It’s a good moment when you’re going through making sure you’ve rated all the shows you’ve seen… and you realize Signal has a perfect 5 stars. ^^


    PS. please don’t anybody break that… please. ^^


    I literally just finished listening to a podcast on Signal and then came to DB and saw your post! 😀


      Lol that’s fantastic. It really was a spectacular show–one for the history books. I watched it as it aired, can you believe I was considering watching Neighborhood Hero instead for an episode?? (By the end of the first, I’d decided to stick with Signal). Haha so did you watch it too, or are you considering watching?


        I watched one ep but stopped! I thought it was really well done, but I found the nurse from ep 1 was soo creepy. (I’m a scaredy pants and can’t watch creepy stuff alone). After listening to the podcast, I’m debating whether I should try again and just watch only during the daytime, heheh..


          I will always recommend watching Signal, but it can be pretty intense (and scary, too). There are a few cases that deal with pretty heavy material, but I think it was handled tactfully, not disguising how terrible the crime was but not gratuitously exploiting it, either. My vote is give it another go during the daytime, and if it doesn’t catch then there’s still plenty of drama fish in the ocean. ^^
