200-pound flop

Although 200 Pound Beauty premiered to lots of success in Korea a year ago, it’s just recently flopped in its Japanese premiere (it opened on the 15th), ranking 12th for its opening weekend.

Previous premieres of Korean films such as The Host and The King and the Clown also fared poorly in Japan, so 200 Pound Beauty was released on fewer screens and brought in a mere $211,360 according to Boxofficemojo.com. The numbers are doubly disappointing since the film is actually based on a Japanese manga, and hopes were high for the film. (The article looks on the bright side; the other, higher-ranked films enjoyed wider release by double or triple the number of screens.)

Maybe the storyline of poor misunderstood plastic beauties didn’t resonate with Japanese audiences? Maybe they were lured in by the box-office leader I Am Legend instead? Or maybe in the whole year that 200 Pound Beauty‘s been out and about, they’ve all already SEEN it?

Via Newsen


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Why is it only released in Japan now?
Maybe you're right..most of the ppl might already have seen the movie off the internet..no big deal..
I didn't think the movie was great anyway..was good but not up to what I'd expected it to be..didn't get the hype..


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Why pay if its been a year in the internet with free access! Don't know why It doesn't appeal to me, maybe bcoz I'm not a Kim Ajoong fan.


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That's kind of stupid. They just released in Japan after one year.
We all know those Japanese people are nerdy high tech wizards (sorry if I offended anyone japanese people), I wouldn't go watch a movie that I could download.
Seriously! What's the big deal of releasing in Korea and Japan at the same time. Korea and Japan is just a channel away.

The HOST premiered here in the states around October of this year and I already saw it, though I wanted to support the Korean film industry, I thought my 10 bucks was too precious.


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HAHAH!! that's a smart idea..release it AFTER it has already been around for a year lol..what were they thinking??? obviously the few people who might be interested in it probably saw it online by then...

i still don't understand what is so great about this movie...yeah it's funny and "cute" but it is not THAT amazing as it hyped up to be...well, in my opinion


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Agree. Time took its toll. :)


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Konbanwa! 'Plastic surgery' is not a new kid on the block so to speak, in Japan. Parents do not mind giving 'ps' as a gift to their children on their birhdays if the need to go under the knife seems urgent and pertinent. So maybe this obession with ps does not go well with the palate of the watching Japanese! I likened 200 Pounds Beauty as mocking and pocking fun at ps. Nothing unusual.............So no big deal!
Japanese might enjoy the American way of portraying ps BETTER!.........Just a silly thot!



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That's so sad...
I liked the movie!


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I doubt it's because the film didn't strike a cord with the audience, but more like they've already seen it.

I mean...Look at the statistics. 200 lbs beauty is geared towards young females (or at least, young ppl.) Japan is a high-tech country. Some of their technology don't come out in the US until 6 months later, and they're still called "cutting-edge." The ppl grew up with internet. Like they don't know how to dl. With 200 lb beauty such a huge hit, the audience that want to see it probably have already seen it!

As for the king and the clown...maybe because it's a homosexual film? Or maybe it's just like 200 lb beauty. But seriously! Who had the smart idea to debut a film a yr after it's come out? They should be fired.


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i *HEART this film..
its the only film that i read all the way through..
ahhh its sooo amazing!!!


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