“Soulmate” Song List Posted

I was looking through some of my files today, and came across this list of songs for the series Soulmate, sorted by episode. (I’d found it compiled on a Korean site when first watching the drama, and translated the list.) Those of you who’ve been reading this site for a while know how much I ADORE SOULMATE. Until Flowers For My Life came along earlier this year, it was my favorite all-time drama; now they both share that spot.

Soulmate is also a series that makes serious use of its music; Coffee Prince doesn’t hold a candle to it. CP uses music very well, but it’s rarely a story point; Soulmate lives and breathes music. Songs are woven into the series not only as well-timed background music, but thematically as well. Each episode is, furthermore, titled after a song that is used at some point (with some significance) in the series.



Basement Jaxx – “Broken Dreams” [ Download ]

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Aside from being genuinely funny and moving, Soulmate takes on the philosophical question of whether soulmates and fate exist, demonstrating the point with each of its pairings. Far from being romanticized, the series doesn’t take up one stance (i.e., True Love is destined) and hammer it home with all its characters — instead, each person occupies a different part of the spectrum on the “Fate is real/Fate is fiction” spectrum. The drama also demonstrates various love truisms via its couples — insights that may sound a bit froofy here but are incorporated well into the storytelling.

For instance, Nouvelle Vague’s “This Is Not a Love Song” acts as the theme song to Episode 1, as one of the characters is tempted to cheat on a lover, and thinks, “The five years I’ve put into this relationship comes crumbling down in this moment.”

Shin Dong Wook, THE consummate player, who knows just how to make women fall for him, starts off treating love as a game, thinking to himself, “Romance makes the lips tremble, but love makes the heart tremble.” The image below encapsulates his romance philosophy, reading, “In the game of love, the one who loves less always has the advantage.”


On the other hand, Lee Soo Kyung, going through romance issues of her own, learns the hard way that “Love isn’t something you need to confirm; it’s something you’re sure of.”


“There’s no such thing as a perfect man or a perfect woman. There are only imperfect men and imperfect women, who come together to make a perfect love.”



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Thank you for it! Soulmate is one of my favourites, definitely a worthwhile watch and the music is fantastic.


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and YOU, Javabeans, who introduced "Soulmate" to me.
I love the story ( well, I won't say it's my all time favorite though ) and more than that, I really like the soundtracks.
I'm not a musical concious person, mostly I don't pay attention to drama's soundtrack, but because you've mentioned about it, I listened them carefully and my, those songs are now become my most played tracks in my IPod..
Thank you very much Javabeans! You.Are.The.Best!!


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“There’s no such thing as a perfect man or a perfect woman. There are only imperfect men and imperfect women, who come together to make a perfect love.”

I like when u say this. It's sounds true .. ^^ and I love Soulmate much.


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Didn't they say there was going to be a Soulmate 2? i guess not...
I heard that since it didnt have that much popularity they decided not to make a season 2, but im not sure if they were going to in the first place....


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Javabeans, I love love love you! I have been trying to find the song and who sung it, and thanks to you know I have it!!!! I'm so excited I forgot to say which song, "Till it happens to you". The first time I heard it was when watching Soulmates, (at your suggestion), and fell in love with it. I thoroughly enjoyed "Soulmates", it was funny, touching, with a bit of reality and fantasy. Do you know if there will actually be a season 2? I really hope so. And I read all of your blogs, but I'm kind of shy so I never write anything, but I just want to say thank you so much for all that you do for us English only speaking Asian drama fanatics. We would otherwise miss out on a lot of important things such as translations of certain phrases, meaning behind certain actions, etc., things that have helped me better understand the dramas as well as Korean culture in general. I so love your humor and witty inciteful recaps. So please keep doing what you're doing it is greatly appreciated.


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I decided to take your advice - just finished watching the last episode of Soulmate on YouTube and I even though it's almost 4 in the morning I wanted to thank you for the recommendation - you're right! this drama is right up there with coffee prince and for me MNIKSS as well. Loved it!!! I can see what you mean about the soundtrack - absolutely perfect!!!


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Again, you spoil us addicts. Thank YOU so much for posting the complication. This is a must have for any music junkie.
I love Soulmate to death. The last few seconds of this drama still gives me chills every time I watch it. Just perfect. I'm one of the few that hope they do NOT do a season 2.
*runs off and watches last episode of Soulmate*


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I couldn't agree more. I absolutely LOVE the series (after being persuaded to watch by a friend who were 'introduced' by you - see the second hand affect here? you affect lives everywhere, I tell ya!), and most of all I LOVE the soundtrack. I just recently (not longer than a month back) finished the series, and have nothing but praises to this drama. It's not the usual typical korean drama. I wish I knew Korean because I think some of the funny parts cannot be translated. Things like the way Yoo Jin speaks, etc. Thanks for sharing with us.


