Today I have finally watched it. So. Breathtakingly. Beautiful. All of it.


    Joined the ranks with Lies & Haru Haru after I 1st heard it.


      Haha, well, I am a half fan. I love their ballads but don’t like their party songs much. I’m into Kwon Ji Yong but not that much into G-Dragon. And it’s driving me a bit crazy. 😀


        You mean Jiyong the person?

        While I’m more into GDragon,the performer.

        I can listen to all their songs,even the solos & unit releases.But not so much on their rap heavy songs.I actually prefer their older songs.


          I am actually pretty new to k-pop, so I haven’t even heard all of their songs yet.

          I don’t really know. Kwon Ji Yong and G-Dragon are so different and complex it’s giving me a headache.
          I suppose I am into Untitled 2014 Ji Yong, while Crayon G-Dragon is so silly and weird – a bit too much for me.
          On the other hand, that’s one of the things I admire about him as a person, that he’s doing anything he wants and doesn’t care about what others think, be it music or fashion.


        Ironic considering his latest EP and the purpose behind it haha he’d prefer you to like Ji Yong over GD anyway 😛


          Yeah, well, that’s what got me into him in the first place. 😛 Before Untitled 2014 I had no idea who Kwon Ji Yong was.


            You’d never heard of him at all or you’d just never heard his actually name? It was/is a really good album.


          Oh, I knew of G-Dragon, just hadn’t heard his real name before. 🙂 It sure is, Untitled 2014 was my goodnight song for about two months.


            Ah right. Understandable haha A lot of the time their real names are hardly mentioned.
            The whole album is daebak and I think I know it back to front by now haha


          I can’t really say I love the whole album because I don’t like cursing and well…
          But musically, it is really good.
          Anyways, that’s why I’m struggling – sometimes the lyrics really resonate with me and are so deep and raw and I love it, but then there’s a song like Middle Fingers Up and I just can’t… (I’ve read something on the meaning of peace minus one, but it’s still a bit off-putting to me…)


            … haaa… yeah the first two have a lot of swearing in them. That’s understandable. I get that.

            I’ve read all the lyrics on all the tracks on that album. I think Divine Comedy and Super Star have my favourite lyrics, because they’re quite raw and pointed. I don’t necessarily agree with his view point on a lot of things or how he sings about some things (Bullshit, for example) but I do understand where it’s coming from … I guess. Hmmm
            But I totally see why it’d be offputting.


          Well, I’m glad we’re on the same page here. 😛
          I really like Super Star as well, Divine Comedy isn’t bad either. I really like his honest lyrics here. It’s a bit like a confession. (Speaking of confessions, Loser was the first song from Big Bang that I loved. Still one of my favourites.)
          What amuses me about Bullshit is that people who don’t understand Korean and would read the translation could totally miss the whole concept of the song (since bullshit in Korean is 개소리 which means dog barking or something like that). That song is full of dogs.
          And yes, I don’t agree with everything in his songs but I appreciate his honesty. He doesn’t care if people like it or not. He’s himself.


            Super Star is heartbreaking actually. Very much like a confession.
            (Sober is mine. The beat might be part of that though haha)
            개 is dog yeah! Hahaha Yeah the translations are funny because the swear words don’t transliterate directly 😛
            Yeahp… lots of dogs. Everywhere… >.> hahahha
            “And yes, I don’t agree with everything in his songs but I appreciate his honesty. He doesn’t care if people like it or not. He’s himself.” < All this.
            There's a few artists who've done similar, or released diss tracks, for example. That I don't always agree with how they talk about it, but I'm like 'it's a diss track for all the people who think they are less" and I understand that.


