More troubles for Ivy

Okay, I’ve gotta say this ticks me off on so many levels.

Singer Ivy is being sued by the cosmetics company she was hired as brand model for, under the accusation that her scandal last year did the company considerable damage. Her “inappropriate personal life events” degraded the company’s public image and value, allegedly, and they have filed a lawsuit against her management company, Fantom Entertainment, demanding recompense of $500,000 (500 million won).

A rep from company Able C&C (which owns Missha and Beautynet) said, “In cosmetics advertising, a brand model has a very strong influence on the image, as well as a tremendous effect on sales.” And now they lay the blame for a decline in business on the fact that Ivy was blackmailed and threatened and accused of being anything from a liar to a slut and had her name publicly dragged through the mud by salacious gossipmongers, netizens, and the general public. Way to blame the victim, huh, society?

The rep also censured Ivy, saying that because she acted in a way “damaging their honor” and “damaging the value of the product through acting in a way that stirred public criticism,” she had violated her contract with them, and no longer has any “advertising power.” Really? Since when does being the victim of blackmail count as breach of contract?

You know, frankly I don’t care if Ivy has a sex tape — which, by the way, has never been produced. Her ex-boyfriend, who’d blackmailed her last November with what he claimed was private video footage, giving rise to sex-tape rumors, was tried on criminal charges and convicted. What pisses me off is the gleeful rush to cast stones and label her some kind of whore because her violent ex-boyfriend may or may not have a private video of her, which he used against her illegally and for which he was punished.

Uh, WHO’S in the wrong here, again? Who’s the victim? Why is Ivy all of a sudden the defendant in a situation where she was so clearly the target? Where SHE was the one most hurt?

I don’t even count myself as an Ivy fan — her music is very hit or miss with me — but all this Ivy backlash is beyond irritating. It’s ignorant and narrow-minded. Well, fuck you Able C&C and Missha cosmetics. I wish I used your products so I could now STOP.

Via Mk.co.kr


Ivy – “난…” (I…) [ zShare download ]

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"I wish I used your products so I could now STOP."
hahaha...you inspire me to write more =D


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oh people are so annoying ~~ I don't get it....are their brains up their asses?


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As I read your post, I kept inching closer and closer to the monitor until I finally wanted to stand up and start clapping. Talk about fcuked up.


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This is soooo stupid!!


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I really like this post of yours!
Between...doesn't it sound like Edison Chen sex scandal? Well, Edison's scandal is way more scandalous...but this article reminds me of it... anyways artists have their own life and own problem because they are human being...they can't be perfect at all!


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I can't believe this. I remember how badly the media treated Baek Ji-yeong back in 2000 when her ex-manager released a secretly taken sex video of her, ruining her repuation and career. All she did was the heinous crime of having sex as a consenting adult(!), but all the subsequent attention and name-calling was focused on her rather than her ex-manager who filmed them together without her knowledge, and then released the tape.

So I was recently really pleased to read in the link below that he WAS prosecuted for what he did, went into hiding, and now has been found in the US and will be extradicted back to Korea. It made me think that Korea was finally becoming a better, less sexist place for women. But now, almost 8 years after the Baek Ji-yeong sex video scandal, Ivy is STILL treated virtually exactly the same way...sheesh...no wonder I'm so cynical about Korea sometimes!



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great post!!! i'm tired of all those self-righteous netizens. the cosmetics company is being ridiculous and what will $500,000 really do for them...is this like a % of what she got for representing them? for what...to "punish" her?
it just seems really immature/malicious on their part given that she didn't do anything "legally" wrong and they don't even have a really strong case (though, i suppose talented lawyers can spin the tale any way they want). i mean, sure, it's not good to two-time and lie but what right does any of us have in pointing fingers at other people's personal mistakes. they should stop scapegoating and focus on making better products.


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I can almost say that if Ivy were a man, this would not happen. Not to turn this into a gender rant, but in an incident where men and women are both involved in the same heinous "scandal," the man would probably get a slap on the wrist and society would call it a day. However, the people will NEVER let the girl forget she was part of this.


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That's what strikes me about the Edison Chen scandal. I'm not well-versed in all the sordid details (I've just read about it in the news -- correct me if I'm wrong) but it seems the women have suffered more in his case. I do think his career will suffer, and he's probably alienated a lot of people, BUT if anything "slut" isn't the tag he's being slapped with. No, that's reserved for the ladies. He just comes off looking stupid and careless; the women are brought down lower and ridiculed.


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feisty...I like it.

Ivy should throw the lawsuit in their face and sue them for sex bias.


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Back in 2000, Time magazine wrote that Baek Ji-yeong became an unlikely cause celebre for women's rights movements in Korea, although I personally saw little evidence of that myself. It may have been to my lack of Korean ability then, but then Time magazine is very prone to hyperbole too! Either way, it'll be interesting to see how they react to the treatment of Ivy.



