Song Il Kook gets hitched

Song Il Kook (Jumong, Lobbyist) is a bachelor no more.

The 37-year-old actor married his bride in Seoul on the 15th in a mostly traditional ceremony (embellished with a few modernized twists to give it a “creative” fusion vibe). The event was closed to the public, although more than a thousand well-wishers were present at the ceremony, so the only pictures available are the ones released officially to the public.

Song’s bride, a Ms. Jung, studied civil law at Seoul National University Law School and is a newly appointed judge. Impressive.

The couple met through mutual friends and are married after two years of dating. The actor’s reps expressed a desire to keep the bride’s name undisclosed, inasmuch as she’s a private citizen (with close to 1,500 attendees, good luck with that!)

Via OSEN, Hankyung


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cool. it looks so traditional.
i didnt think those kind of ceremonies were very common these days.

but congrats to them both.


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I believe my heart just broke into a million little pieces. That aside, congrats to the happy couple.


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it's like Jumong getting married all over again. lol


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I was thinking whether if his wife is pretty or not...I discussed this with my friend who used to live in Korea for 3 years. She said....."Koreans are not that pretty, those pretty actresses you saw are mostly had plastic surgery"....

What do you guys think about that? I never been to Korea and the only Koreans I saw are actors and actresses so I have always thought ALL Koreans are pretty!


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My friends in school who are Korean are very pretty, from my point of view anyway. They have not gotten plastic surgery, as they are under 16 :P and I think I would have noticed.


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beautiful wedding!
and really nice blog java. i found this website through popseoul and i think your blog is 100x better.
love your writing, comments, attitude and humor! i'm so glad i found your blog to browse through while at work. :D it's very interesting and entertaining (and not so close-minded and ignorant).
i shall go to popseoul for the pictures and yours for content and actual reading enjoyment.
keep up the great work!!!


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ladychick, I think it's difficult to say that an entire nation of people are a certain way, e.g. pretty or not pretty. But perhaps the more accurate way to describe it is that Koreans on the whole are not AS pretty as the actresses you see in dramas and movies. There are definitely beautiful "normal" people -- I know a bunch of them -- but not nearly in the proportions that you see in the media. Which applies for any culture, really -- there are lots of attractive American "normal" people, too, but not everyone looks like Hollywood.

mare, thank you so much for the comments! I do my best ;)


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Congrats to Jumong and his bride..XD
And the bride's a judge? That's cool...


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Wa~ What a beautiful wedding. Wish them all luck and happiness in their marriage Such pretty pretty pictures....

I wouldn't, however. XD Congrats to him, though I really do not think that there's 1% the bride won't be known sooner or later. But it's clear she's not in the entertainment business, or the news would already be out...

Sadly, we do not get to see the bride, neh? Though I guess that would be in case overly zealous fans start criticizing her....whether she's pretty or not ._. I'm glad her pics are't released. Some of the fans can be quite harsh...

About the "pretty" thing, I think you also have to take into account that these stars have entourages to make them look their best (which is why stars always look better after their successful debut). They've got make-up artists, stylists, ect. Normal people might look as pretty as them, but without great clothes or great make-up or great skin products obviously won't look as good....I expect his bride won't be normally as pretty as the stars in dramas because she won't pay as much attention to it as they do.


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Interesting/pretty wedding ! Very traditional. Congrats to them. I guess because of the bride's career, he prefers to keep her from the media. Who cares if she's pretty or not. Wish them happy !

Just curious, how old is she ?


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it might be a faux pas to bring it up again here.. but it seems like SIK is totally past the reporter beating incident eh? good for him.. i find it ironically funny that he's now married to a judge :D the traditional wedding looks super classy & gorgeous.. on the question of whether the bride is pretty or not.. she's a judge so w/ her kind of power she doesn't have to be.. if she is it's just a plus.. as for the assertion that "koreans are not that pretty".. ouch! i'm kind of hurt by that statement.. i agree w/ java.. it's hard to say whether all people of one nationality are beautiful or not.. as for hallyu & hollywood.. i think these people are definitely attractive but i also think they're human.. i'm sure they don't all roll out of bed in the morning looking like they do on the red carpet or in films & tv shows.. anyone checked out the blog "go fug yourself"? it's called makeup, wardrobe, lighting & a little bit of plastic fantastic :D


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ok, kissing ass a little bit now...i think your blog is great too, java! i also came upon your website while browsing through other kpop blogs but while the others get so boring and monotonous with their constant bashing and negativity towards one artist or another (which is humorous at times but gets old)...yours is a breath of fresh air. so thank you!

and in response to ladychick...i also think it's hard to generalize an entire race as being pretty or not. like java said...they're just not as pretty as the celebrities you see on screen who have had either plastic surgery or have spent a lot of money on skincare, hair, make-up, etc. i've seen, met and know korean girls in the states who are naturally (i think) very attractive...just not as beautiful as the actresses you see. but i have to say i've met a few koreans guys who can give the actors a run for their money!


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such a beautiful wedding! :)


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aww, I think he's the first one I've heard that's had a traditional Korean wedding.
lol. that's soo cute!


