So one of my friends was complaining to me about some chick who she is close with apparently uninstalled instagram or something like it to get room for a gaming app.

Meanwhile, I am sitting here having uninstalled literally every single social media outlet to make way for the Drama watching apps and Oppa Pictures. (If I don’t update within the next few days, it’s probably because she found out, and in a fit of rage threw me into a dumpster)

Here, have a picture of an Aardvark as I try not to be found out ^^


    Um, can’t you still access Instagram through a browser? ‘Cause that’s how I do all my social media. Ain’t nobody got room for social media apps when there’s drama apps ….


      I haven’t used instagram in months, so I really couldn’t tell you. But they way she was telling me was like the girl ran over her cat or something…


    Seems to me like you have your priorities in order.

    However, if your friend does find out, I suggest the old “My phone deleted it randomly” excuse. Works like a charm. Though it helps if your phone is the grandmother of a dinosaur like mine.


      Unfortunately it’s a new phone, which they know, and the only problem with it is low storage space, which they also know. I ended up shutting my phone off so she doesn’t notice, but the danger isn’t over.


        Legit. Maybe the “My new phone is clearly possessed and keeps deleting apps” excuse will work? Or, if you spend any time with small children, “Oops, one of the kids must’ve deleted it” is always excellent and no one questions it.


          I’m sticking with “Oh no, the phone died, and I forgot the charger at work”
