I will just leave it here for anyone who likes K-pop or EXO or riddles…
Because SM loves teasing way too much.


    No Lay is all I see. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


      I know right. 🙁 There go all the theories. But maybe he’s the one they all look at at the end. Isn’t it his voice at 0:9? (I don’t recognize his voice so I wouldn’t know.)


        So, you were wondering right? You can always trust EXO-Ls to overthink every thing.


          Thank you. I have already seen it. 😀 (What does it make me?) Lol.
          It’s a crazy fandom. (The posters! How?) I am sometimes wondering how much of it all was really planned (e.g. the number 2641 – so many theories). But a lot of things really make sense.


            I know. I was like how do they notice all these things? Someone mentioned on Facebook (before this parallel universe thing even started) that EXO’s MVs are kind of going back in time. Which got me thinking that, is the repackage album going to be our EXO came to Earth? Because Kyungsoo mentioned one of the scenes in Ko Ko Bop MV as when EXO first landed on earth but it is their most recent release while MAmA, their debut song, almost feels like they’ve been on earth long enough to become confused at how humans can treat each other so badly. I’m clearly losing my mind because of all these theories now. Lol.


          Sorry for the delay, life got busy, I got busy…
          I’ve already read somewhere before that their MVs are going back in time, but I never really got it. Plus, someone found a myth where an eclipse stopped a war, but if we were going back in time, the war should have been stopped before it started, right? However, MAMA really sounds like they’ve been on Earth for a while.
          In the light of the new teaser (!!!!) I think maybe there was a war on EXO planet and that’s why they came to Earth?
          I’ll post this now and off to watch the explanation video.


            Yes, that’s what I thought too! EXO were soldiers in the war, their weapons was their superpowers, but they lost and their planet got destroyed so they came to earth. Also, someone mentioned that this teaser was filmed at the same time as the teaser for the war album so Lay isn’t going to be in this comeback at all. There’s also that whole THAAD issue going on which hasn’t been resolved yet, so he might not be back for a while.


          By the way, still no Lay… I am losing hope we’ll see him in this comeback. 🙁


          Well, what can we do, I guess… I have just watched the explanation video and I am mindblown. They connected this whole thing to Lay’s MVs.


            I wonder if there’s someone who has been tasked with doing all the science related to EXO, and like all the thread-weaving. Do you think the boys know beforehand how many theories their MVs will spawn? Do you think they just sit in a corner after filming with their collective minds completely blown? Or do you think they are informed ahead of time.


          Well, I’ve read somewhere that Suho once said that Lee Soo Man had a book named EXO with their concepts and story planned out ahead of time. But I can’t find the original source anywhere. (It sounds like a legend, lol.)
          Who knows? Maybe they’ve known since their debut. Or maybe they don’t even understand themselves. But SM must have told him at least something because it’s in Lay’s MVs, then there’s that Baekhyun’s IG post (that one about MAMA 2016). They probably know…
          Well, there must be someone who thought of all this. And well done to him. And also well done to the person who created the video. It felt like watching Circle. This whole time-reversed thing is very confusing.