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@ bebolic: "just not as beautiful as the actresses you see"? ouch again! now i'm really starting to feel second-rate :( i think k-actresses are perfectly lovely.. but if you strip away the makeup, put them in a t-shirt & jeans, or even check them out pre-plastic surgery.. i'm sure you would find them looking as "normal" as any of the rest of us every day korean-american women.. hmph! :)


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Wow.. I didn't expect SIK to get married... and to a lawyer at that! Pretty cool ^^ though I know there are lots of broken hearts out there =P and I agree that her picture/name is going to be public sometimes soon, I mean 1500 people? Someone definitely gonna leak it out.

Korean people are pretty or not... Hmm.. well it's the same for all races... there will be people prettier than some and what not but just that celebrities have make-up and expensive/pretty clothings etc. There are lots of normal people out there that are pretty, I know some very pretty people =] and they're natural too.. celebrities can always get plastic surgery (not that anyone care) and on screen they are made prettier.


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the picture of SIK with the wooden duck brings back memories of me playing with the wooden ducks my parents got for their wedding ^_^ My parent's ducks were smaller and less fancy looking...I remember bashing them together a lot during "battles" -_-;; It wasn't till I popped off one of the heads I stopped playing with them and now I haven't seen them for a long time; I wonder if we still have them. It would be a lovely heirloom/keepsake sort of thing to have, head or no head ^_^


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I'm losing Jumong...hehehe just kidding...the wedding was very solemn...I think the bride was pretty and very smart at that...they will be residing in Busan where the bride is assigned as a judge. Best Wishes to the newlyweds ^ ^


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don't feel second-rate! :P i agree with you. let me re-phrase...i meant that korean actresses look more beautiful than the average korean girl b/c they've gone through the transformation with either plastic surgery and/or professional skincare, make-up and hair but there are a lot of very cute regular korean girls. this was in response to ladychick's friend saying that regular koreans aren't pretty and i think they are...they just aren't made up like the celebrities she's use to seeing. but this goes for any race though.


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wait...you were there at the wedding?


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'ssup bebolic: i gotcha ;) sometimes it ain't easy as a natural girl being compared to k-starlets.. or living in beauty obsessed southern california for that matter heh..


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that seems like a nice, sweet ceremony they had!
on a side note, what dramas besides hong gil dong have you been watching?
could i recommend one for you to just take a peek at?
The drama Who Are You? has an interesting plot, have you seen it? if so what are your thoughts on it?


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I say 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder', who cares if she's pretty or not. I don't think SIK married the woman just for her looks, its more the whole package he loves both her inside and outside. I am happy for him, congrats SIK and wife.


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Amen chasen8888! Who cares? Congrats to SIK, who is one of my favorite actors! I loved both Haesin and Jumong. ladychick, if you are lucky enough to make it to Seoul one day, just stroll the streets of Myeongdong or Gangnam.... you will not be disappointed. Very beautiful and stylish people are everywhere! Really there is great diversity in looks in any country...


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am no fan, but i guess my uncle won't mind... he he he he... haven't watched jumong... just thought it was too long...


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Wow the ceremony looks cool. I heard SIG's mom likes the bride. Heheh wow a judge that's cool.Congrats to them! Jumong babies! ^^

Actually, i think there are some good looking normal people. U know those ulzzangs and what not. Hehehe But really, I saw some random people when i went guys.. were cute. Girls, some yes and some no. hehhehe Like julier said, in those places. But those celebs do stand out. I think most countries are like that. Not everyone looks the same.


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bebolic Says:
March 15th, 2008 at 10:41 pm


wait…you were there at the wedding?

no...how I wish I was there hahaha...I'm really a big fan of Song Il-gook...that's why I followed all news about his wedding...got the news form Korean sites and I'm giving my opinion basing from the pics...really lovely couple ^ ^


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ladychick --

Korean actors/actresses probably look less like their countrymen than Chinese or Japanese, because the "model" standard in Korea is extremely narrow/rigorous. It's only been recently (like, say, 10 years or so) that Korean actresses have adapted a more natural look (as opposed to the "pageant queen look" of the 70s-earyly 90s.) And that is not a small part in how Hallyu finally came about.

With that said, South Korea is sometimes considered the Italy of Asia, because both men and women are very well dressed and well coifed. Most Korean women are expert with makeup technique and have strong opinions on "making best of what you got." Gym membership and general food consciousness in urban areas are generally higher than in other Asian countries. Korean Americans generally feel that their Korean cousins are obsessive (and obsessively shallow) about this, but it should be noted that Korean Americans tend to stick out in fashion and grooming as well.


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hello.my name is mahshad i am IRANIAN.I love song il gook.please visit my website.good bye.


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I'm related to the bride! :)


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oh! i'm from turkey and i admire him, i wish you'll be happy darling...!!!
also i wanna comunicate with diffrent people in the world, i am female and i am 17. my msn is t-e-n-a-92@hotmail thanks from now...!


