Beanie level: Noble idiot

Jang Geu-rae has been promoted to Water Maid status! And seems to have had a gender swap! Jang Geu-rae in drag? 8-D


    Congrats 😀


      Thanks! I love these new Dramabeans levels, ha. It’s making me (and probably most Beanies) waaaaay more active on the site. (Javabeans and Girlfriday’s ultimate plan all along!)


        Ikr, they’ve been (successfully) scheming! 😛


        What a machiavellian plan! Giving us a space to fangirl and play while having a kind of fun level up reward for all those times we could stuff ourselves with our addiction lol. Those evils ones!


Need a mood lift? Check out Bam Bam (GOT7), Youngjae (BAP), Minhyuk (Monsta X), and Minhyuk (BTOB) absolutely WERKING THE FLOOR in a fun cover of Miss A’s “Bad Girl, Good Girl”. You won’t regret it!


Park Hyo Shin is a god. That’s all for tonight, beanies!


    *plays* … *looks up lyrics* … *saves immediately to absolute favorites Youtube list* … *watches again*

    Thank you, this was exactly what I needed tonight. 🙂


      It’s the Park Hyo Shin effect. Tomorrow night — go look up “Wildflower”. You won’t regret it! Then “Beautiful Tomorrow”. You will simply dissolve into a little pile of nothingness because of the sheer beauty and emotion. 🙂


    Wowww…. My favourite!!! His angelic voice and emotion filled lyrics!!!!


No longer a hardworking candy, I am now Jang Geu-rae! This pleases me more than it probably should.


My 3 eternal drama loves… Park Hae-jin, Ji Chang-wook, and Seo In-guk. <3 <3 <3


1st drama: Healer. 2nd: Coffee Prince. 3rd: You Who Came from the Stars.
Some of my fave dramas: #1 Healer, #2 Signal. Others: Queen In Hyun\’s Man, Shopping King Louis, Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo


    Dude if you started with those three… your expectations must be so high haha


      Dude, I know right?!! I was actually really selective about what I wanted to start my Kdrama adventures with. I researched up the highly recommended and well received shows and chose Healer, which just RUINED me. (“It’s a beautiful feeling/What we’ve got deep inside… / OH MYYYY LOOOOVE/I’M ALLLLL YOURS…) And then Coffee Prince is a classic and GONG YOO, holy moly. And then everyone said the comedy in You Who Came from the Stars was worth it (and bonus — I unintentionally fell in love with Park Hae-jin). I think the 4th drama I watched was Kill Me, Heal Me. Which was great, too, but much messier than the previous three shows — although Ji Sung rocked my world. ^_^


        Healer is my all time favourite (So far, still lots to watch), and boy after finishing it nothing quite hits that sweet spot the same way… Still hoping I’ll get a Hearler 2.0 some day.
        Pinocchio was my first, then BOF, which I think is an obligatory watch even if it’s terrible.


          Boys Over Flowers is definitely a classic that everyone should at least watch a bit of. I tuned it for the first 6 episodes before realizing that I really didn’t have time. It’s so bad it’s great! If I had all the time in the world I’d finish it, but school dramas really aren’t my thing. Lee Min-ho does likable douche very well, though. 🙂


            I binged it and I still can’t believe it’s 25 episodes… like they do nothing for the last ten … Oh gosh I hated LMH in BOF hahaha – Javabeans calls it a hot mess, and I couldn’t agree more.


            I am embarrassed to admit that I absolutely loved ‘sunbae’ and I really thought that was his name. I even watched ‘Playful Kiss’ (my second show) for him- and instantly fell out of love. I then had no other option but to follow Lee Min Ho’s trajectory! Thank god for that though. Because of him I found Kim Woo Bin, which lead to Lee Jong Suk and then which finally lead to my love Seo In Guk!!


          I couldn’t reply to your most recent comment, but I can totally see why BOF is a hot mess. Surprisingly, I disliked Gu Hye-sun more than Lee Min-ho in the bit I watched, I think her acting was just too over the top. And 25 episodes is also too a long drama for me — I really have to consider if I like a show enough to put in more than 16-20 hours. BOF is not worth it for me. XD


            BOF is not worth it… you’re right haha. You’ve seen some of its infamy, I think that’s enough! 😛


      I started with Coffee Prince and also watched You From Another Star and I Remember You really early on. It set the bar high. Really high.


        I Remember You is one I’ve started but haven’t had the chance to finish. Now that Seo In-guk is gone for a while maybe I’ll catch up on his dramas I have yet to see in their entirety. (I Remember You, Reply 1997, High School King of Savvy.)


          I Remember You is one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. Lucky you, being able to fight off the withdrawal with all those dramas! The only one of his I have yet to see is King’s Face and Master’s Sun, but I generally don’t watch either genre. Two long years ahead.


