Drug Restaurant’s back! 😀
Love this song already and yay for passable English in a Korean song hehe ^^


    You know that Sic’s wall post where we have been chatting a lot- the one that starts with
    “Awwwww yisss (see @obsessedmuch!? I NEED MY @KAYBEE FOR THESE THINGS)”
    she had actually posted Drug Restaurant’s comeback teaser.. I dunno where it has gone now..

    The English is not the best but I like it! But I like their ‘Mistake’ the best..


      Ahhh I was wondering what was up with that post!

      I know, but at least it’s better than a lot of the stuff you hear in Korean songs. So I’ll count it as a win heh. It’s at least listenable without sounding completely akward.

      Their first album is still my fave, not so much the title, but the rest of it. British rock was my first music love. I think Mistake was a bit too plain, but this one I really like, kind of back to the brit-rock feel.


        Yup. Definitely.

        So when I say I like Mistake the best, it might be because I have not heard a lot of their songs… I have listened to JJY’s other songs but not them as a group.. Which one was their first album?

        Also going to sleep now.. Almost 3am here! 😛


          Sigh… accidentally used the word Frst with an i in it. -.-

          Album: Escape to Hangover
          My faves on there: Sunset, Alibi, Lizard

          They might be under JJY Band instead of Drug Restaurant, cause their agency forced them to be called that when they debuted, which yikes, can understand they changed it.

          Nighty night, don’t let the bed sharks bite!
          And don’t mind Kaybee replying to your other posts and just go to sleep 😛


    Gah I just love his voice.
