Watching Soo-ah spiral out of control is honestly more heartbreaking than infuriating. Props to Chae Soo-bin for creating such a beautifully layered and complex character.


    I liked her character and her arc a lot. The only thing that I didn’t like was how her motives turned out later.

    I mean the whole point and reason of her lashing out and turning fierce was because of her being the second best student and her wanting to bring down and ruin the best student, which was Yul, NOT Yun-Doo. Then WHY was EVERYTHING she did harmful ONLY to Yun-Doo??

    I loved the initial setup and motives, but none of the pranks and plans did anything to Yul! Why?? This was Goong all over again.

    In Goong they started out focusing on the prince and his utter reluctance for being a royal, then when they hit an extension suddenly shifted the whole story and focused on pressuring his wife iut of the blue. Except in Goong the story shifted near the end not from the second episode.

    I love both dramas, Sassy and Goong, and all the characters (except the cousin in Goong!) and rewatch them regularly! But I still get rather angry with the writers every time.


      I think she lashed out at Yeon-doo because she was an easier target than Yeol. Yeaol was protected by his father, but Yeon-doo didn’t have connections or money, which Soo-ah saw as the only things worth having. She constantly underestimated Yeon-doo because she believed that Yeon-doo’s innate kindness was a flaw and weakness, not a strength that gave her power in the same way money and connections gave Soo-ah power.

      Remember, Soo-ah lashed out at Dong-jae when she thought Yeon-doo was ratting her out, and she lashed out at Ha-joon to get Yeol to bend to her will early on. She has no issues using people, and I think when she sees that Yeon-doo is the best way to lash out at Yeol. Plus, it’s very clear that her paranoia is what drives her, and that paranoia is what causes her to make illogical leaps and drives her to make the bad decisions she does. Moreover, Yeol threatens her with the video of her stealing the drive, but Yeon-doo is in on it too. It’s always seemed natural that she would lash out at Yeon-doo.

      But most importantly, it’s clear that the reason she loathes Yeon-doo is because Yeon-doo is everything Soo-ah can’t be — Yeaon-doo can be slack about her grades, she’s close with her mother, she has loyal friends who will stand by her no matter what, and she isn’t killing herself to survive. It’s a pretty classic case of jealousy.


        Thank you! That was beautifully explained and definitely tripled my enjoyment of the next rewatch of a favorite show❤


          Glad I could help! As long as you remember that Soo-ah’s actions are never really about Yeol or being second place, it makes a lot more sense as to why she’s acting the way she does.


    To think I hated her to hell and back in this drama! Kudos to CSB for being so good at emoting.


      Seriously. Every time her character started to shriek, I think I would have tuned out had the part been given to a lesser actress.

      But the fact that those shrill shrieks were really a cry for help, and you could see that in her eyes was really the reason I kept watching her. I loved that in the end it wasn’t that she was just forgiven for her crimes, but that she sincerely repented and saw the error of her ways.
