Final trial starts in Song Il-kook’s reporter assault case

Just goes to show: don’t mess with a celebrity. Particularly one as rich and famous as Song Il-kook who doesn’t take kindly to be painted as a woman-beater.

To refresh memories: A freelance reporter, Kim Soon-hee, accused Song of assault back when she was trying to approach him for an interview regarding his upcoming wedding in January. He refused and went into his home. She sued that Song struck her in the face and knocked her teeth loose. He countersued saying she was a big fat liar. The court then ruled that the security camera footage supported Song’s stance that they had barely touched, to which she countered that the footage (taken from Song’s home security cameras) was doctored in his favor. A cameraman testified to back up her story. Song then accused the woman of false accusations and perjury.

The final trial regarding the false accusation claim opened on September 11. Now the actor’s reps are calling for punishment for her actions, requesting 2 years and 6 months’ hard jail time. Ouch.

However, with Reporter Kim maintaining that she is innocent of the charge, people are wondering how the judge will rule. Her lawyer said, “Another reporter present at the time testified that there was a physical fight with Song Il-kook, and in the act of shutting his apartment’s glass doors (in her face, I presume), five of Kim’s teeth were injured. … Ms. Kim has no intention of slandering Song Il-kook.” Kim said in her defense, “The investigators didn’t believe me and charged me with making false accusations.”

The ruling on this case will be delivered on September 25.

Via EDaily.com


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Yeah, you don't want to mess with Jumong/the Son of the Son of Jumong. SIK comes from a powerful, political family. If her accusation is true, it still wouldn't come out.


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I really don't know who to believe. I just hope that the person who is speaking the truth will find justice.


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man...let's just hope that the true comes out. It would be a shame that someone that many ppl like would turn out to be violent.


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I also heard SIK had friends in high places. Big powerful celebrities always seem to have the upperhand even if they're guilty.


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"I also heard SIK had friends in high places."

And that might be considered a understatement. His great-grandfather was Kim Jwa-jin. And much of his family is actively involved in politics. Some years ago, his mom was backing a unpopular politician, which hurt his public image. You can say his life prepared him to play the "Prince of Korea."

That isn't to say that SIK is or isn't guilty of the situation. To me, he seems like a gentle soul. But either way, this would have been buried.


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^ so basically this woman's toast :P according to wiki, his lineage is a bit contested? anyway hope justice prevails, sooner rather than decades later.


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I don't really see why a person(reporter in this case) would go through all the trouble of making up such an elaborate story. Sure she can have a personal vandetta/ want money..ect..But come on..Lets be realistic, reporters can get in your face..maybe she pushed a few wrong buttons and he exploded..Just a theory/speculation.


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two stories?
"Another reporter present at the time testified that there was a physical fight with Song Il-kook, and in the act of shutting his apartment’s glass doors (in her face, I presume), five of Kim’s teeth were injured. … "
and in another account- she grabbed his arm and when he tried to take his arm away, he accidentally hit her.

in either report, she's at fault. if it's the first one-she shouldn't be harassing him and trying to trespass. if it's the second one- she shouldn't be grabbing him. She must have grabbed him pretty hard, making him feel threatened, if he felt the need to forcefully snatch his arm away. And if it's the second story, then it's dumb of him to say they never touched because he could probably sue her for physically harassing him on top of libel. And if this was a situation between a random guy and a random woman grabbing onto a guy, harassing him and invading his personal space and there were witnesses- those witnesses would have probably said that he wasn't in the wrong, that it was an accident, and the woman was crazy.

I think the situation might have been this: he might have hit her accidentally while snatching his arm back/closing the door but because she was such an obnoxious woman- he refused to apologize and she got mad and resentful. It's like one of those cases where a woman spills soda on a restaurant floor, then slips on it herself, and then sues the restaurant for it.


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It doesn't feel like both are really likely to me.

