Is anyone watching The King’s Woman? I’m not a huge fan of Chinese dramas, the few I tried left me disappointed. I see a lot of posts about TKW though and they all seem very angsty which I’m totally in the mood for. But not if the story is over shadowed by too much CGI and exaggerated action sequences. Thoughts?


    It’s not that exaggerated in my opinion.


    Just started it this weekend but the action scenes were so good,not exaggerated. Actually 1 of the highlights for me.I wasnt that bothered by the few CGIs.

    yup full of angst,though I’m still hoping for a happy ending.

    (Cmon show,I want Raba & ZBB together,happily. It’s their 3rd drama already. And next one,ZBB is 2nd lead,again)


      Lol I’m in the mood for lots of angst but yes I do want a happy ever after at the end of the road. Here’s hoping the writers are not as sadistic on this one.


    I like the show so far. It’s not the best that’s out there and it probably will be more angsty as it goes along. But the action is definitely not exaggerated in this one, neither is there much CGI. As a matter of fat I don’t recall any CGI, and that’s one of the issues I have with Chinese dramas too.