          Sober! I know I read the lyrics when I first found Loser. Since I loved how raw Loser‘s lyrics were, I read their other songs too. 😛
          I watched Sober only now and I liked it. The MV is so crazy and hilarious.
          I feel a bit like I’m studying K-pop and the basics are Big Bang, so I have to start there. Lol. Still so many songs to listen to! 🙂

          Reading what you wrote about diss tracks, Zion. T’s Complex (featuring G-Dragon) came to my mind. (It’s not fully diss though.) I’ve read some theories about the meaning of the song but whatever the meaning is, it shows again what I love about GD – he’s got no complexes.
          Here’s the link, turn on the subtitles:


            Yeah. It’s fun. And catchy omygosh I think I played it on repeat when I first heard it for a good day.
            Hahahaha. It is a bit like studying isn’t it?! There’s just so much. And well, Big Bang is a good place to start. They influenced a lot of what we have now.

            Oooh thank you. I love Zion T. The Song by him is (haha) one of my favourite songs.
            I think I have actually heard the song before but never looked up the lyrics haha. The lyrics are really good too. Not fully diss, as you say, but he’s written other songs in that style and I know what you mean.
            Have you seen Zico’s ANTI? The lyrics in that are… ugh kinda dark in a way but really good. (He wrote it from the perspective of his anti/he’s almost his own anti sometimes)


          I love Zion. T too! My favourite from him must be Eat. Touching, calming. Love it. The Song has great lyrics though. Kind of ironic (?) or self-aware.

          I have heard Zico’s Anti before (and I love the chorus!) but never got around to the lyrics (even though I wanted to), so thank you.
          The lyrics are good and not that dark when you don’t watch the MV. 😛
          I have a feeling Block B is generally a bit darker? (Or maybe not, I don’t really know them.) But I have watched (more like tried to) their Zero For Conduct and… That’s why it’s not that surprising anymore.


            The Song is just so… idk, I can sing along to it and harmonize in places. Self Aware yes haha

            You’re welcome. 🙂 Dark wasn’t really the right word, but it was the best way I could think of explaining it. It’s certainly less dark without the MV but I just find the lyrics really accurate and sad and they hit home in a way, and it’s just so observant and kinda horrible, but yeah.

            Ah… hahahaha Block B is whatever they want to be. They don’t have a “concept” or a particular “style”, and that’s kinda what makes them them. They’ve done hip hop, and they’ve done funky, and they’ve done poppy, and fun, and sweet, and sad, and then they’ve done things like Very Good, which is straight up hard rock, and Jackpot, which is swing time, and Yesterday which is just about the happiest song ever, and then Toy, which is just different again. Oh if you want good music and poignant lyrics, check out Toy.
            That’s why I like them so much actually, their style is so many styles done well.

            Zero for Conduct is uh, yes, not for the light hearted, for sure. That’s their subunit BARSTARZ.
            I’m not really surprised by anything Zico brings out, since ANTI, Artist and She’s a Baby are all by him and they’re all completely different, and yet all really good songs!


          Oh, I definitely like the lyrics of ANTI. They are observant and it’s a nice change from lyrics like “I love you so so much.” Just the MV is… Well.

          Haha. Well, I thought it might be that way with Block B since I know their song Yesterday and it is not dark at all, as you said. I first heard Zero for Conduct in Fight My Way and liked it, so I found it on Youtube… And that’s why I got this dark idea about Block B.
          I just listened to Toy (like three times) and I really like it. That’s just my thing – poignant lyrics and good music. Thank you. 🙂

          Zico is definitely talented. Are all Block B songs written by him or only some of them? Because I noticed that Toy is his work. I love it when idols are artists.

          By the way, I really enjoy our k-pop chatting. Thank you, chingu! 😉


            Ahhh nooo db froze on me and I lost what I wrote D: Let’s try this again.
            Heee not to your taste? Understandable. I like it but I’m weird like that haha.

            Ehhhh FMY championing Block B!! Hahaha.
            You’re welcome! Funnily enough the first time I heard Toy I didn’t like it much. But the more I listened to it the more it grew on me and now I love it.

