For those who like Sejeong in School 2017, here’s where she features in Block B’s Taeil’s solo. Written, composed, produced by Block B’s Park Kyung. And yes, I’m a Block B fan.


    And here’s her solo “Flower Way” produced by Zico. Lucky & talented girl!


    Waiting till @sicarius notices this and cries with happiness because she rarely finds Block B fans! She recently posted this too 😀


    Hi hello what did someone say Block B? Hellooo tis I the friendly neighborhood Block B fairy~~
    also hi yes I love your username 😛


      Hi fellow bee ! 😀
      Well, Block B is the group I try to keep up with, try to support in which way I can. I think that qualifies me as a bee ?


        They’re about the only group I’d actually call myself by the fandom name for. Or maybe I just like bees.
        I is super excited for the promised OT7 comeback this year though.


          I actually had given up on them having a comeback this year when Zico was announced as a judge on SMTM6. But, then, I didn’t count on him having a mini album, either. I know he’s a workaholic, so I guess a Block B mini album before the year ends is possible.

          By the way, with Zico’s current music direction, I’m a bit nervous about the upcoming songs. I don’t know about you, but I don’t really like Artist (and Psy’s I Luv It) 😬.


            7S released a thing a while ago, and PO said in an interview there’d be a full team comeback in Autumn/Winter 🙂 And it’s so overdue.

            Block B always surprises me, all their comebacks are completely different so who knows. Zico and Kyung are both capable of writing a wide variety of styles too.
            I personally loved Artist, I thought it was clever how he used soft jazz in the back ground with a funk-pop melody.
            I prefer Zico’s raw version of I Luv It. Again for the retro jazz vibes… but I like that kind of thing? *shrugs* Personal taste I guess.
            I would die if they had another hard comeback like Very Good though, it’d be amazing.


            It is personal taste. I much prefer Zico’s older songs. I still like She’s A Baby, eventhough it’s a jazzy song. I also still like Eureka (a funk-ish song ?). But, there’s no beating songs like Movie’s Over or Be The Light or Very Good or Nilili Mambo for me.

            I know it is always a good thing to move on to new things than being stuck in one place. I’m just a little anxious for myself. I’m still hoping for a “Toy” or a “Yesterday”, though => songs that are quite different but still sweet candies to my ears.

            Oh, I have no doubt that Zico is brilliant and clever musically. I just hope that I would like his future songs. Am I a bad bee ?


    Also yes this is beautiful but anything he sings is, and I was so slow to twig who she was, but then this came out before School 2017 so I can be forgiven, no… Her voice is lovely too. I love both her Block B collabs.


      Didn’t you watch Talent For Show ? In which Zico wrote a song in two minutes for two girls, one being Sejeong ? That song eventually became Sejeong’s solo debut which wakimary posted above.


        … I… uhm… did not. HE WROTE IT IN TWO MINUTES. THE. FRKNN. nERD. And he says he’s not a genius. I DON’T BELIEVE YOU ZICO. YOU’RE DEFINITELY A GENIUS.
        I meant more I didn’t realise that this girl, was also the girl in S2017.

        But then sometimes I’m slow. Like I didn’t twig that Jeremy in YB was Hongki of FTI till a few days after I got into FTI, despite knowing that Jeremy’s actor was in a band.
        When I got into Block B, I knew who Zico was and I knew he was Taewoon’s brother and I knew Taewoon because of SPEED, but I was super slow to twig that he was also in Block B, because I’m an idiot.
        Just weird things where I associate people with one thing and not another till quite late… lol


          Oh, okay, you’re slow then 😀
          Honestly I don’t know if Zico truly wrote it that quick, or he has had some kind of preparation beforehand, because, you know, it’s a TV show. Still, he IS a freaking GOOD composer.


            Sometimes I live under a rock, sometimes I know things before anyone else. I’m weird like that 😛

            True true, but I mean he can freestyle rap, and has come up with beats for people on the spot, so I totally wouldn’t put it past him to do that.
            Yes, yes he is.
