Waaaait a second. If Min-Joon was in the army 12 years ago when Jung-Won was a HS senior, how much older than her is he? Really just curious, that’s all. What’s the age range for military service??


    I think 18-35, but they have to enlist by age 31. They serve about two years and are then in the reserves for a few years after that. So he could be a couple of years older.


      Oh, thanks! that’s good to know. If I can pick your brain again, do you know if there’s a time they like to go? It always seems like DB can predict which actors will leave for service this year… is it because they have just waited until they’re 30?


        Yep! Most non-celebrity guys get it over with pretty quickly, which is why some of the later-debuted actors like Kim Jong-Hyun and Park Seo-Joon have already done it. Some celebrities like Seung-Ho go early, but most wait until they have to go.