            Ahhh most of them are yes. What’s not written by him is usually written by Park Kyung (another member- his solo stuff is quite nice), he usually writes their sweeter songs, for example, he wrote Yesterday.
            But Taeil, their main vocalist, has written a few ballads of his own for their albums, and the others have definitely written lyrics and I think occasionally music. BASTARZ write their own stuff too usually. But Zico, along with Pop Time (not a member) are their main composers and producers and have been from the very start. Yes! Same!

            Oh! You’re welcome! Haha. I’m enjoying it too! I like that we’re having such a pleasant conversation even though it started because of differing opinions haha.


          Funny thing. First I say I’ve been enjoying our chatting here and then I leave you hanging for two days, right? Fear not, I am still enjoying our chatting, life just got a bit busy. 😉

          So, are you saying you like the MV of ANTI or the MV of Zero for Conduct or the ANTI as a song? Because I like ANTI as a song. I don’t want you to think it’s not to my taste. But if you’re referring to the MVs, then I can’t contradict you. 😀 But hey, people like different things. That’s normal. 🙂

          My problem right now is that I don’t know what else we should discuss (assuming you want to keep chatting.) You’ve already introduced me to your Block B (and when I have more time one day, I’m checking them out!)…
          Anything k-pop related you would like to talk about? What other groups / musicians do you like other than Big Bang, Block B, Zion. T?
          As for me, I stan EXO, Got7 (JJProject too), G-Dragon, Zion. T, BtoB, Day6, IU. That’s mostly all.

          Oh, and happy birthday to you! (It’s still 31st here where I am at.) 🙂


            Hello! Haha no that’s ok… Lyfe is like that. Just reply whenever you can 🙂

            Ahaha! I meant that I like the ANTI MV, but I also like the ZfC MV and ANTI as a song, and no don’t worry I didn’t think you didn’t like the song. The MV is kinda weird, but the start in particular I was like ‘ooooh this is interesting’ hehe. Yes, people do like different things.

            I always want to keep chatting 😛
            ‘my’ Block B… hehehe. (Please do! They’re unconventional but I love them for it)
            My main groups are BTS, Block B, Seventeen, FTIsland and Mamamoo. (And SPEED although they no longer exist).
            Main soloists- Jiyong and Eun Ji, Zico (and probably Zion T too)
            Subunits: BARSTARZ, MOBB, FANXY CHILD
            I listen to them and watch the most of them. Could talk the most about them… etc.

            I listen to a lot of other stuff though and ‘casually stan’ several too.
            I listen to Nell, 10cm, Drug Restaurant, AKMU, Jannabi, B.I.G, g.o.d, K.A.R.D, Winner, iKon, Suran, Dean, Laboum, some NU’EST, MBLAQ, Monsta X, EXID, BAP… Idk… I have a lot of singles from artists saved. And a lot of more obscure artists too (won’t mention all of them haha)

            I casually follow SHINee and INFINITE, KARD, Amber, sort of Winner & iKon (although I need to get into them more), I love Got7 in person and variety but I don’t listen to them (although I quite like JJP). Jae from DAY6 is hilarious. I love JJY in both variety and music. I follow Tao, but have never got into EXO, and don’t follow them, (despite knowing all their names from pinterest meme excursions)
            BUT I recently started listening to their Chinese stuff, and I really like their first album Chinese version, but that’s about it.
            WOops, that was a lot of names… hahaha

            Thank you! Hehehe yes I get a birthday twice! Lucky me. 🙂


          Hello there!
          I have started this message once before but I lost it, so… Here we go!
          I watched Jackpot and Very Good by Block B and I’m afraid they’re just way too unconventional for me. 😀 But I see where you’re coming from. For me, it’s just a bit… weird. (Sorry! :-))
          We seem to have totally opposite styles in music (minus G-Dragon and Zion. T and IU).

