I don’t know what I did but somehow I got into DB staging site! There’s a new feature – shop – and the kdrama fan in me is excited to see what kind of goodies are sold under Hallyu collectibles ?


    If the first picture is a thumb drive, I want one! I love thumb drives, esply cute ones!! Just take my money, DB!! 💸💸


      Silly me, it’s a portable battery! But it’s useful, so again, here, take my money DB 💰


    Ooooh! Now we know why there is a mysteriously disappearing shopping cart. Soon we will be able to buy goodies! Can’t wait to see what they have to offer 😁


    Thank you for sharing! I was wondering what the shopping cart was for and kept on clicking it but nothing happened. Now we know!


    DVDS??? I want DVD. Lemme at em! Also face masks. Also can there be keychains??


      I’d love to own some legit K-drama DVDs! I wonder how much it’ll be because I’ve come across K-drama DVD boxes that are hundreds of dollars. I adore Korean packaging, so if there are English subs, I’d be willing to break my bank for ’em.
      And YES to keychains! I want to flaunt my DB love anytime, anywhere. I’d be decked out in DB merch from head to toe. Lawl.


        hahhahahahah that’s right. Honestly I don’t know why it is so hard to get legit K-drama DVDs with excellent English subs. My money has been waiting for that moment. I want to hold those suckers in my hands and take them to my friends homes. I;d also like posters.
        Keychains are my favorite.
        hahahha head to toe? DB beanie, DB shirt, DB cute sweats? DB socks, and DB house slippers maybe? I maybe choose to create a comfy cute indoor kdrama watching outfit there…


          I splurged on some Goblin merch, and probably would’ve broke my bank for the Director’s Cut, but the blu-rays were going for $300+ and get this, no English subs–at all! I love the drama and would’ve loved to own the D-Cut, but man, I just couldn’t. I think even if there are subs in the legit DVDs, it might not be as good as the fansub ones.

          Ooh, yes. A Beanie beanie is a MUST HAVE and basically, everything you mentioned ^^ I want! DB socks! And shirts!


        Hello chingu! I haven’t you seen you at the fan wall recently – glad to hear from you ?


          Hey hi~! 😊👋🏼 Aw, thank you! I’m glad to be back. 🙂 Been busy with work lately and haven’t had much time to DB. I’ll slowly make my comeback soon. Hehe. You’ll see me spamming the BEANIES section again. Haha.


        Hi @chingu Have you been busy with work? DB shopping would be great. I’m writing my Christmas list now hoping it will be available here!


          Hi, vannerie! 👋🏼😊 Actually, yes, I have. 😔 Now that my lil’ sisters are back in school, I’ve been following their schedule and sleeping/waking up early and going to work and not having much time for intense DB-ing. ☹️ It’s okay, I’ll still manage to come on often. I’ve been in a very long-term relationship w/ DB, so it’ll be impossible for me to leave it for even one day (I’ve been lurking the main page). 😁👍🏼

          Ooh, sounds good! Maybe we can even vote on what kind of merch we’d all be willing to pay for and they can make it happen?
          Let’s save up until DB shop opens for business!


            Ah. That’s good. A lot of the students are cutting back too. I’m glad everything is ok and I hope work is interesting and not too stressful. I’m just psyching myself up to do a load of stuff before going to Corsica for a week. We are going to be really busy this Autumn so I need to put on my old project manager’s hat so we get everything done. 🙂


          Aw, thank you, thank you! While it’s not too interesting, it’s also not very stressful, so it’s okay. I’m hangin’ in there.
          Ooh, what’s in Corsica?
          Remind me again what you do? Wishing you all the best!


    Well done. I only had the cart with no shopping and that’s gone now.


      Yes, the cart is gone now from my screen too – maybe in the next update, the shop feature will be up and running, fingers crossed!
