The joy and pain of a shorter series (a mini? rant) Don’t mind me, y’all. I have too many feels.


    I’ve made it pretty clear, I think, how much I loved ISWAK and TKA (kind of makes me a bit nervous about the rewatch I’m thinking about) and I’m really loving/liking/have strong feels for Love In Tokyo 1 and 2 but it kind of feels like a watered down (less angsty) version of ISWAK and TKA. Now, LiT 2 clocks in between 45-55 mins and TKA was 70 minutes. LiT2 is 16 eps TKA was 20. So, TKA had more time to play around and pace the storyline.

    Ok. Ok. Call me crazy (for so many reasons) but, I LOVE in TKA (I don’t remember his name because I’m terrible with names) the plot line where Xiang Qin is in nursing school and becomes really close with one of her male classmates. This friendship is the one time in the entire series were Zhi Shu is nervous that he’s going to lose Xiang Qin. Oh, y’all. Those eps hurt so good. Zhi Shu has always been a cold man–thats the nature of the character–but this is the one time where he is going head to head for Xiang Qin’s affections for someone who is his complete equal–the classmate is as smart and as handsome and all the other positive adjectives that you can think PLUS he’s kind. And he’s warm. He’s the kind of person that if you put Zhi Shu up against with all things being equal–he’s going to lose. Zhi Shu is jealous for the first time, ever, and he doesn’t know how to handle it. And he handles it real.freaking.wrong. and he almost looses the love of his life.
    True story: one of (maybe my absolute) fav scenes is from this time period and its when Xiang Qin’s dad punches Zhi Shu right in the freaking face.
    I love how slowly this whole thing plays out. I love that the time constraints on the show gives room to tell the story of how a couple who was so in love 2 eps ago are on the verge of separating (I won’t say adultery because even though the guy confesses we ALL know that she would never cheat on Zhi Shu) but I will say considering (lightly, and for the first time ever) that there are other men out there. GALL. IT HURTS SO GOOD.
    Like I said, I’m loving LiT 2–but its a shorter show. It doesn’t run as long and there are fewer eps. So, while TKA was beautifully paced–it seems like things in this version are happening really, really fast. Like Kotoko and Naoki just had a screaming fight (the first of their entire relationship) when two eps ago they had middle of the night boat sex. The problems–the cracks in the foundation–are there, but they are being rushed by so quickly that the angst and the fight and the ignoring and avoiding and all of it seems like its coming from nowhere.

    Lighter mini-rant. I already mentioned how stinkin’ adorable I find this Chris to be. I will say that is one plot line that was completely rushed. I thought/hoped since they had an actual decent actress and they introduced her in the beginning of the series instead of the beginning of the end that they would take the time to pace the plot line out…NO. Not at all. First ep we meet her. She falls head over heels tbc


      mini my great aunt fanny.

      She falls head over heels for Kin-Chan (girl after my own heart) tells Kotoko that she is blind and has bad taste in men. And then we see her again the following ep (or the one after that) its been 6 months. She’s going back to England. We’re told (not shown) that she’s been coming to the restaurant every day to hang out with Kin-Chan and try and make him love her. The next thing we know Kotoko is throwing a fake birthday party for Kin-Chan with her two best friends for Chris and I’m sitting here like—when did they meet? Its been six months? This WHOLE thing took place 100% off screen. They tried to do a dramatic flashback as kin-Chan is running to the airport to stop Chris from leaving and they only have TWO SCENES to draw from. Now, even though the plot and the character doesn’t bother me—its weird to see them lovey dovey because 99% of their entire relationship happened off screen. Thats just bad storytelling, yo.

      Mini rant. Pah. I’ll never.


        Lol I watched all of this series adaptations religiously, including the anime (where it all started) and read the manga. I know its the cheesiest thing ever, but my heart bleeds every time I watch this. Its my number one crack and gets me every time. Seriously every time I feel the feels all over again. Its ridiculous.


          I am thinking of watching the anime. There’s something about this story line that I just love.


            I love the anime! Its definitely more comedic although the emotions are pretty well done so it still hits right in the feels. My favorite thing about the anime is Irie Kun’s mom, oh my God is that lady freaking hilarious!! Even Kotoko’s character is funny. I specially loved the episode where no one knows she’s Irie’s wife so they all stalk him and drag her along. That episode is awesome. If you watch it I would love to hear your thoughts about how you like it. 🙂


    ep 10.
    This is was Naoki is a jerk: Kotoko’s insane extended family have literally made a festival of his coming to visit. They asked him for a few words and he looks around and says, “You misspelled my name. And the word “welcome”. There are too many strokes.” Look here, buddy. They are just excited to love you and welcome you into their family. Maybe remove the stick, unbend a bit and go with the flow.


      We finally see my beloved Kin-Chan after 57,000 eps of him being MIA he’s literally shoved aside for Chris. Now, I love Chris. I find her delightful (even if she was shoe-horned in and that entire romance took place off screen. Whatever. I already ranted about this) but Wench. You block my Kin-Chan again and there will be PROBLEMS. PROBLEMS I SAY!!


    I am typically on Kotoko’s side when she goes on her rants about Naoki–but goll. that must be exhausting to be on the other side of. This last one came pretty much out of nowhere and thats all I could think: she would be exhuasting to be married to.

    And how typical of the show and the treatment of Kin-Chan and Chris. There’s an (admittedly funny) scene where he asks Naoki how he proposed to Kotoko but—the proposal takes place off screen. We see her refusal. And we see Chris (WE GOT PROBLEMS, YO. Meet me in the nearest parkinglot. Its goin’ down! Violence!) and Kotoko have a lame conversation. But the actual relationship between Kin-Chan and Chris? Nope.