          About BTS. It is complicated. I know they are good, they even write their own stuff (which is cool) but I avoid them. I got into k-pop a few months ago through EXO and have become a loyal fan. It’s even more so special because they were my first. Only later I’ve realized that they do not make music, they just perform. But that’s who they are.
          Anyways, I can’t do BTS just yet. I am so serious about it, I know. 😀
          But I’ve heard some of their songs (Not Today, Run, Save Me, Blood, Sweat & Tears, Boy In Luv, Spring Day, Fire). I love Spring Day, I played it on repeat back in the day. I think in time, I might give them a chance as well. 🙂
          Btw, I know their names from Pinterest too. 🙂

          EXO : Why the Chinese stuff? The songs are the same in Korean (of course, the singers are different). By the first album, do you mean Exodus? (Call me baby, Exodus, Transformer, El Dorado…) I don’t listen the Chinese version of EXO. And I don’t follow Tao.
          But they’re making a comeback tomorrow and some crazy theories are floating around in fandom. It seems Lee Soo Man has planned this all since debut.

          I am planning to check out Seventeen, I liked their Don’t Wanna Cry. Plus, I love the challenge of new faces to learn. (And there’s 13 of them!)
          FT Island : The more I listen to them, the more I love them.
          Really cute how you wrote “Jiyong and Eun Ji”. I used to be their shipper, but getting to know GD more, I’m not that sure anymore.

          I’ve bookmarked your comment for further reference, when I need a good group to listen to. Thank you for all the names!

          A question for you: Do you ever buy albums or digital music?


            1/2 Hahahaha I totally understand that, you don’t have to apologise. I’m aware that they’re weird and are an acquired taste! haha. Their folder on my computer is labelled “pretty sure they’re insane” so … you know. 😛

            Hey, we’re allowed to have different tastes. I have different music tastes to just about everyone I know in some regard. We haven’t even talked about the other kinds of music I listen to outside of Korea… hahahaha

            Ahh that’s interesting, see, I got into Kpop over a year ago through BTS. If I got into Kpop now I think I’d avoid BTS as well. The fanbase is a too much at times and frustrates me. But because they’re the reason I can even talk about this, and I still love the members… well they’re still top 5 haha.

            It’s interesting, with EXO. I kinda avoided them when I first got into Kpop. I’d heard about them, in varying lights, and I just couldn’t get into their music to save myself. They just didn’t interest me.
            And then the other month I was watching some clip of something? Or an edit on YT and it had Peter Pan as the background music and I surprised myself when I found out it was EXO and I really enjoyed it. Listened to the Chinese version and enjoyed it even more.
            So no, I mean the XOXO album.
            As to why I like the Chinese. Uhm… I know the songs are the same (or as the same as they can be) and the singers are different. I think it’s the language? I like how Chinese flows with their beats better? I’ve been listening to Korean stuff ALL THE TIME recently, so to hear Chinese is kinda refreshing, and also Mandarin is super weird and not like Korean at all, so it has a completely different flavour. Maybe I think Chinese suits their style of music better, idk.

            That sounds weird, but then, to use a similar example; Even though historically rap originated in an English speaking country, I think English is one of the worst languages for rap. To use examples. I think Korean rap works so well because Korean is a very bouncy language, the way the syllables work, it bounces a lot, making it good for rapping. I think Finnish rap is incredible, because Finnish is a very lilting and fast language, and that also fits with rap. Spanish rap is so much fun, because Spanish is a fun language that is lilting AND bouncy. That probably still sounds weird but anyway, I think about how different languages fit styles of music. And why I like listening to other languages so much. Like, I think the reason I can draw well to Japanese is because Japanese is very hard, fast, and accurate, kinda like my drawings. So it’s almost mathematical to listen to.
            I’ll stop… cos I could talk about music like this probably endlessly.

            Anyways, Tao left EXO 2 years ago so it makes sense you don’t follow him. He might have a little bit to do with why I like that particular album in Chinese too. I kinda miss OT12 EXO even though I don’t stan them… haha


            2/2 Hahaha re. SVT! That’s funny cos when I heard them first I swore I wasn’t going to get into them because there were so many…
            And then Boom Boom came out and I got frustrated that I didn’t know them all. Hee
            It’s fun learning them all though. And they’re a super fun group and their fandom is pretty chill, and they’re just refreshing.

