so unproductive! rewatched wizard of nowhere eps because i now have a crush on uhm ki-joon and there are no more eps ’cause of the strike


    They have left to shoot for their third trip today!
    I was thinking of starting the show for Jinwoo now..


      They did?!?!?! OMG at least I know that there’s gonna be more. I just don’t know WHEN it’ll drop.

      I initially started this for Jinwoo but now I’m in it for Uhm Ki-joon. Haha!

      Please do watch it! I didn’t really expect to love it but I do! Maybe it’s because I love travel shows and if it includes celebrities facing hardships such as hitchhiking and trying to sell their own belongings ALL THE BETTER HAHAHA And their dynamics are so good!

      I started at episode 5 because that’s when Jinwoo entered the show but I just wanna say that just watch eps 5-9. (I have yet to watch episodes 1-4, currently downloading them.) Don’t go into the tenth episode because then you’ll be like me WAILING TO THE HEAVENS FOR THE NEXT EPISODE hahaha


        Yup! I saw some instagram posts from some Winner fan accounts and also from a lady cast member (I don’t remember her name)..

        Hehe…. you went in for Jinwoo too? *Hi-5!* I have wanted him to have his time in the limelight and to be the maknae for once and this seems like the perfect show for that.

        Oh yes I intend to start from ep 5 tonight! 🙂


          As for me, Minho is my bias but I wanted to see their different mojiri-ness so I thought of checking it out. Hope you enjoy and I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it!


            Ah I don’t have a bias in Winner! I love them all! But there are days where I love one a lil more than others- right now it is Hoony because he is so extraa 😛

            I hope so too… will tell you how I feel about it once I finish their first trip then 🙂


            @obsessedmuch Have you seen Magic Cellphone and Love for a Thousand More? I was supposed to watch it today but I ended up catching up with Falsify for this week’s finale + rewatching Wizards of Nowhere hahaha