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really interesting and informative post and comments.


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It's the old double standard. Men can, but women can't. Well, says who?

Ivy . . . aja, fighting!!!


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hmm.. how naive are netizens being if they think entertainers don't date & have sex like the rest of the free world? or is it unacceptable just bc they're in the public eye? believe me, i used to cling to the "clean & innocent" image of actors & singers until i woke up & smelled the coffee.. it doesn't jive with my ideals or values but i don't think anyone has a right to pass judgment.. like i wouldn't buy the makeup ivy's advertising just bc she had a scandal? please.. it sounds like these companies are just being vindictive.. honestly, people are having a field day with her..


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In Korea celebrities ARE placed on a pedestal - it's the complete opposite of places like the US - and all too many Korean netizens are genuinely shocked and offended when Korean actors do not act like their drama characters in real life. Please forgive the plug for my blog(!), but I discuss that and celebrity culture in Korea in a lot of detail in the post below if anyone's interested.



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I probably fall more in the anti-Ivy camp more than her fan-camp but I feel sorry for her here. It wearies me that the concept that most celebrities of all nations have premarital sex at one time or another doesn't seem to sink into the collective minds of netizens and by extension Korean (and most of Asian) society. It was a cruel (albeit oddly clever) move of Able C&C's part to play on society's sexist expectations of women and make a little cash on the side.

It's a bit of a rough allusion but this reminds me a little of the backlash on all the girls Edison Chen screwed during his illustrious career. It somehow seems the victims seem to be receiving the short end of the stick while 3rd parties (like Able C&C) benefit or the actual troublemaker (EC) kind of just slipped out of the picture. The fact that there really is no derogatory male equivalent of the word 'slut' comes to mind.

However, on the flipside, there is no question there WILL be consequences if you don't carefully guard your image ESPECIALLY as a celebrity - and more so as a FEMALE celebrity in cultures that generally propagate the belief the innocent female is the ideal. While I'm quite aware that Asia is errs far more on the side of blatant sexism, to which Korea is no exception, I feel that to some degree that Ivy, EC's girls, and we shouldn't be necessarily surprised by – or should have even expected - the backlash. As an analogy, you can't jump into the ocean and expect not get salt in your eyes if you're not careful. This isn't to say some righteous anger shouldn't exercised ^_^ but somehow for me, reading Javabean's article evoked the feelings of mild resignation and cynical disappointment rather than anger. I’d really love for Korea pick up the abysmally slow pace of social awareness and acceptance of their rapidly modernizing (and consequently, far less traditional and conservative) society but sometimes little events like these make me wonder if much progress is being made at all.

Hmm...Ivy looks really nice in that picture.


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The cosmetics company actually has a case? I am surprised the courts will accept this logic. Not unless they can prove her intentionally creating her own bad rep. Why don't they sue the ex-boyfriend instead? No publicity, huh?
That makes more sense to go to the root of the issue.


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this is such a ridiculous case! it's not like she could have predicted what was going to happen in her personal life and warned them a head of time. some people are just plain stupid! i hope this case gets thrown out!


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you got me aat your last sentence...
so right...


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Its a double standard when it comes to the sexes- plain and simple. Those executives at the companies should not comment at all, because it would be very interesting to see what is exactly happening in their own personal lives, if we were to take a very close look, I would not be surprised if it isn't pretty.

People seem to forget something, before becoming a celebrity the person is an individual/human like everyone of us, whether they gain or lose their celebrity status the person has a right to a life an existence just like you and me.

Although I know very little of the Korean culture but I take a very dim view of celebrities personal lives being completely accessible to the public, they have a right to a life as well. I would not like everyone knowing my personal business, who I date, where I live, how I feel about someone or how I should live my life etc. As long as I live it decently (overall), accessibility to '"me" should be limited. Thats how I view a celebrity life, "judge/view my work, do not judge my life or my thoughts". When these things happen I feel sorry for the person and angry at the situation, because it was us the public-at-large/fans that created this situation with celebrities who feel that we are justified in having complete access to the celebrities lives.

So therefore I wish Ivy all the best in this new chapter in her life, hoping she surpasses those hypocrites professionally and personally.


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WOOT WOOT, you go DRAMABEANS. You are awesome, EXACTLY what I wanted to scream lol


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Korea needs a fremale president more than the US.


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Dramabeans, I love you. Haha
This is such a good post because you rant with flare and eloquence. Even the "Well, fuck you Able C&C and Missha cosmetics. I wish I used your products so I could now STOP."