            Ah… Eun Ji, I should clarify. I meant Jeong Eun Ji, from Apink, also from the dramas Reply 1997 and Sassy Go Go, I like her solo stuff. IU’s real name is Ji Eun. Confusing, I know. I don’t listen to IU… haha And I don’t really ship Jiyong with anyone because he gets shipped with EVERYone, and I also TRY not to ship real life people that aren’t dating cos I find it weird. Sometimes it happens anyway but I try not to.

            Haha you’re welcome!

            I listen to most of my Korean music on Spotify, and I pay for premium. So I have not bought the albums either digitally or physically yet, although I have been tempted.
            Are you looking to buy something? Do you need tips on where to go?


          Posting this again, first time around I had too many links.

          So your BTS is my EXO. 😛 They are the reason I am here and I love the members.
          It’s not only your fandom that’s a bit crazy, our fandom is sometimes so scary I didn’t want to join at the beginning. But I suppose every fandom has some people who go overboard, the bigger the fandom, the more such people you’ll find.
          Your view on Chinese EXO is interesting. I guess I should add it to my playlist… And I get what you mean, Korean rap sounds really good. Italian, for example, is good for opera because it has a lot of vowels.
          I know that Tao left. When he left. That Kris and Luhan left too. *Sigh.* I kinda miss OT12 too. But I am sometimes thankful that I haven’t been around for all the drama when they were leaving. I can’t imagine how difficult it must have been for everyone, especially for EXO themselves. Leaving of a member is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone.
          I guess I would be happy if we could get Lay to participate in a comeback for now though.
          About Tao, I have actually even heard one of his songs back in the day when I wasn’t even a proper fan. However, I just didn’t like it much.

          Seventeen, yeah. When I saw them first, I counted them and asked myself : Why are they only 13 when they are Seventeen? I googled it and now I know.

          Ah, my bad! I guess it was wishful thinking? I do know Jung Eun Ji (from Sassy Go Go) and she’s got a great voice. I’ve seen a bit of Trot Lovers and she’s awesome singing trot!
          I do know IU’s real name… I mistook Eun Ji for Ji Eun, lol. Anyways, I suppose you’ve heard IU’s Palette? There’s GD in it, so… I don’t listen to her much but I really liked Palette. Her songs are a bit too soft and slow for me (not all of them, just the most) and I like myself some good rap in my music. I like her as a person though.
          Shipping people in real life can be tiring – you never know if they end up together or not (in dramas you at least know when it will end.) I couldn’t help but ship them after seeing these videos : (Second link will be posted separately.)

          They were so cute! I didn’t know Ji Yong back then, now I see he’s truly shippable with… A lot of people. This ship got me into Ji Yong. I watched the 2015 Infinite Challenge Music Festival because of them (there was GD, Taeyang, IU, Zion. T and Hyukoh). That’s how I first discovered Zion. T as well.

          Hm, Spotify. I see. I don’t think I need any advice, thank you. 🙂 I am just severely tempted to buy an album, so I got curious. I even found a good site and everything… We’ll see. 🙂


            Hehe! Apparently so! Funny that. Although not surprising. They’re the two biggest groups right now hehe.
            Oh all fandoms are a bit nuts really. All fandoms can be toxic too. It’s just how you respond to it really. Very true on size though.
            Hehehe! Please do. I even like Ko Ko Bop in Chinese, but not in Korean… weird I know.

            Yeah… I would not like to lose a member of my closest groups. Let alone three… in two years. It’s such a shame really, because SM had such a good idea with EXO, what with EXO M and EXO K- that was a really good marketing idea- too bad it backfired on them. And hurt a lot of people :/

            That’d be nice… he’s stuck in China though isn’t he? And can’t promote in Korea? Or something… You probably know more about it than I.
            Hah- funny you say that cos I only actually like one or two of his songs… I just like him as a person, I think he’s great, and he just sasses back at interviewers who try and dig up dirt on him. 😛

            Hahahaha … yeah they get that a lot.
            Imagine their dances with 17 members though… O.o

            Yeah I love Eun Ji’s voice. And omygosh her trot!! I would buy a trot album if she made one. I actually really want her to release a trot song. She sings it so well and makes it sound so good!
            Her Masked Singer performances are great also, if you ever want to check more of her out.
            Hahaha it’s ok, you’re forgiven, whenever I search Eun Ji’s tag in tumblr it just comes up with IU and I’m like… waaat? hahaha
            Yes I’ve heard Palette. She’s a bit soft for me too.

