Returning home, Jin-kook finds Moo-young waiting with a gun. From the placid reaction, Moo-young realizes Jin-kook knows his real identity and wonders if that’s why Jin-kook despised him. Rather than deny it, Jin-kook flatly suggests they go outside. He starts to leave, but freezes when Moo-young shoots a flowerpot.
“I said, not here,” Jin-kook repeats without turning back. Moo-young asks if the gunshot brings back memories for Jin-kook like it does for him. Knowing the real question, Jin-kook admits that he killed Moo-young’s father, Kang Soon-goo.
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November 19, 2018 at 7:38 AM
Returning home, Jin-kook finds Moo-young waiting with a gun. From the placid reaction, Moo-young realizes Jin-kook knows his real identity and wonders if that’s why Jin-kook despised him. Rather than deny it, Jin-kook flatly suggests they go outside. He starts to leave, but freezes when Moo-young shoots a flowerpot.
“I said, not here,” Jin-kook repeats without turning back. Moo-young asks if the gunshot brings back memories for Jin-kook like it does for him. Knowing the real question, Jin-kook admits that he killed Moo-young’s father, Kang Soon-goo.