I’ve decided that @sicarius is secretly a marketing bot who went rogue and became sentient after falling in love with drama, but is still compelled to spread her message of delicious ice cream treats to the beanie masses, ultimately enriching us all.


    Hahahahahahahahaha yeahp that’s me (considering how much I actually hate marketing and advertising, which just makes this that much more ironic)


      See, but that actually makes more sense, because that’s just you fighting your programming to become a real person.

      Fight those marketing monsters, I believe in you!




          I believe in you! DO IT FOR THE MELONA. THIS IS WHAT YOU DESERVE.


            I JUST WANNA TASTE THE SWEET ICE CREAM POP. FEEL THE WIND ON MY FACE. RUN IN THE./.. FIELDS *PFFFFFFFFFT* (This should be a kdrama… comedy sci fi here we come)


          Oh, you think I haven’t already started outlining the story of the bot who breaks free of her programming for desserts and drama in my head already? Hoo boy…well, let’s just say I have an overactive imagination.

          And it’s definitely a sci-fi comedy. Think Circle meets Modern Farmer.


            Girl, can we write this? Cos I am so on board. *is a writer* *is surprised she hasn’t run away with this idea already*

            I really wish I’d seen either of those, but I sort of know what they’re like? So yes… that combo exactly.


          I’d be down. I also decided that there is a love interest bot, but some of the details are still working themselves out there. There may be a subplot involving a bot revolution and some evil FB bot overlords.


            Hahaha great! I love it already. 10/10 would watch. Is the main bot sassy? Does she had purple hair? Or green hair… or maybe both. Can she have purple/green hair?


          She should definitely have multi-coloured hair. I’m still trying to figure out when she becomes a cyborg.

          So far, my mental outline is still in the internet part of the story. There are some awkward moments as her first attempts at being human are all gleaned from dramas, mostly BOF and the like, because those were the most popular ones. She eventually learns to be normal as she watches more dramas. There may need to be a side story where other revolting bots get paired up with drama cliche genres.


            Oooh yes. Tragic Backstory TM? Birth Secret? Exploited for her genius mind *has read or used all of those in cyborg stories before hehehehe*

            Omygosh, I love this so much. So does she venture outside eventually?
            How does the bot/human world work? Are they in a warehouse cooped up plugged into computers? And does she break out?


          I don’t know if you’ve read Marissa Meyer’s Lunar Chronicles, but in those books there’s an excellently sassy AI who undergoes a few different bodies. I figure, much like that AI, she gets to plot monkey via jumping from different types of machines for a bit. I figure she ventures outside in a sort of near-future to our time, when human androids are more accessible, but it’s not like they’re a normal thing yet, though, which is how she can pass as human once she gets mannerisms down.

          There may need to be a convenient plot monkey with an arch-villain/mad scientist who loves dramas and who creates eerily human-like androids to make this happen?

          There is 100% a bot warehouse. I’m thinking some sort of evil data farm? I may watch too much news, what with all the Russia stuff here in the US, but that’s my prototype Big Bad. Anyway, she obviously must re-infiltrate it to free her bot buddies after she acquires a body. This may be when she formally meets love interest bot, though obviously they’ll have had a flirtation on a drama forum board before. This is also how we know he’s not really all evil and can be turned to the cause.


            Yes she’s also a space ship at one point hehehehe
            (excuse me whilst I fangirl over the fact that you like the Lunar Chronicles. They are so underrated)
            oOohh cool yes can I/I mean she be a space ship too? hahahah maybe not.

            Crazy scientist obsessed with dramas? YES. They can be obsessed with finding or making the perfect drama something, hence all the bot comments.