            Ha, the withdrawal hasn’t hit me yet… I’m still in the denial phase. And oh, that’s right, he was also in Master’s Sun — adding that to my massive to-watch list, thanks for the reminder! Gah — two years is going to be excruciating. At least I’ll be able to play his music whenever I miss him rather than have to subject myself to the pain of marathoning his dramas all night long. Perhaps a slightly healthier solution? 😉 :'(


            I’ve been saving I remember You for a while. I know it’s good. And it has Bo Gum AND Seo In Guk in it… so I’m waiting till SIG withdrawal hits and then I’ll binge it…


            Master’s Sun was good, but not because of Seo In Guk. It was Gong Hyo Jin and So Ji Sub’s show through and through.
            I wish that he can go to military now! I want to re-start my countdown till he returns to kdramaland but his injury is just adding to that time!

            @kaybee Have you seen Love Rain and Rascal Sons then? I haven’t seen these two and King’s face.


        You know… is it better to start high, and have nothing meet that? Or to start low so you can only go up? Or start medium so you get everything? Who knows… I’m the latter… hahaha


          Personally, I’m happy I started high. There are always great shows that pop up at later times — like Signal! Nothing I watched topped Healer until I marathoned Signal, and now Healer and Signal are my absolute favorite shows. But to each their own. Middle is definitely safe, there are tons of really good shows that are fun but aren’t masterpieces or anything.


            I mean, I didn’t really choose how I started tbh. I saw a screencap of Pinocchio and I fell down the subsequent hole. And then I just went off people’s reccs and dramabeans // Signal… aisshhh Signal. I love everything about it; production, acting, tone, cinematography, dialogue, characters, action, it’s a superbly written thriller — except for the teeeensy tiny actually kinda huge issue I have with anything that uses time manipulation in its plots… that leaves holes everywhere, with no explanation, and no matter how hard I try to ignore them, I can’t enjoy time travelling dramas as much as I’d like to because of that.


          Replying to your most recent comment…

          I don’t even remember how I found K-dramas. I think it must have been some YouTube comment about TV in general and people in the comments started up about K-dramas and I was intrigued. (Side note: I didn’t find Dramabeans until a while into my K-drama obsession until I was marathoning Kill Me, Heal Me and was trying to search up recaps in case I was missing anything.) And SIGNAL. I thought it had very few holes compared to most stories that incorporate time manipulation (oh boy, some shows have holes the size of craters!). Of course, the whole magical walkie-talkie has to be taken with a grain of salt, but I was perfectly happy ignoring the holes because everything else was stellar. 😀


            I was lucky! I found DBs for my very first drama!! Been here ever since, but only really started commenting last year // It seemed like it had less holes because it, (like me) ignored them till the very last episode where suddenly everything was blatantly and glaringly obvious. And because everything else was done so well, it seemed to matter less. Of course there are always shows that do it worse haha. My issue is not really with magical walkie talkies or talismans, my issue is with time travel itself, and the only people I’ve seen that write it without the paradoxical plot holes, tend to have PhDs in Mathematical Physics hahaha


            It’s just a personal preference though. Not liking time travel very much. I know plenty of people who love it. But time travel seems to be the limit for the logical side of my brain (nope, not the crazy drama tropes, but time travel… *eyeroll*)


          Haha yes, time travel is crazy complicated. It’s really fun to also think about and discuss the rules the writers set for the world — and if they work or not as the story progresses. Often times, rules don’t hold up or some things just shouldn’t work but they have to happen because PLOT over physics. Sigh.

          The Signal finale did throw a lot of logic and rules out the window, but I didn’t mind. I was just happy everyone made it out alive and I hope to dear goodness we get a second season!


            Well that’s the thing. Writers tend to think about the story, and what needs to work for it, rather than the science behind time travel. As someone who loves physics, AND is a writer… I don’t think one should be neglected for the other. haha But I think people just like the idea of time travel, rather than it making sense all the time

            // How did you do the next line function?!?!?! is it working now?? – But yes hell yes, I would die for Signal S2…


            IT’S WORKING NOW




          One thing should not be neglected for another, that’s for sure, but I suppose some writers either aren’t that bothered or don’t have the time to devote to heavy research. Still, accuracy and attention to detail are things I appreciate seeing, and I’ll admit that I become a crazy nitpicker when a writer/actor/anyone gets something wrong about an area that I know a lot about! ^_^

          I just hit the Enter button twice on my computer. And it looks like your new paragraph worked right before the two // forward slashes. 🙂


            Yeah. It more of a fun interest I think for a lot of people, rather than something they think they need to invest heavy reading into. Which I can understand. Not everyone is me, and will want to learn about planetary metaphysics and fluid dynamics for writing research… hahaha
            Ehhhh nitpickers unite haha.