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hi song .amina from algeria .how are you .please send me your e-mail please .you are best actor in the world .tanks song


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the best acter for me song il gook i love him all the film and tv series are withe me i dont now if he read thes he bellive me or not but mi dream is going ton seoul and going to the home of su ae and song il gook


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the korean is the best in the word and su ae and song il gook kewon sing woo hiyun bin but song il gook is the number1for me and all mi time is in the camputer in the site of the korean star really mi dream is going to korea and seoul thanks for all the korean acters and actresses all the love for mi stars 1song il gook 2 su ae 3 kwon sand woo and hiyun bin with a big kiss safa


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song il gook if you read mi letters remamber ther are a pupil love you like me safa please if you read thes say to park su ae ther are a girl her name is safa she love you and give you a big kiss


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i love jumong for lyf


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song il gook im safa and ilove you more the ather girl really if i can cam to seoul shoor i cam thank you for all the tv series and films i cant any word for you beacause yyoooooooooooouuuuuuuuuu are raaaaaly wonderful all the love for job and your dream



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About how Koreans look - the revelation:

I. You don't think American Actors/Actresses get plastic surgery ... "wake up!"
II. Plastic surgery - in order to look really good after surgery, you still need to be born with good foundation - with good looks. If your foundation sucks, no plastic surgery will do wonders for you!
III. My "neighborhood" is Los Angeles Korea Town aka K-Town. It has the largest Korean population outside of Korea. From years of experience, this is what people have noticed about Korean girls:


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III. My “neighborhood” is Los Angeles Korea Town aka K-Town. It has the largest Korean population outside of Korea. From years of experience, this is what people have noticed about Korean girls: Korean FOB gurls are much prettier and better dressed. Simply, they have style. Korean-American gurls still have that outdated look and fashion sense. The truth hurts. Overall, Koreans gurls are known in Asia as having the slimmest bodies and the longest legs. They have sex appeal. Koreans call it "kki". This is why Korean entertainment business is capturing so many fans throughout Asia and the middle east.
IV. The younger Koreans in Korea are going through a period of "discreet evolution". Their faces are getting slimmer and smaller and getting much taller in height and longer legs.
V. Korea, Japan, and even China (since they follow Korean trends now) are getting plastic surgery or surgeries that are very discreet (especially the eyes) and that are more asian looking. No, they are not trying to look like "WESTERNERS". It's called "human nature to want to look good". You see, when a nation becomes "satified" or full in the stomach (wealthy) - then - they want to look good and pursue physical & health perfection. So, if you got the money, you get plastic surgery and start doing all the stuff that will make you look better, inside-out. Americans think all Asians want to look like them. They think this is why Asians get plastic surgeries. Simply, "I think not, fools".


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the korean acters and actresses are the good movie and tv series


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hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ! song is my love !


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nice wedding really
ilke thes for you song il gook


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Peter, Peter... where have you been.
I have been in Korea for 2 years and I have not seen a lot of those beautiful slim-faced, long-legged females you talk about. There's a few, but the majority still have the wide face, acne problems. The teen-agers are now having massive weight problems due to the nasty fast-food they have become addicted to.

Perhaps you can answer this... Why do Korean women have their faces surgically narrowed and their eyes done to create the "Western" fold, also why do they bleach their skins to make them whiter? The only 2 Asian feature they seem to enhance is making the iris 3 times as big by wearing black lenses that make the iris look large and dilated. The second feature is coloring the hair black to make the skin look whiter. I do agree that they have a sense of fashion, albeit cheap fashion, because the materials tend to be inexpensive and fall apart easily. Korean fashion looks beautiful but it's not practical or wearable.

Most of the Korean women I know, have had some kind of plastic surgery procedure, which they attribute to "cleaning their skin" This cleaning procedure is usually a laser rejuvenating procedure, or skin whitening procedure.

True beauty remains in the eye of the beholder, and many times at the reach of those who can afford the plastic surgery procedures.

And yes, Peter... I'm joining the bandwagon and plan to do the same as my Korean counterparts. Looking at a few procedures at this time :)


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hi song i am amina from algeria . i like you . you are the best.


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my mailis [email protected]


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hi song il gook
iam iran girls and iam13 years old ilove you please anwser me please please please ilove you so much


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slm song il gook

ben türkiye de yaşıyorum.adım yasemin birşeyi söylemeden geçemicem hayatım boyunca ( denizler imaparatorunda oluğu gibi ) sizin gibi onurlu, asil , aşkını içinde ta derinlerde ama gerektiğinde de bunu göstermekten kaçınmayan birini aradım ve ne yazıkki bulamadım...

gerçek hayatta sizi görmem olanaksız eminim ama sizi bir kere olsun karşımda görmeyi çok isterdim tabi yaum yang olarak
sevgilerimle yasemin


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hi song i love you very very much.
youre is st actor . i love you agen. im from iran and 20 years old and my sister love you . she 12 years old.


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song is my love
im writing agen
his very nice very very very nice
i love him very much ilove him i love him


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h w r?
i love u soooooooooooooooooooo sooooooooo soooooooo much

ur my dreams knight
ur the best
i love u


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hi.youre handsome yeah good luck


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