            He really is… all of 2NE1 for example…
            Oh wow really? You got into him via a ship… hahaha that’s hilarious altough I’ve got into entire tv shows of a ship before so I get it.
            I’ve actually seen the second link! And part of the first one, although I haven’t finished it yet.

            Ahhh hahaha… yes… I know that temptation… although mine is for concert DVDs at the moment O.o (what album are you tempted by if I may ask?)


          Ko Ko Bop in Chinese sounds different. But nice. Chinese is softer, so it flows better with the melody, but the rap parts are better in Korean. I guess I am more used to Korean in my music. 🙂
          But hey, whatever you like from EXO, listen to it. I’ll be just happy. 🙂 (What about Power in Chinese?)
          About OT12. And hurting a lot of people… Have you seen this post by silvermists?

          Yes, Lay seems to be stuck in China. I don’t really know what’s the situation with THAAD though. I just hope he’ll return soon.
          Haha, I’ve seen Tao being sassy on Pinterest, so I wasn’t sure if it’s real but apparently yes! I love it when people are sassy/savage. (Suho knows how to hold his own as well!)

          Well, 17 people would be way too much! Plus, there would always be the issues with parts in songs! Even 13 must be tough… There always seems to be that one member who gets little to none lines.
          By the way, Seventeen will have to wait for me… Pentagon snatched my attention with their newest song Like This (it’s self-composed!). But I will get to them one day! (After I learn to recognize all 10 members of Pentagon…) 😛

          I’ll put Jung Eun Ji on my never-ending list of singers to check out. 😛

          I was really tempted to buy the EXO’s new repackaged album. Just for the sake of having an album, you know? I guess I wanted to try the real fan thing. 😀 Plus, there are all those fancy things like booklets and photos and comics… But I think I won’t for now because the pre-order is over and I wanted to get free gifts. 😛
          And I wanted to buy the JJP’s new album as well, because I just want to support them and the songs are good.
          I suppose it will wait for me.


            Yeah! That’s what I thought too! Regarding the melody.
            Hahahaha yeah, I like listening to lots of different languages so I’m cool with it, but it would definitely be weird if you’re not used to it.

            Right. I can now keep EXO-L’s happy by saying I like SOME of their stuff hahaha. Power- ahaha actually, I’ve only heard the Chinese version… O.o hehe

            I saw it but I haven’t listened to it/ watched it yet. Will do so as soon as I can/do/am in the mood for it.

            I read somewhere that it has something to do with Chinese promotion restrictions or something? I don’t really know though :/ Lots of people miss him though.
            Hahahaha you too? Ah pinterest. My other best friend. It’s real! Yeahp! haha More so since he left SM I think? But yeah, super savage at times.

            So many right… it’d be crazy. The only thing I can think of is that at least they’d still have and odd number which is better for dance formations but yeah. Yeah line distribution is always a problem. Although one that hasn’t really bothered me much, because I know how hard it must be to distribute between 7 people let alone 13. And SVT has units, so everyone gets their time to shine imo. And even more so now that the China line are getting better at Korean.
            AHAHAHA! You’re excused- Pentagon are very catchy. I like a few of their songs.

            Lol good. She’s great.

            Ooooh nice. Hahahahaha. Yeahp, dem photobooklets are so tempting. Actually, tbh, I would totally just buy an album for the packaging design, even if I didn’t want the music- like Dreamcatcher’s newest album is SO GORGEOUS OMYGOSH.