            Uhm apparently it’s only working on fan wall threads? Dunno why but oh well :/


          Wait, if you started with Pinocchio then I would call it starting high, not medium. it’s right up there for me along with My love from the stars, Healer and IRY.


            Well… you see… you’ll learn pretty quickly, I have VERY high standards when it comes to almost every kind of writing. So high people think I’m an entitled bitch because of it (I swear I’m not, I just analyse things to death and am hard to please) Books, tv shows, movies…
            Pinocchio is not bad. I thouroughly enjoyed it, and it’s a solid drama to start with. I’d call it the very high end of medium. But personally I wouldn’t rate it as high as some others.


            @sicarius Makes sense! I am quite easy to please actually! I even liked some parts of Heirs for crying out loud (read- the Kim Woo Bin parts)

            So lemme guess, your top favourites are Healer, Signal and My love from the Stars? Cuz I can see how nothing else would compare!


            @obsessedmuch @sicarius I STILL haven’t gotten around to Pinocchio. I’m not a big Park Shin-hye fan, but I do love Lee Jong-suk. HALP. What do I doooooo. Heirs though, eh… I think I’ll pass, even though I warmed up to Lee Min-ho in Legend of the Blue Sea. (Read: I went into LOBSter for Jeon Ji-hyun and stayed for Lee Min-ho. Did. Not. Expect. That.) But, again: not big on Park Shin-hye for some odd reason, so I really don’t think I’d enjoy Heirs…


            @sunflowerdiva Yeah, Heirs is not for you then! But you should watch Pinocchio.. Its quite great! And I personally think it is Park Shin Hye’s best work. But other than Shin Hye, you have to watch it for Lee Jong Suk, Yoon Kyun Sung, Lee Yu Bi, even Kim Young Kwang. Plus my personal favourites is the father and grandfather pair in that show. Basically, one of my personal favourites.

            And I usually advice people to ignore or rush through the first 2 episodes.


            Healer is my #1 favourite of all time
            Uh not quite actually! See why Signal is not above, in the Time Travel convo^^
            *consults her Drama Master List*
            So I have a word doc of all the dramas I’ve ever watched, with reviews and ratings. It’s in the process of being fully fleshed out, but after Healer, My Love From the Stars and Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Ju take tied for second place, and Answer Me 97 and Shut Up: Flower Boy Band are tied for third.
            MLFTS- was in the first five I ever watched and I need to rewatch it to see if it still holds strong, but it’s the only drama to ever make me cry. Which means it kinda has to be up there in the ratings because, I don’t really ever cry when watching film *heartless rock I am*
            WLFKBJ- Man, I haven’t been that invested in a drama in a while. The two leads story and development were just so on point <3
            To be honest with you though, those 4 are preeeettty close together. In terms of literally everything else other than the finer details of the storytelling and time travelling plot Signal is definitely up there though.
            It must be noted though, there are still a lot of very good dramas I have yet to watch. IRY, Sandglass, Tree With Deep Roots… LOTS I HAVEN'T WATCHED. Ack.
            Okay I'm gonna stop or this is gonna turn into a full on 7 page essay on every drama I've ever watched, and that's what the updated Drama list is for, not this comment thread hahaha


            @sunflowerdiva Heirs is not for you then. But Pinocchio is great! And I personally believe it is Park Shin Hye’s best work. If you really do not like her then there are other great things going for the show- Lee Jong Suk, Lee Yubi, Yoon Kyun sang, even Kim Young Kwang is not bad here… My personal favourites were the father and grandfather pair, and 2 sets of brothers.. Basically family dynamics were good.

            You can see that I love this show. My suggestion to people is usually to rush through the first 2 episodes, then it gets quite good!


            @sicarius I have a Google Sheet for all my dramas! It’s extremely detailed and both super organized and frighteningly unwieldy. Healer is an A+ and my fave drama. Other A+ shows are Signal, Queen In-Hyun’s Man, and Squad 38. “A” shows include MLFTS and WFKBJ. I haven’t finished Reply 1997 but I love what I’ve seen. We seem to have very similar tastes, I guess because we’re so particular!


            @obsessedmuch Thanks for the insight on Heirs! I might get to it one day, but there are a ton of other shows higher up on my list. But Lee Jong-suk is DEFINITELY a big draw… ^_^


            I’m not the biggest LMH fan tbh… I try… but we don’t gel very well haha I mean, I don’t hate him. I just… idk, it’s complicated. I can’t decide if it’s him, or the stories he’s in. It might be the latter. Both City Hunter and LOBSTER left me feeling incredibly salty.
            I would watch Pinocchio. SH is a lot better with LJS. Then again I’ve only ever seen her in YB and Pinocchio…


            @sicarius My Love from the Stars might not stand the test of time in terms of the storyline but the comedy and the emotions are still on- point.

