Now I want to trial this. Tie myself up with duct tape and see if I can get out… I have issues.


    I once tried to make a copy of keys with tape, fire and the top of plastic bottle, I saw it in the Man Who Lives in our house…. let’s just say it didn’t work out.


      Your username says it all! 😁👍


      Hahahaha I remember that scene! You’d have to be REALLY good at cutting metal accurately for that to work… But I love that you tried lol


      Yes I wanted to try that out! It looked so real and easy I was super impressed when she did it.


        Lol, please don’t, when you put a hot key on tape it gets burned in seconds (and that was only a first step, I even got a little burn on my finger).
        This experience made me think that phrase “don’t do it at home” is a very important one and need to be included in every scene like that


    Dude that is literally me! I get paranoid sometimes and just go into these weird imaginative scenarios. And one of them just happens to be, “man if I was duck tapped and kidnapped hwo would I escape”?? Weird I know but anyways that got me thinking I need to try and duck tape myself.


      Hehehehe don’t worry I think about how I’d get out of buildings if I ever got locked in ALL THE TIME. For real though I almost thought about doing it yesterday, hahaha… still really want to try.


        Haha omg I can’t believe this. I think about this too. I would love to be able to pick locks, like that’s always seemed super cool and spy like to me when they show people picking locks. Basically I just want to be Healer. 😛


          … I actually semi seriously considered doing a locksmith apprenticeship JUST so I could learn how to legally pick locks… pfffffffft
          Heee or well actually SHE was the one who could pick locks in that as well…
          Healer is goals… except maybe without the tragic backstory lmao


            Omg locksmith apprenticeship would have been so freaking cool! I wish I could do that. Basically I just want someone to train me in all the cool martial arts/spy moves, etc. like Healer. I can live without the tragic backstory. I just want the cool lock picking and parkour powers please!


          I sort of still want to? But it’d be three years, and I’m not sure I like the tradesman subculture… nor is it a very female heavy place!

          Hehehehe don’t we all!!! You can answer that next time some one asks you what your preferred super power is “:P


            Yes o think I’ll stick to watching YouTube videos and trying to lock pick. Although learning something like that does sound awesome in theory. In practise it’s welcome given much weight as a career. But even then these kind of things fascinate me. I used to also be obsessed with the whole glass blowing process. It just looks so amazing the way you make objects and shapes from just glass pieces? Wish I could do a workshop course for that as well.


          Hehehe I am of the firm belief that such things can be self taught.

          Oh my gosh I love glass blowing too. And glass design in general? I collect antique glass bottles and I wish I knew enough about it to tell how old a bottle was just from looking at it.


            Oh my God what is happening?? Its like I found my long lost twin K-drama style and now we have all these things in common. *throws up hands* Wut??

            I love glass designs too! Colored glass i my favorite like the ones in churches with the sunlight just streaming through? So pretty!! I went to this church last year for a uni convention and took like a billion pictures of just the glass windows! Luckily my friend loves them as much as I do so she wasn’t really phased.

            Generally I just love all things antique. I’m not ashamed to say I’m a hoarder and have a ton of stuff all over my room and squirreled away in boxes. There is just something so beautiful about old things with history. Or just things that look antique like leather journals and wooden chests.


          Dude there is so much SAME in this comment I don’t even know where to start.
          HI APPARENT OTHER TWIN. Although I think I have like three twins now so that’s a bit weird… (that is, other people I’ve met online that have freakishly similar things in common with me haha)
          First of all STAINED GLASS WINDOWS. ARE MY THING. AND CATHEDRALES. LIKE WOW. YES. So peaceful and calming, could spend hours in them, and I want stained glass windows in my dream house for sure.
          Second of all- I collect bottles right, but most of them are blue because blue glass is so gorgeous. And I have a pinterest board entirely dedicated to glass haha.

          Now I have to say I always gravitate to the bottle part of antique stores, and I can never afford anything else, but if I had the money, I would definitely collect antiques. Like old chests, and chairs, and writing desks, and typewriters and hat stands, and ornaments. Although if I had the money I’d be even more of a hoarder than I am now… Would need to live in a warehouse hehe.
          YES! All the yes- they have stories to them. Lives. Where did they come from?
          Where have they been… so fascinating. And leather… mmmm leather. *high fives you for everything I just repeated at you because of similarities haha*
