Fansubs and drama addictions

Clearly I’m a kdrama addict, and if you’re here, you probably are too. So you might want to hop over and check out Popseoul’s new fansubbing-related post to see how badly your addiction measures up.

For me, a large part of my kdrama addiction interest relates to fansubbing, which is a curious thing. Despite the time I spend on it, even I can’t quite explain the motivation. All I can say is, there are a lot of dedicated and hardworking people who somehow feel the same compelling desire to participate, despite the lack of returns for their efforts. I think most of us would continue to do so regardless of being thanked or praised — after all, it’s not something one does for the glory. Most of us are pseudonymous anyway, so aside from a simple online nickname, the work doesn’t bring us fame or anything extraordinary. But it’s nice to be recognized once in a while. Thanks Popseoul!



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i always notice the nicknames of translators and all during the credits and i've seen your nickname a lot of times.

and your blog here is so useful that i feel like i'm watching the show but i'm not.
the way you depict the show with your insights and witty comments.

thank you so much for your effort in translating AND setting this blog up. it sure takes up a lot of time. i really appreciate them from the bottom of my heart.



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Here's a big THANK YOU ^^


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thanks for all your hard work and all those tranlsations. I don't think I would have became a Korea drama addict if it wasn't for you guys. Your work is always appreciated. Good job and thanks.


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A thousand times, THANK YOU for making me (a non Korean speaking) addict more connected to the wonderful world of Kdramas! Bless your heart.


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hi...i read the fan subbing related post , and they mentioned that fansuber team would appriciate help form even people who dont speak fluent korean .

well i dnt speak korean at all or any other asian language ( chinsese example was used in the article )
iv been intrested in fansubbing for so weird reason , but im not sure what it would involve and if id be able to be any help at all . i guess a bit of reserch is required here ...lol.....anyways

i really appriciate the work all you fansubers go thy to get us english translations.
thankyou for keeping our addiction alive


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We should make them write one for Kmusic addict!!!! cuz me and my ppl totally qualify!!! or maybe one on handsome Korean men addict hahahahahhaa
great job girl *big big big hug & tons of kisses*


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you're welcome!

And thank you and Emily for all your help along the way. That post wouldn't be what it is now without all your input! Keep up the good work and make sure to convert ppl to a true kda along the way...hehe *hugs*

and shenyue - I'll be sure to email you about the K-music addict post


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Thank you to all fansubbers!!!!

Without all of your generosity, none of us would be able to appreciate korean dramas.

In a way, fansubbers contribute to the cultural interchange between different nationalities. I learnt a lot about the Korean language and culture from watching these series. Eventhough they are dramas and not necessary real life, but to get a glimpse into this culture is interesting. Now I want to learn the language and learn more!!!


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@sourgrape, if you're motivated to help out with fansubbing, i'd encourage you to give it a try. Fansub teams don't only need translators and are always looking for people willing to help out however best suits them -- other positions needed are TIMERS (those who apply the translated dialogue to the appropriate line timing), and EDITORS, which is a good position for people who are very good at English grammar, spelling, mechanics etc (they do a lot of cleaning up of subs and quality control). If you think you'd be up for either of those kinds of tasks, PM mily2 or ay_link at soompi or d-addicts and they can get you started! Or if you don't frequent either site, drop me an email.


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You guys rock big time! Especially for Non-Korean speakers such as me, but who loves Korean Dramas and Korean Movies more than life itself! Thank you soooooo much!


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Dear Sarah, your work in fansubs does pay back actually, though it maybe not in a direct way. Thanks to your effort, Korea becomes more well-known for dramas, culture, language to foreigners like me and others.

I wish there would be some more direct recognization, especially for you sacrificing precious time with both subtitles and this interesting blog!

For fansubs groups, is there any way of donation like in the case of Wikipedia? Of course it is not much but could help in part.


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I am extremely, extremely appreciative of all fansubbers :) I keep note of their names and try to thank them as much as possible....like when i see javabeans on my non-stop5 episodes :) which i adore! I am one of the thousands who depend so much on fansubbers and i can't believe this whole world would be closed to me if not for wonderful, generous, and devoted people like you. Thank you sooo much for all your time and effort. It really does bring the world together in very simple, yet impactful ways, when people from the states, australia, india, south america, can all enjoy the same show and gain the same lessons and observe different view points and cultures through a medium that defines this century.
Thanks :)


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I would really like to thank you for all the hard work and i would also like to thank many of those at d-addicts as well as S2 fansubs for doing this for us, if it weren't for you guys we wouldn't be able to enjoy such great dramas as we do and thanks to you some of us like me are exposed to a new culture in which we are so interested in. if you know where i can thank all of those at d-addicts and S2 please tell me at [email protected]


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I too would like to thank all the fansubbers out there who have made my kdrama addiction possible! =D THANKS SO MUCH!! ^__^ Appreciations all the way from Australia!


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i am but one of your many many admirers... cannot fathom why and how you do it??? BUT love you for it. Can't thank you enuf!



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I'm a kdrama addict too. I'm going to check later the fansubbing you've mentioned.


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