Shin Hye-sung and Honey Lee’s good day to love

Shinhwa vocalist Shin Hye-sung is out and about promoting his new third solo album, and boasting a new look. Some have called it a “rocker transformation,” but I think of it as retro kitsch (all he needs is a ‘stache and he’s got the old-school skeeze look down). His album also features a few collaborations, notably “사랑하기 좋은 날” (A good day to love) with Honey Lee.

The matter of Honey Lee’s singing abilities was previously brought into question. Well, the album is out now, so take a listen.

Personally, I don’t love the song itself — it’s got a kind of ’70s easy-listening vibe, doesn’t it? — but I admit I was impressed with Honey Lee’s vocals (Shin Hye-sung’s are always smooth and pleasant to listen to), which reminded me a bit of Maybee, actually. (Listen to Maybee songs here, here, here, or here.) But you can draw your own conclusions

Via Hankyung


Shin Hye-sung with Honey Lee – “사랑하기 좋은 날” (A good day to love)
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Definitely not a huge fan of the song, but Shin Hye-sung's vocals are both velvety and smooth, which kind of drew me into the song. I'm impressed with his vocals, but Honey sounds a bit too mainstream for me. I mean, the girl can definitely sing, but she sounds exactly like every other female korean pop artist out there. There's nothing distinctive or unique about her vocals other than that they make her sound really young. Oh well, maybe she'll come into her "own voice" with time. I thought her classical instrument rendition of "Fan" with Epik High at the 2007 Golden Disk Awards was just wonderful, though.


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As far as his look. I love it. His hair is kind of Rihanna-ish but it suits him. And the pics from his album send me spinning. The song, does have that easy listening feel but I think Honey did pretty well.


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Wow pretty impressed with Honey Lee
Not only beautiful but talented
GOD, sometimes you are not that fair !!!!!! Lol
It could be a good drama song


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she does sing good. it's not fair :(


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She does sing well. And though there's nothing amazingly special about her voice, it's pretty above-average and better than a lot of would-be Korean singers. Since she's mainstream, I think her career will be probably go well.

Not in love with the song though....


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I like the song...I think the song is pleasant...
Hopefully Honey performs on stage with Hyesung someday. .She's not bad considering Hyesung's vocal is quite strong and she didn't fade to the background at all during the chorus. Good sign. =)


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I've always been a fan of Shin Hye-sung's voice but not of his albums (too blah for my tastes). I hope the album has a similar sound to the song because it's not as blah as his past two albums.


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I wasn't really impressed by Honey Lee's singing. Perhaps I had high expectations because it sounded like she seemed exceptionally musically talented, with the performance with Epik High and her new musical. Her voice is a bit high pitched and a little nasally for my taste. However, she did seem to be on key.

I am always impressed by Shin Hye Sung's vocals. He always sounds good live too, which is soooo rare nowadays. However like merriwether, I always thought his songs never do his voice enough justice. Like many singers out there, beautiful vocals, but terrible songs. On his new album, I do like Awaken which is a bit of a different genre for him but it has a nice Brit rock lively feel to it.

His style in the pics above don't really have a big rock look, but if you watch SBS Inkigayo, he does sport a new hairstyle thats a little more punk and the shortest I've seen on him in a while!


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jolee, I've just had a listen to his latest and it's definitely much more varied that his past two albums. Awaken is quite a nice track and I enjoyed watching him in the Inkigayo performance (that hair is very short for him! I like it though). 그대라서 is also a good track

It's good to see him trying out other genres. . Hopefully, he keeps trying new things out because his voice is great.


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Honey Lee sings really well indeed... =)


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I didn't feel much of the girl's voice complementing SHS's ... I don't mind hearing 70's kind of tune again but ... i think i'd pass on this one... probably if i could separate SHS part fm the girl it would sound much better for me.


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Woah, Honey's great :)


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i keep thinking how good will the song be if he sang it with lyn, his perfect partner in crime,
i like the song btw, shin hye sung's voice is so soothing
while honey lee is ok, fine, but not that great


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I thought she was ok. Not great, but not terrible. Hyesung sounds good as always. My biggest problem is with the song itself, which I just don't find very interesting.

Having said that, everyone should go out and listen to the rest of the album, which is much better than this song. It's also a LOT different from his previous albums. Much more interesting, more varied, lots of different styles. It really suprised me in the best way.


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