what people think about her, they are just jealous that she is working with SSH, you great!!!


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LYH is doing great,,, keep it up, don't pay attention of this people they just mad that you are a couple with SSH!!!


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If Lee Da-hae fans are bashing Lee Yeon-hee, it was not in this thread. At least, not until the issue was brought up. This thread was for comments on an article about Lee Yeon-hee which had NO MENTION of Lee Da-hae.

So the question is: Why drag a soompi fight here?


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"don’t pay attention of this people they just mad that you are a couple with SSH!!!"

Speaking of that, Netizens buzz about SSH/LYH being an actual couple . . .


(well hey it's popseoul . . . so it MUST be true!!)


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Lee Yeon-hee actually stated in an interview that that's untrue. She wasn't aware of the rumors until she was asked the question.


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i agreed hahaha most of these people are the same one that still cant get over the fact that LYH is having more screen time with LDH so they will say bad thing about


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"Lee Yeon-hee actually stated in an interview that that’s untrue."

Yeah, I didn't think that rumor had legs. If it were true, Song Seung Heon would have kept it firmly under the lid. Also, while promoting her new movie, somebody asked her what she thought of the age gap in her character's situation with Yoo Ji Tae (also 12 years her senior), and she thought it was too much for her personally. Surprised nobody brought up Park Hae Jin and Park Shin Hye, actually.

I would imagine Im Yoon Ah would be in the rumor mill then. Her show's popular, and she WILL end up with a guy who's 10 years her senior.


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WEll if people think this is not true about they are couple we don't know for sure, but when they are couple, then can affirm it until their work is finish, so I think they are dating If this is true i am so happy for them...


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Well she is so pretty and talented, In youtube there a video when they are filming the episode when they escape, in the behind scenes they are eating together and SSH feeds her and she does the same, so for I think they are dating that would be great!!! I love this couple...


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"but when they are couple, then can affirm it until their work is finish"

Yeah, if anything came out about any coupling, it would come out after the shoot. Rumors are not always bad PR for the show, but SSH seems especially sensitive to it. When HHJ made some harmless comments about finding SSH attractive during Summer Scent, this lit up the gossip mill and upset SSH greatly. Purportedly, there was a lot of work tension onset during production.

"in the behind scenes they are eating together and SSH feeds her and she does the same"

SSH kinda reminds me of Kim Min Jong, in that other actors express great loyalty and gratitude toward him. He seems to build genuine friendships onset and is a true oppa/hyun to his juniors.


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Well at least she now knows that SHE CAN'T ACT TO SAVE HER LIFE!
She knows that she can't act, I mean she couldn't have thought of something better than the lame excuses she told us.

She's already been acting for 4 years and if she's not improving. SHE'S JUST NOT MEANT TO BE A FREAKIN' ACTRESS.


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well if u think she cant act then u must be a bind person who cant see anything or u just a biss person who not happy that she is getting allot of love from hot male lead quit being such a ass


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Bob I agree with you, they are just mad that she is getting famous, and yes she is improving, I can't tell this cause I am studying in this media not for an actress, but i have some time in this, and for everyone she is doing a good job, and SSH is not even mad about this rumor, he just smile when he was ask about this and he didn't say anything else so, let just wait!!!


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Must young ran appear in every episodes?.
She is still not famous, just upcoming !!! , nobody is jealous of her.


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i agreed with u megalove i think LDH fan is just mad that LYH is getting allot of love from SSH in EOE so they will bad mouth LYH any chance they get just because they not happy with the way the drama is going


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I have read all the comments/replies above and on other threads. Looks like LYH fans are all below 12 yrs old, kind of funny the way they are defending their actress. I think they the one who look panic.


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