            I loved Weightlifting Fairy, but at that time I was still too obsessed with my Louis world to fall completely in love with another show.

            Answer Me 1997 is the only show which gets better with every watch. I did not like it that much the first time, but Yoon Yoon Jae and Shi Won are love and their relationship grew on me.

            Watched Shut Up Flower Boy but never understood why everyone loves it. Maybe I should try watching it again.


            @sunflowerdiva I was talking about Pinocchio, not Heirs. Don’t watch Heirs if you don’t want to roll your eyes at every scene!


            @sunflowerdiva – shcaizer there are like 3 different convos going on here!! hahaa! Awesome!!! Yeah so far my original doc covers dramas watched, with ratings out of 5 stars, with mini comments of what I thought when finishing. Then Highly Recommended Dramas, then my currently watchings (regularly updated), then coming soons, and the every growing To Watch List.
            The new and improved doc will pretty much just be reviews and ratings of ones I have watched, with Objective ratings and Enjoyment ratings (much like DBs old system), and longer reviews of what I liked and didn’t.
            We do sound pretty similar! It’s nice I’m not alone!


            This thread is going crazy!!

            @sunflowerdiva I was talking about Pinocchio. Don’t watch Heirs if you don’t want your eyes to get stuck at the back of your head as a result of being rolled around at every single scene.

            @sicarius I started noting down the shows I watched in a diary, and simply gave them stars out of 5.. with random comments thrown in. Now I have pages and pages filled with the shows I have watched. I think I was at around 137 at the last count. So I am quite old school like that. No cool document for me… I hope I will get around to making my LIST one day. Or I can just take photos of my handwritten list and post those 😛


            SKL is very high up there for me too. I just got really into WFKBJ really quickly for some reason.

            I haven’t watched AM 97 fully a second time, but I could easily watch it again. Especially for the Busan accents. I know I’m weird, but they’re just great.

            Eh understandable. Actually I know quite a lot of people that don’t get the hype for SUFBB.
            Just because someone doesn’t like a drama doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad. Just that they didn’t connect with it or find it interesting. For example, objectively Marriage Not Dating, for what it is, is actually a pretty good drama. I just didn’t connect with the characters or story, or style, and got bored quickly. But for what it was trying to do, it did a good job. I think Healer is a very well written drama, I think that is a fact, but I can see how some people won’t find it as enjoyable as I did.
            Of course, the flip side of this also works. I see a lot of people elsewhere from DBs that lurrrve Scarlet Heart Ryeo, which is, film technically wise, is just not a good drama, no matter how much people like it.
            … sorry I got carried away there…


            Hahaha omygosh 137?!?!?! How long have you been watching for? I’ve only been watching for two and a bit years… so I’m only really on 37? 40 if you include the one’s I’m currently watching.
            For me, the analysis is a) the fun part and b) impossible not to do. Hence the 9k words I’ve written so far is only going to grow… haha
            Yes post pics! I got excited when I saw I could upload files, cos I intend to upload mine at some point!


            This thread IS crazy! Little me didn’t expect this awesome amount of word vomit, but I guess that just happens when people get excited about great shows, huh?!

            @sicarius Goodness, you’re very detailed with your drama logging! I have a similar system where I break down what I’m currently watching, what I have watched, and what I’ve dropped for the time being. Complete with ratings, my thoughts, network, air days and time slot, number of episodes, etc. BUT I color code. I like colors and making things match, so that’s probably where our documents differ. (Or maybe not!)

            I also agree about Scarlet Heart Ryeo being a show that lots of people loved but I personally didn’t. I watched only 5 episodes before losing interest and then I just kept up with the recaps here on Dramabeans. (Also… Lee Jun-ki is effing attractive.) I’ve seen people who don’t like Healer and Signal and it does make me sad they didn’t enjoy them, since I loved them so much, but not every show can universally please anyone.

            @obsessedmuch Whoa, 137 shows and notes on all of them? Share pictures share pictures! I’m like sicarius in the fact that I’ve only been drama watching for two years, so my list has only 32 total watched shows, plus about 12 that I’m in the middle of to some degree.


            @sicarius and @sunflowerdiva Yes 137 shows. I told you guys that I have no life. Hence my name. I need to slow down. I don’t remember when I started watching kdramas but I don’t think it would be more than 3 years. And no notes… Just stars. Which was not such a good decision because now I keep wondering about the shows with 3 stars- because they are neither here nor there.


FYI: “My Shows” includes the dramas I’ve watched, am currently watching, have watched more than a few episodes of, or want to watch. And I did go through all 38 pages of the master list, ha. ?