I love the camaraderie of the Rowdy Hongs. They are a true family. But I fear what’s coming as I approach the last eleven episodes! :0


    I still haven’t picked it up 😅 and you’re already 11ep before the end hahaha. Next week I’ll pick it up for sure, at ep5 😅


      LOL! I surprised myself. I figured I would only check out one or two episodes a day.

      Sometimes, I wish that I had been watching this show at the same time that the recaps were coming out. I think that I have a pretty decent understanding of what’s going on, but I know that the recaps can help to clear up some things. I plan on going back to a couple of recaps right now.


      And yes, I have been keeping an eye out on the wall for your thoughts and possible spoilers. I guess the fact that you haven’t watched any more episodes at this point explains things, lol! 😉

      Happy watching!