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They don't need IVY to damage their reputation. Their serious lack of decency and lack of tact and all-around despicability does the job JUST FINE. This is so completely low and repulsive. I just can't believe rational thinking human beings are capable of this kind of ass-ness. But maybe I am giving them too much credit. Maybe rational and thinking aren't what they are.

Seriously, I hope this bites them in the butt really hard.


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a screw loose in their brain.
wait... do they even have one?


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Funny, lots and lots of scandals about this lately, neh?

People have already mentioned Edison, but all I have to say is that the women are DEFINITELY the one getting the backlash. Some deserve it. (The two-faced ones that pledge for chastity and stuff, and one even joined a just-say-no type of group) But if you're just having a career, what you do with the person you love is your choice.

It's funny why women get the blame. Especially since in this case...no tape actually freaking surfaced!! I mean, are you stupid? There's no proof! And even if there was, so what if she's sleeping with the person she loves? And she's the victim...! Why the heck don't you blame the rape victims then for the "indecency" that befell them? (That being said, some people do blame rape victims. They're even more crazy than this company.)

Check this out. There was a recent scandal too....

This woman I think was low-key. Only offense for twofaced is the fact that her character was "the traditional woman" but all characters in Vietnam's like that. My cuz is totally the traditional believer. You know what she said? "This woman did it because she can't think. She's not the victim. She purposely did it so that she would cause a huge scandal and then become more famous if she leaves for the US. Other stars have done it before."

It's been said before, how stars do stunts on purpose. The US, maybe, but in Asia, your name's dragged through the mud even though there's no proof (Ivy--no tape. Was BLACKMAILED. This girl--her FRIEND copied it off her laptop. Her private data which should BE private.) and your career is in shambles there's no other choice but to leave. She's NOT more successful in the US, where the Viet community is small. It's just her only choice, and they're willing to embrace her. But tell that to my cuz....God, these traditional countries makes me want to hurl. If we were all chaste, softspoken, tidy, ect., the world be an utter bore.


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Wow. I don't even really like Ivy all that much, but I really do feel sorry that she's being the victim of such ridiculous legal issues.


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“I wish I used your products so I could now STOP.”
haha i like that.


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i'm not a hardcore fan of ivy and like you said, her music is mostly hit or miss with me. (i love her dance songs they're just so catchy :D). but this ex-boyfriend guy is just RIDICULOUS. and sometimes i feel like abusing the korean ent industry for being so harsh on "scandals" and whatnot. i feel so bad for ivy. even if this alleged sex tape existed, it's HER business. esp if it was taken unwillingly. GRAWR. i just wanna chomp something.

thanks for being such a dear and updating korean news :) i come here everyday now since i discovered the site not too long ago. it's my new religion. :D

btw - i was wondering, how do you put up music files and let other people listen to them on your posts?


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right on, sista. you tell em.


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I have no clue who Ivy is but I've read about her woes for a while now. I feel sorry for her and agree that it's bs.

So, it's not enough to be screwed by her ex, now they're out to continue screwing her more? It's like accusing rape victims for inviting the crime on themselves because of the clothes they wore, or they walked alone at night or they happened to be breathing. Bollocks.

I have used Misha's eye shadows before but now I am not gonna contribute to their ill-gotten gains. Imagine trying to fleece money off a woman's burdened back. Worse than pimps. Am so gonna write about this now. Thanks, Sarah.


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i may be wrong but the cosmetic company is suing her because she represented the good girl image (professionally) and she is accused as a two timer (yang da ree-forgive my poor korean)-she was in a relationship with two men at the same time.. for some reason, koreans think being a two timer is the ultimate SIN of all sins. just guessing...


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I've only been listening to her music recently down here in Australia. Beautiful voice and a very beautiful women. I love her music. I 'sincerely' hope that she can come out on top of all of this. Put all the past troubles behind her and move onto bigger and better things. To me, she has the talent of a super star. If there is actually anyone who reads this that knows her in any way, I plead with you to give her all the support you can and help her on to a more stable and happy future.

Take care Ivy, you are fantastic.



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Like it or not it's just how Korean people perceive things. I should know as a single mom. My child father left me, but guess who is wrong by Korean standards? Me.
Your husband can even die and still Korean mothers will disown their sons if he shows interest in me.
I hate this aspect and unfairity in Korean media and personal lives. Makes me happy I no longer live in Korea and can broaden my horizons.


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Well, ALAS , she's free now, all kpop already announced that ivy sex video is absolutely fake and lie, she's free, and i hope she have many celebrity friend, doesn't get attacked by 2pm fans, and can start his career again, with fresh start, i think the best rival for hyori is son dam bi and ivy, even i like hyori music more.
but still, let's support her ~


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[…] that it was written in reaction to my surprise and confusion at public outrage at Korean female celebrities revealed to be having premarital sex — how times have changed!(?) […]


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