Ahn Jae-hwan found dead in apparent suicide

Sigh. So 2008’s really not been a good year for the celebs.

Actor Ahn Jae-hwan (Secret Lovers, Entertainment News), 36, was found dead on the morning of September 8 in his car. The death has been tentatively ruled a suicide.

Apparently, the body was found to have been “severely decomposed,” indicating that the suicide occurred prior to the 8th, although the actual time of death has yet to be determined. Preliminary speculation ranges from one week to a month prior. Charcoal briquettes were found burned inside the vehicle, possibly contributing to cause of death.

Still a newlywed, Ahn married comedienne-actress Jung Sun-hee in November of 2007. A suicide note expressing his love for his wife was found at the site of his death.

Netizens are speculating on what drove Ahn to suicide. Some blame the failure of his new cosmetics brand, which Ahn had launched via home shopping television earlier this year. As a result of wife Jung speaking out about the mad-cow vigils back in April, sales dropped. Further broadcasts were canceled and the brand experienced drastic sales drops, with some viewers boycotting the channel. (As a result, the current internet response is heated, with some netizens lashing out at others, asking, “Do you feel better now, you hateful netizens?”)

There were also rumors that Ahn, because of money issues, had been in discord with his wife for several months.

Pictures of the car have been published, and because they are somewhat unsettling (WARNING!), I’m putting them behind the cut.


Wife Jung Sun-hee

Via Edaily, Asia Economy

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Also, Emma C, I don't think you're as sympathetic as you believe yourself to be. A sympathetic person wouldn't have written what you wrote to me.


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how did he kill himself? I also want to die preferably quick and painless but I dont own a gun definitely no hangin or wrist cutting pls give me advise


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************FIND THE KILLER*******************



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And now Choi Jin Sil.. what's the world coming to.. and i've read in the Korean Times article that her suicide is actually linked with Ahn's. Apparently she lent Ahn 2.2 Billion Won.. or 2.2 Million USD... such a tragedy.. Choi Jin Sil was one of my favorite actresses.


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this is scary..

first he dies
and then choi jin shil dies. and choi lent that guy money no to long ago. and then he died on sept 8th. (commiting suicide) and then choi commited suicide..

and i realized lots of korean famous people r commiting suicide.. and dont they have money. shouldnt they be happy. i dont understand the. they have all they want. and theyre still not satisfied.


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A permanent solution to a temporary problem. That's suicide.
Ahn Jae Hwan, and then Choi Jin-sil. R.I.P.


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wow geezus anti fans should really stop causing these things.


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what still baffles me after so many weeks is how he went missing for almost a month without anyone even wondering where he is, or if they're calling him, why isn't he picking up his phone... i mean, where are his friends and family? it's just really sad and disturbing. it's bad enough that he chose to end his life because all his problems just weighed in on him so much, but for your body to be discovered weeks after you actually died... that's even more miserable, i think.

R.I.P... May he rest peacefully in heaven.


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my thoughts and prayers go out to his wife and family.it is easy for people to say we are selfish when we attempt or succeed in committing suicide but i have endured depression since i was nine years old ,so for thirty years i have tried to kill my self my last attempt was this july 9,2008.i had been in therapy before this but my insurance ran out so i couldn't go anymore and because of money issues i would try to stretch my depression meds so i wasn't taking them properly.i was hospitalised but now i have outpatient care. i am not allowed to have any meds in my house .my husband has to take them when he leaves for work.you may not understand this but i still cry almost every other day for no reason,i barely can get out of bed, and don't eat right all the time i rock myself in bed and shake crying ,i can't remember normal things like what day it is etc.depression is a very debilitating illness which is a chemical imbalance of seritonin in .the brain . we can't snap out of it or get over it like that our brain won't let us . so please don't say we are selfish because we are not
we just want our pain to go away and most of the time our brain says suicide is the only way out . eventhough there is hotlines and people to help us when we feel that way. the stereotype and stigma of being so called nutty , crazy,fruitloop etc.causes us not to seek help i can only imagine how worse it is for a celebrity
not wanting to be stigmitized but i hope that they read this and can seek help and not be afraid like i was fifeteen years ago when i almost died from another overdose.my fourth attempt,which i didn't realize until the next day was my nephews twelfth birthday.so if there is anything i can do for anyone out there i live in the USA,but i can write letters to help you find the strength for us to battle this illness together as friends.i don't hide it anymore if people ask why i'm out of work i tell them the real reason so perhaps someone will get help and not be afraid to seek counseling.we hate feeling like this , even doing everyday chores become impossible to do. so please don't call us weak or selfish . my attempts were not planned they happen spontaneously i had been sick a few days prior so depression is very overwhelming and not as easy to deal with like everyone thinks.


