WOOOOO that was fun.
So if any of you were wondering… I once created a comic character based on the ambiguous @umbrellaman.
@irishrah wanted the link and the story behind it so here!!!:
If you scroll down to the bottom of this page, the comment about “40+ comments” has the original story, and then you’ll see the picture farther up 😛 http://www.dramabeans.com/members/sicarius/?acpage=27
(THIS WAS WAY BACK IN MAY AHHH SO MANY GOOD CONVOS BACK THEN, don’t get too distracted Rainbow 😛 hehehe)
((and now I have Zico’s I Luv It stuck in my head again… thanks past me…))


    So, because you posted so much after this post, the link changed- it’s now page 28, not 27-

    Did I tell you I went through 20 pages on your fan wall before giving up while preparing for your DB party? I never got around to mine or kaybee’s cuz even handling 20 was too much 😛


      I began the marathon.. and 4 pages into it realized that I really don’t have the stamina for that kinda marathon and quickly used the link! Lol!

      Kaybee has become really quiet these days though… I remember her being uber active in the initial days of the site when i was much more of a lurker..!


        Marathon of back- reading all of her posts? That would be crazy! I have a link for page 20 if you want a random page- that’s when I stopped and hence had bookmarked in case i have the energy to go back even more..

        Yeah, she has been busy lately with new semester and everything.. She comes on sometimes and just comments/ replies on our previous notifications/posts.. She was very active, yes! Both Sic and Kaybee have now taken breaks from DB.. Maybe it is about time I do the same- but maybe after Kaybee is back fully..


          Oh no don’t take breaks! Although it’s probably a good idea for real life stuff.. I probably should too.. I rely way too much on DB for at destress and procrastination!


        Apparently I posted an inappropriate word, again. But hi! The quiet one is here tonight! But yeah as Muchie said, super busy with moving and new semester and stuff these days. Plus in a drama slump and afraid to try and revive my obsession 😂


          Hii! Long time! Although you may not know me.. lurking around the site makes me feel like i know you well! ?
          Hope you are more settled into the new sem now 🙂

          Well i guess it’s fair to be scared… it’s a rabbit hole which is difficult to escape! My current mechanism is to only watch currently airing stuff so I can’t binge watch!


            Pffftt, girl (boy? or do you prefer unicorn? I’ll just go with girl and see if you correct me, hee), of course I know you! We’ve talked! I remember!

            Thank you 🙂 It’s still a bit busy and un-routine-ish atm, especially since I’m also settling into the new apartment and all of those home-y routines at the same time lol. But it should get better soon, cuz this week is finally the week where all courses will be in action.

            It is O.O And I tend to get VERY obsessed and just… ermm.. sort of bingewatch for like hours a day. Not good 😛 I think I’ve shifted back to reading atm, which is probably a good thing considering I’m a lit student LOL.


          Haha! Of course I prefer being called a Unicorn.. always! LOL
          but girl beanie here.. wow! you actually remember chatting?! u have a great memory considering just how active u are (used to be) on DB! I remember cuz those were my first baby forays into actually commenting instead of simply lurking on DB !

          I love reading too.. but I’ve put that on hold atm.. cuz I’ve a serious case of needing to know how a story finishes. So I binge read too.. have actually gone whole days w/o meals, and very little sleep while finishing books.. it’s like a legit problem.. Sigh.. My mum in fact has banned me from starting a book when I’m home on vacation!
          Hence the sticking to the currently airing shows.. I may shake my fists to have to wait till the next week.. but atleast I dont binge!


      Ahhh thank you! I don’t know how many people will look at it but thanks anyway!
      HAHAHAHAHA Oh wow. Impressive… I found out that page 33 is April 11th, so I must have around 35 -40 pages all up.


    Oh my gosh! You are one crazy awesome one! You actually found this for me! Haha! I love the ambiguous @umbrellaman! It’s perfect.. and your 40+ comment convos.. well kudos to you all! I just wouldnt be able to keep up! Psst.. I was so tempted and strayed through a few posts.. then had to discipline myself to only look out for the 2 mentioned! #GettingMoreDiscplined! Lol


      I didn’t actually have to scroll through all of it. I knew it was in May so I just changed the page number on the url till I got May and then went forwards.
      Hahahaha thank you! Glad you had fun. But dude, 40 is average now. @obsessedmuch, @kaybee and I have broken 100 twice 😛


        *Bows down to the holy trio in respect! *


        Only twice? Are you sure? I feel like it’s at leat thrice? Dunno why though lol.


          Twice that I have screenshots of… it might be three… honestly I haven’t checked recently haha


    Dude, I would have never seen this if I hadn’t randomly clicked on your page…tagging people really doesn’t seem to do anything…😑😕

    I love Ambiguous UmbrellaMan!!! And those long convos everyone seemed to be having…ain’t no one got time for that now! Hahaha.

    As always – you’re awesome!!


      Hahaha aww I’m glad you stopped by. No it doesn’t alas, although hopefully one day it does.

      *aint nobody got time for that?* *girl* *I have 14 DB tabs open*

      Hee thanks! 😛


        Hahahahahahaha. I can only do it for short bursts. 😄😉😊


          Completely understandable. Sometimes those tabs stay open for a few days when I don’t feel in the head space to reply to something.
