Beanie level: Water maid

This is me dropping: The King in Love, Bride of the Water God, Reunited Worlds, and Manhole. The only show I’m really still obsessed with is Rescue Me. It’s so different than the regular kdrama dare.


    LOL. I feel you. I dropped Manhole and Reunited Worlds. Also, Rescue Me is the only currently airing drama that I have stuck with. I started watching Rebel. Have you seen it already?


      I should watch Rebel. Are you enjoying it? It premiered at a time when I was all Sageuk’d out.

      What’s amazing is how late I’ll drop a drama these days. Like Reunited World, I just quit watching this week. BoTWG, I quit after episode 15.


        I’m enjoying what I’ve watched so far. There is a also a lot of traditional music, which I like to hear in a Saeguk. Even the slightly more modern pieces have traditional elements. The story is also pretty solid so far. I have quite a ways to go, so I’m not sure if it will continue to hold up.

        Yes, I dropped Reunited Worlds kind of late in the game as well. I used to try to stick with things whenever I got quite far into a drama.