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To me, Soulmate remains THE standard for K-drama's romantic comedies. It was split-hair funny and relationship-wise. Soulmate was indeed winsome in its music execution. The music tells the story; it was part of the cast. The music choice is amazing - it's fresh, diversed and so appropriately placed/chosen. I love the series' sense of serendipity. It's realistic; yet at the same time, is hopeful and optimistic. And yes, i too don't favor a second season. The ending was just perfect and the best that i've seen in a long time.

Thank you for locating the song list, javabeans. This is wayyy more than what are currently on my iPod at the moment. ** dashes off to check d-addicts**


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i love soulmate. it was perfect. the music, the story line, the actors...even the ending.
i simply fell in love with it. it saddens me that not many people know about it though...definitely a spankin' series!


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I loved this drama, i totally agree that though CP used music in a great way Soulmate did a much better job because you really do feel all the emotions of what each scene or episode was trying to convey. And i really hope that there will be a second season this is really the only drama i will hold my breath waiting for the second season. As usual thanks for another great post :D


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So sorry to burst bubbles, but there won't be a season 2. Although ratings for season 1 weren't horrible, they weren't terribly high either, so I guess they felt it wasn't enough to justify producing another season. It's too bad, but personally I'm relieved, since I loved the way it ended -- it was wrapped up in a complete way, which the writers and director planned in advance (they wrote the series before it aired). That goes a long way in explaining why Soulmate was so tight and well-paced, in my opinion.


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noooo! T_T you just broke my heart...I can't believe they're not making season 2...(I kinda saw it coming though, I didn't think Soulmate was that popular) I just kept my hopes up though...anyway I watched this drama this summer (no school, nothing to do, watched about 6 dramas) and I can honestly say this one is definitely in my top 5....I love the use of the music...the "i think it is" different story line....and the ending OMG! that ending...it was both creepy and amazing!! I LOVED IT!!!! ^_^


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I love soulmate~ so many thanks for this javabeans! You are right, soulmate lived and breathed the music. When i first saw Episode1 I just gotta find the OST of Soulmate.
Long live soulmate ^^ and yes, glad there's no season2. Soulmate is beautiful the way it is, the way it ended (:


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See what you have done? After seeing your FOUR (4) screencaps above, I now have this uncontrollable "More Soulmate screencaps please" itch.

*wicked glint* You seriously don't want to recap this series, sarahbeans? Think of the pleasure it will bring you...^^


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So glad to see 'soulmate' here. I took your advice, watched the series and never going to regret it. So true the music in 'Soul mate' is a hit, it just sticks in to my head and make me feel those goosebump.

I don't mind that it doesn't have the second series. They will meet anyways, ^_^.

This series is damn romantic, funny and exciting at the same time. Even though I just want to rush through to find out "WHen will they meet ???!!!!" and they met I was screaming "when would they fall in love ??!!!", I couldn't fastforward

Thanks a lot for the OST. (I already had but anyways)


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i really wanted a season 2 of this. im sad that they decided not to persue it. i think it would have been really good. this was a really nice drama if you ask me, it was well rounded so to speak. i was not just all fluff, but with meaning and had different POVs. i loved SDW first here, then i saw LSK here first too. and for me, in her new drama Golden Era not liking her as much. soulmate rocks!!


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thundie, i guess i feel like soulmate recaps at this point would be kinda redundant, no?, since the series is long over and all the subs are out so fans can watch the show itself rather than read about my rambly opinions on it... although i do love to ramble on about soulmate!


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Aw really? I understand why you wouldn't though...I'm starting the series now...(looking good!) and wanted to check to see if you had post recaps on Soulmate.

Well, anyhow, thanks for actually letting me know about this series in the first place. I guess I can embark on it on my own! ^^;;


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hei there javabeans, can u tell me where i can watch it or better if i can download this drama..(soulmate)...beside clubbox or torrent since i really can't understand how to use these both...
i'm really interested in it after reading how u described this drama...
i really hope i can watch this drama..


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Soulmate 2! some good news. guys, I wrote the people over at MBC and they replied promptly:
“Thank you for your compliment on MBC’s SOULMATE. Your email’s being a lot help to promote this program. I am working in the business department where we sell our contents worldwide. Because sit-coms are not the big selling content, and because the charaters in SOULMATE are not the ‘well-known’ ones in Asia or in other countries, that this ‘good’ program did not mark the bug sale. But being encouraged by your email, I might try once more to try to introduce SOUlMATE again to more viewers worldwide.
I will also forward your email to the producer to encourage him to fight for the time block for ’season 2′.!! ^^
Thank you!!
Haewon Chin
International Business Division

So, if we could write them to show that there are a lot of fans out there (cause the ones who don’t live in Korea haven’t been counted in the ratings) it might encourage them to have the second season. and if we could all spread the word so that other people will watch the show when they reintroduce it, it would really help a lot. So we can all enjoy this show once again.