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i have a wonderful family but that doesn't effect how depression takes control of you. i hope that if there is someone who is going through depression reads this and will seek help even if its a stranger i found that i tconfide better to a stranger than my family .even though they are helping me through this my sister has me visit her each week and my brothers call me every other week to make sure i'm okay but some don't have family like i do. so please know i am rooting for to seek help and to try.i know its hard .i volunteered for another therapy that will last six months so i'm in it for the long haul . eventhough i still don't know what the ending will be.


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“The Suicide” by Enrique Imbert - translation from Spanish Isabel Reade

A parable for understanding the effects of suicide has on others …

(You ask why these Korean actors commit suicide? for one reason-They know one another… The chance of a friend or a family member committing suicide because another person they know did so increases by 60 percent….

The Suicide;
At the foot of the open Bible- where was marked in red the verse that would explain everything- he aligned the letters; to his wife, to the judge, to his friends. Then he drank the poison and went to bed.

Nothing. In an hour he got up and looked at the bottle. yes, it was the poison. he was so sure! He increased the dosage and drank another glass. he went back to bed. Another hour. He was not dying. Then he shot his revolver against his temple. What joke was this? Someone-but who, when? someone had exchanged his poison for water, his bullets for blank cartridges. He shot the four other bullets against his temple. Useless. He closed the Bible, gathered up the letters and went out of the room just as the owner of the hotel, servants and curious people were running up, alarmed at the noise of the five shots.

Arriving at his house he found his wife poisoned and his five children on the floor, each with a bullet wound in the temple.

He took the kitchen knife, bared his stomach and began clashing at himself. The blade would sink into the soft flesh and come clean as water after a fish is caught.

He poured naptha over his clothes and the matches would go out hissing.

He ran to the balcony, and before jumping he could see a crowd of men and women lying in the street bleeding from their knifed stomach, amid the flames of the burning city.”

The end.

Ask yourself- Do you want your loved ones or someone you know to disappear because of your actions? Don’t do it!! Think of them first…

I suffer myself from depression. I remind myself how much I love my loved ones and I read this parable to keep me form ever doing anything rash.. What you do affects others… Remember this… remember you are God’s child and much loved.
Click to Edit (4 minutes and 43 seconds)

Rant and/or Rave


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I just puked my heart out.
I was scrolling down and saw the car seat and the puke just kind of rose out of me.
This is so sad.
Even though it happened a while back but death scars never heal.
May he rest in peace.


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Oh my God, I only found out now. I'm currently watching Snow Flower and Ahn Jae-hwan is really a wonderful actor, from what I have seen. I also heard of Jang Ja Yun's death while watching Boys Before Flowers. All theses deaths are so sad. And the pictures of the car... it was pretty disturbing. I really for sorry for him and his wife who has to deal with everything without him. Newlyweds are supposed to be happy, right? I hope Jung Sun-hee will cafind a way to carry on and that Ahn Jae-hwan will rest forever in peace.


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right... why didnt they search for him when he was gone for weeks? mmm.... i think there's foul play that had happened.........


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Emma C, relax - jjb was being so kind and thoughtful in their response to you. If I had responded, I would have probably not done so with the patience, grace, and gentleness that jjb showed.

You are taking the response as an attack, whereas jjb is simply trying to offer a different perspective. I think we all know that Emma's opinion is probably that of 90% of the world - as being suicidal and depressed is not the norm, and if you've never experienced, I can only imagine what suicide might appear like to you - yeah - probably selfish is the first word that comes to mind.

Instead of squabbling and escalating, read each others' viewpoints, understand that it's ok to see the world in different ways, and for those who wish to be wiser and happier - learn from your opposition by trying to understand why they say what they say, and forget trying to assume that others want to attack you. Nobody here wants that, not you, Emma, not you, jjb, so please. Let us all try and learn something from each other and be ok with all sides and then hopefully learn from this tragedy and try to see how we can figure out the root causes of the problem and work for a solution - not slap each other around and make more tragedy for each other.

Thanks. PS I'm only commenting as I have been in both of your positions more than once in my lifetime. I think all of us have.


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