Much more likely? Both think they were right. Here's what I'm thinking. She pushed a bit too closely... Up there it says that a friend of hers said that he slammed the door in her face, therefore hurting her teeth. Everyone knows reporters/paparazzi gets too close for comfort sometimes. Maybe that day he wasn't having such a great day, she comes to push him, he can't escape her questioning and maybe when she stepped in front of him to talk to him, he pushed/walked right into her and heads for his apartment. He hit/elbow her, the tape might've shown him walking past her only. Whether intentionally edited because of his supposed connections or that was the angle... *shrugs* She comes after him (after all, if she got hurt by the door, she must've been AT the door) and he slams the door, not cautious enough of the fact that she was behind it.

I'm thinking both are/are not at fault. To me, it looks like a case blown out of proportion, with both too reacting too quickly, but not with any really violent intentions. However, my version is kind of neutral, but if she was physically touching him instead of just blocking, then he had ever right to yank back. I just don't think he'd hit her intentionally (if he did at all), especially since they say the teeth was hurt by a door. Cases like these are really "he said, she said", aren't they? Anyway, regardless, if he didn't want to answer, she should've left... Then this whole nasty scenario would be avoided. And I REALLY don't buy hitting others without being provoked, especially him an idol with an image.


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who cares about his family history. You guys dont know the man. You guys dont know what happened. lets just hope the truth will be revealed


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"who cares about his family history."

It's just to say that SIK comes from a powerful family in Korean society. If her story was true, we won't know for a long time. And if her story wasn't true, we still won't know for a long time.


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2 years + jail time??? Even if she was guilty of all those accusations, I still think thats dumb and doesn't make SIK look like a nice guy either.


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and there's always the likelihood of a personal vendetta that could be settled outta court, now tying up court resources since there's money/ego to burn (or kept from burning further :P )


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“who cares about his family history.”

only as far as how much it's already public knowledge or perception, & maybe how it enhances people accepting him as historical royalty. that extra dimension's gotta give him the leg-up. i wonder for example, is his "illustrious background" ever used by journos talking about him, or in marketing??


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In my view reporters get what they deserve! They are intrusive parasites! If you camp out on some ones doorstep, can't take no for an answer and grab hold of the person to prevent them from entering their home, getting caught by a moving arm/hand/door is the price you pay!
These freelance reporters are out to make a buck any way they can, if you can't get a story make one !


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Thanks for following up on this. I always heard about the initial charge but I hadn't heard what happen since.


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@Ter- He might just be pissed off. From his point of view, he was right, in whatever happened, and SHE (the one in the wrong) sued him. He MUST be really angry because their image is being dragged through the mud and she's at fault. His "Korean Royalty" image is not going to go scot-free. It might hurt his career to have this "scandal" and "women-hitter" stamp on him, and as an actor, who wouldn't be angry?

In this case, I might not agree, but I can understand. I don't think she'll really end up with 2 yrs jail. The paparazzi itself has been getting too close anyway. (Actually, there needs to be more laws out there for them everywhere). Publicity is one thing, but harassment isn't, and he's not the "news-seeking Paris Hilton" type much either.


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Many of us in Nigeria were introduced to Korean movie through the drama of Sook Il Gook -Jumong and Kingdom of the wind and Emperor of the sea. He was awesome in all the movies. As for the reporters story, they say that Heaven know no fury like a woman scorned. The reporter must be feeling like a jilted lover and wanted her pound of flesh. If she lost some teeth there should be Doctor's report to that effect, secondly just like she does not believe the video footage, why should other rely on the collaborative story of her colleague who share her interest, both of them suffered SLG indifference and shun. Looking at the man you can bet that he is incapable of behaving in that manner. Reporters should be able to draw a line, celebrities are human with human problems, you can make a living by invading another person's life. He has a right to say no.


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if it was the statement given by other local eye witnesses i would have believed her story but if it's her colleague acting as an eye witness then i would find her hard to believe just because they are friends and friends help each other out in right and wrong. Also she is a freelance reporter who are desperate to make it and can be dangerous enough to frame someone to get noticed.


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