I’m usually not a fan of wrist-grab hugs.. but she really needed & deserved that hug!

PS – @ally-le if i get abused by beanies about the HospitalShip spam.. it’s on u!


    I probably shouldn’t admit that I like wrist grabs in dramas, probably because I know it means “Twoo Wuv”. But I would NEVER tolerate that in real life. Come to think of it, there are lots of things I’ll accept in dramas that I wouldn’t let go IRL.


      Tell me about it! I would die of embarrassment/ get mad if many of the cheesy lines/ actions I go gooey over in kdrama ever happened to me in real life! We are a strange breed who live vicariously without actually wanting those things.. I’m sure psychologists would enjoy dissecting us!


    i thought i wouldn’t like it if there’s noona romance involved between these two, but i think i’m wrong now! minhyuk looks so mature, AWW. i may be watching this after it ends then~ ^^


      Minhyuk is super cute in this drama!! And the romance at least so far has been very low key and in a slow burn.. so the tension us sorta enjoyable without becoming cringe y yet!


        i see! but i heard complaints regarding the plot.. 🙊 how u finding it?


          Haha! Yeah it does have it’s weak points.. plus I treat the medical aspect of it as fantasy so I’m not as bothered by the inaccuracies.. but the rest of the plot is still much stronger than a lot of other popular dramas I feel. There is slow but good character growth and the struggles are real and painful.. I like it.. but that’s not the general opinion.. but I’ll also admit its not a riveting be glued to the screen kind either


    Thank you! I can’t bring myself to watch this, but appreciate the pretty!! Lol!