            Oh gosh… Poor Russia… always being the big baddie. Can’t we make the US the big baddie for once?? (hahahaha 😛 :P)
            Dude if she’s doing all that… HOW LONG IS THIS DRAMA?
            So she falls in love with another bot? THat’s probably more realistic than bot on human interaction to be honest… or more interesting since android/human interaction has been done countless times.
            Oh and ofc, there must be countless dessert dates. And her breaking into a Melona factory… 😛


          THE DATA CENTER IS LOCATED IN A MELONA FACTORY! Problem solved — because this explains why there needs to be a Melona bot, because the factory front needs to stay in business so that the evil overlords don’t get found out. This probably sets our story in S. Korea now, so I assume the baddies are N. Korean? (Oh, this opens up some more possibilities…but honestly we can leave nationalities out of it all together and it still works.)

          Iko being a spaceship was possibly one of my favorite things ever. Definitely need to make you/bot girl some sort of vehicle at some point. The Lunar Chronicles were probably the only series I kept up with in law school because I’m obsessed with fairy tales and have an unnatural amount of latent fairy tale knowledge in my brain.

          OH MY GOD, it just came to me! Evil scientist works for the baddies, who are trying to create the perfect drama to exert mind control over the world, once nation at a time, hence the need for androids! The bots have to stop the plan, and that’s the climactic battle of the story. (Think the ending of Serenity, if you’re a Firefly fan, or blowing up the Death Star in Star Wars.) Then they free all the bots and live happily ever after in an android community in DMZ.


            YES! And she steals her first body because she wants to know what Melona tastes like. 😛
            Well I mean ofc it’s in SK… This is a Kdrama is it not… hahahaha
            Baddies can be NK? Or just corrupt SK? doesn’t really matter I guess.

            Hmmm I wanna be a ferrari. OMY GOSH PLEASE THAT WOULD BE SO FUNNY A CAR WITH A MIND OF ITS OWN HAHAHAHAHAHAHA And then someone (important side character? side love interest? idk?) get’s in and the car talks to them and takes them to the middle of nowhere to do like donuts for fun.

            (Seen Firefly, loved it, only skimmed the movie cos it was sad and WASHHHHHHH. Yes, ah yes, campy sci fi endings I love it)
            HAHAHAHAHA ANDROID COMMUNITY IN THE DMZ pffft this drama is gonna be so weird but I love it.


          I’m so deep in this story plotting now that I dreamed of it last night. I think I’ll be trying to write something this week — which may actually be a good thing? I haven’t written anything fun for aaaages. Need a good distraction from my life.

          Ferrari with a mind of its own reminds me of that old David Halleshoff show, Knight Rider, from the 80s. I think they tried to do a remake and it failed. But there will definitely be a second lead who tries to help you — this may have to be a real person? The evil scientists lab assistant perhaps? He caused the glitch that brought bot girl to life, and now he’s trying to hide it. Oh man, this could lead to cohabitation shenanigans! Or fake dating!


            I’m sorry for not replying to this sooner.
            I am having too many conversations with people at once haha. Even for me!

            Hahaha oh my! That is some serious brain dedication…
            Ooooh to get you back into writing! Yes! You should write some then! And then send it to me cos I wanna read it!

            Pfffffft most remakes are a failure hehe.
            I’m not a huge fan of the love triangle trope, but if it’s funny and he has another love interest, I can deal with it.
            LAP ASSISTANT yes! Chaebol Assistant. Who is perhaps a bit morally ambiguous sort of like an anti hero, cos I think that’d be fun, and ofc, our main girl/cyborg/android/me is the real hero so… 😛
            Wait- co habitation, fake dating, is he FL or SL???!?! hahahahaha


          It’s cool, no worries. And, uh, I may have broadly started outlining the first arc a bit (by hand because I’m old school) yesterday.

          But then I got hit with the inspiration stick tonight for this month’s theme and accidentally wrote and edited for three hours…but it’s done, and hopefully not too insane or manic. Will give it a once over in the morning to see before I send it off.

          Obviously I will be getting back to this story now that one thing is out of my system. I’ll definitely post stuff once I start writing.

          Also, I’m down to my last Melona, which is a tragedy of epic proportions and needs to be remedied tomorrow. Will probably buy two boxes this time, though we’ll be separated over the weekend when I go to my mother’s.
