Open Thread #6

Don’t really have a “topic” to kick off this Open Thread today… So I’ll just ramble (and you all say, “Don’t you always?”).

It’s raining. Ooh, my favorite weather. I plan to get lots of “curling up with a good book” done this evening.

One of those books may include Stephen Colbert’s I Am America (And So Can You!). I wasn’t intending to buy this book — I’d flipped through Jon Stewart’s America (The Book) and wasn’t tempted enough to buy — but Colbert’s is zingy and hysterically funny. But like a five-year-old boy with an insane curiosity and too much sugar who bounces around going boing-y, boing-y, boing-y asking questions like “Why is the sky blue? Why do people have funny bones? Are we having chicken for dinner tonight? Why does the earth move in a circle? Where does light go at night? I can touch my tongue to my nose wanna see wanna seeee?” Or a really excited puppy.

Looky what I found — Mixed-up Investigative Agency NGs! (The one with Min-chul is cute since he’s such a badass.)

What’s up everyone?


Band of Horses – “No One’s Gonna Love You” [ zShare download ]

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I have a question. How do you put music up on your site? Thanks


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