This is just my wish but I kind of want Ruler & SP recaps to be released first before the TLAHL recaps. For one, I can’t wait to talk about the new dramas, for two, I don’t want TLAHL to end just yet.
I’ll die if they come out at the same time. Ideal for me is: Wed/Th = Ruler + Suspicious Partners, Saturday – Sunday: Liar. I need a day to rest. Haha.
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May 10, 2017 at 9:40 AM
This is just my wish but I kind of want Ruler & SP recaps to be released first before the TLAHL recaps. For one, I can’t wait to talk about the new dramas, for two, I don’t want TLAHL to end just yet.
May 10, 2017 at 11:06 AM
Haha! Exactly. I need time to compose myself before the final recaps post… and I’m also so excited to talk about the new shows!
What will I do if they all post around the same time!?
Phuong H
May 10, 2017 at 11:32 AM
I’ll die if they come out at the same time. Ideal for me is: Wed/Th = Ruler + Suspicious Partners, Saturday – Sunday: Liar. I need a day to rest. Haha.