Lesson time, beanies! Let’s find out more about today’s dish, gegukji from our resident foodie, shall we?

PS I’m so happy I have no seafood allergy 😄

#Let’sEat2 #S2E5


    I just finished dinner but wow, am i getting hungry just by looking at these pictures! how can you stand when watching the show?!? :O


      IKR? I put on weight for the first season of Let’s Eat kekeke so that’s why I decided to do this for Let’s Eat 2 in the hopes that I’ll be too busy with the posting of and sharing the delicious food with beanies rather than thinking about eating, but so far, the show is winning 😆 Ottoke?


        Did you try cooking the food on the show? If its eating Korean yummy food, I might be fine with putting on some weight. LOL XD Keep sharing yummy photos ❤❤


          Haha, I’m a lousy cook so I don’t attempt anything that may cause stomachache on my family 😆 It’s just that when I see them eat all the delicious food, it makes me so hungry (even after having my meal), I will end up snacking and going to restaurants/cafes more to satisfy my cravings 😁😁

          PS sorry for the late reply, real life just interferes sometimes


            Yup, that right! For those of us that do not really know how to cook, we can only search for food to satisfy our cravings! For me its usually junk food though. LOL.

            PS its okay, I know how real life works. Hope you get to enjoy many more yummy food 🙂


    This is probably my favorite thing in this entire series. (I have an inexplicable fondness for both kimchi AND crabs–so this is like *mind blowing* for me!)


      Yes, so far this is my fav too!!! Coz I love crabs! I think for the other Korean dishes that I have seen and featured, I’m sure I can get them quite easily in my country but for this dish, hmmm… I doubt it so I guess I just have to go to Korea very soon haha 😂


        Question (game) on my fan wall if you wouldn’t mind participating! I love these posts, btw. Keep them coming!


          I played along!! Felt so old when I read the replies from the other beanies – didn’t even cross my mind that it would be illegal for them to date someone 13 years younger now 😱

          Anyway apologies for the late reply – been a super duper busy week and only had time now to check DB