And it definitely pays to write!

here’s the site with all their email contacts. just cc all of them, that’s what I did.


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PS. This is a copy of something that somebody else started! I am not the original writer of the email!
I wrote my own email over to them!!!

I'm just spreading the word!


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thanks ^0^ i love the music in the movie >_


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Please petition for "Soulmate" season 2 to the director Mr. Weon-Geung Song at [email protected]


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thanks - i caught Soulmate as a result of your recommendation. I wish they would have Season 2 as i really want to see how the leads end up together - not enough screen time for both of them!!! I am a diehard romantic n I think they make such a great pair! Isnt there a petition somewhere that we can sign up????!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *sob* Season 2 please!


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Helo,i'm zashee from indonesia,does any body frm same place?
I'm so sad about the ending of soulmate
But this drama make my heart beating,i'm very love love this drama
Please make a season 2 T.T
ArRRrgh . . .


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Soulmate.... nice korean drama!
nice 2 c.... :)


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SO.. are they going to make a 2nd season or not? I"m so confused. T_T . I can't stand the ending T_T. WHY LEAVE ME HANGING? It's so GOOD though! I knew i should have stopped at episode 11.. but now i can't. I LOVE this DRAMA! anyways i hope there's a 2nd season!


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Ok, here I go
I started watching Soulmate just yesterday and I have kept on watching. And I just finished. I totally fell in love with the concept of the whole soulmate thing.
I absolutely ♥ this series.
I watched it on Mysoju and at the end it said they'd have a second season. I was so happy. :D
But then I found out they weren't going to have it. I almost cried. I can't believe this. I live in America and I'm not even Korean. But this series has taken my heart.
I really enjoyed the ending but for me it wasn't enough :[
I want to see more and am hoping for more.
I'm going to email the producer as soon as possible and I'm going to try my best to persuade them. I'll get my friends into it.


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Hi! I love the song Broken Dreams.. And the link doesn't work T-T
So could you, please, send me the song? ^.^ (I gave you my e-mail above =) )
Thanks a lot ~~~ Kamsahamnida!


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On my seventh run... and my love for this series still hasn't abated. Thank goodness there isn't a second season... they would have wrecked it if that were so. hahaha.


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Hi. Love this show. Does anyone know what classical music is playing in Episode 17 when the 2 lead characters are shopping for the birthday gift, and the lead guy says that the ring in the case is perfect for the lead woman. Love that piano piece, any ideas. Thanks much!


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Aww I finished watching this, I was hooked on the music first and then looked more into the sitcom. I'm a little disappointed that there won't be a second season... I liked the ending and how it leaves the big conclusion to the viewer's imagination, but at the same time... I want to see the main couple have a better goodbye scene, or at least see them reunited accidentally in a short scene. The way they separated was so anti-climatic, it runs contrary to what they've both been feeling (ie: I can't live without you know you're my soulmate, etc).

Kim Sam Soon was a sitcom and it did so well, why don't they think Korean sitcoms aren't capable of being popular? It's so much better than the dragged out romantic drama they spit out with big name stars.


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i think soulmate did end beautiful but there should be a season 2 becausethem both could have adapted to really be soulmates as the tittle says .... it's beautiful ending


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the music has a lote of meaning


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What is the song in the drama that starts, "It aint so easy" or something similar.


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Lasse Lindh - C'mon Through :)


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It was wierd after watching the drama... I luv the plotline and script even though I practically skipped the epis in the middle until they finally met.. whats up with that? I wished they would meet earlier.. and I also hoped they would at least show thep meet in Japan just a glance wud be perfect.. I didn't pay too much attention to other stories either.. I still liked it ^_^

Awesome music too... makes me very sad..


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I <3 Soulmate! I'm a bit abashed at my most definitely not adult response to this very sophisticated drama. It's hard to believe this came out of kdrama-land.


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ridi baba ridiiiiiiiiiii


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For those who loved Soulmate, I highly recommend Secret Garden. You won't regret it.
Btw, speaking of music used in this drama does anyone know the melody used in episode 19 when the main girl has a flashback of her dream of the main guy. you know the dream where she walks up the stairs and he is wearing all black and he confesses to her. it has a chime/piano tune to it. if anyone knows I greatly appreciate it.


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Hi there! The songlist has disappeared off the blog...I think it got lost in the transition...do you think you could recover it? It was my go-to resource! Thanks!


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