Hang there Sang Mi and stop worrying about that dead beat father of yours, he is beyond redemption and get yourself and your mother out by all means


    But..but..her mother also believes in Almighty, boat of salvation and paradise. But I still want Sang Mi to save her mother though. As for her father, let him be delusional! It’s no use of talking some sense to him anymore. I hate him more than I hate those people in Guseonwon.


      Her mother was suffering from depression and paranoia and instead of getting her medical help, her father is letting a bunch of criminals drug her and keep her confined like a lunatic…her mother didn’t choose this, she is mentally incapable of making the decision, her father as her legal guardian did this to her. To be honest, I hope Sang Mi throws him in jail for what he did to her and her mother. Next, psychopath is Sang Hwan’s father, I am pretty positive he is the reason Sang Hwan’s mother got paralyzed and he is having an affair with the personal assistant.


        I hate Sang Mi’s father to the point that I keep cursing whenever he’s on the screen. He’s the worst father of the year. A loser and an abuser! He just thinks of himself for an easy life, pathetic! As for Sang Hwan’s dad, yes, he’s another psychopath. I can’t tolerate people who abuse animals. 😠 And what he said to the poor deer is exactly what he thinks of his wife, deep inside, he must wants his wife to be dead as well.


          No, he wants to keep her alive, he needs to milk that romantic and dedicated husband to the disable woman card to progress his political ambition, once he is done with that, I can see him pulling the deer stunt on his wife.


            Agreed. It’s all just an act for public sentiment so he can appear as the doting husband who takes care of his wife.
            I don’t get why Sang Hwan hasn’t suspected anything.


            I mean I get it…but I wish we get to see him being suspicious of his father. Like it’s been 3 yrs and his dad promised that his mum will be better after the election. And yet nothing has happened..
