Finally got to see the movie A Taxi Driver and convinced my (non kdrama watching) family to go with me. Excellent movie. I highly recommend it.


    Yay!! It was an excellent film. So sad @earthna was unable to see it too! It’s not to be missed.


      I was kind of worried that my family wouldn’t like it but they all thought it was a great movie too. They were surprised to learn that Korea was under military dictatorship in the 80’s. Even though they are very well educated and like history, they don’t know much about Korean history.


        I am not sure how many people are aware of that part of their history. It was news to me until I started watching kdramas. And I love history! Most people know about the Korean war and all of that but not much more I think.

        I think it is a universal story. And is scarily relevant in this day and age. I think most people would like this film and for a foreign film has quite a bit of English.


          I didn’t know anything about Korea either (other than the Korean War) until I started watching kdramas. I know a lot more now but I’ve also realized how much more there is to learn. I would love to take a Korean history class but I don’t think there are any around where I live.

          Sometimes the English was harder to understand than reading subtitles! In the first scene with all the reporters, the subtitles were suddenly in Korean and I thought: “What’s wrong? Why am I not understanding this? Why are the subtitles in Korean? Ooooohh. They’re speaking English now.” But with their accents I was wishing I had subtitles instead.

          I agree that it is a universal story. Very inspiring.


            I wish my university had a Korean history class. It’s even hard to just find a decent Korean history book in my area. They’re all about the Korean war or they skip over the interesting parts and just talk about the archaeological finds and various historical sites.


            @crysta I’m actually thinking about petitioning my school to offer at least a Korean language class. Maybe if you can find people who are interested in taking a course in Korean history you could convince your school to offer it.
            Until then, we can get our historical information from dramas and dramabeans 🙂
