The most hilarious answer ever to the boring “Ideal type” question 😛


    @obsessedmuch This is the one I was talking about where it’s all bleeped out kkkkk. Will reply to all our replies in a lil bit, just in the middle of something rn and wanted to share this for your amusement meanwhile 😛


      Hahhahha! I seem to remember watching this! I think it was when I was watching ‘Coming Out’ and you mentioned it! Or did you share it? Regardless, hilarious! And they knew it will be bleeped out! 😛
      Also this is the video I saw.. I know the title is a bit click-bait but had me lmao-

      Take your time in replying… I have 2 to get back to too (:P).. and check out my latest post!


        Ha! I might have. I love this clip. It’s just brill 😛

        Ahhh…. I’d avoided looking at that link tbh, made me feel weird clicking on it, so I just didn’t. It’s worth watching though?


          Yeah I wasn’t too keen on clicking it and not proud about it but yeah pretty worth it.. and apparently just taken from 2 concerts… Imagine what nonsense they spout in all of their concerts..


            I watched it… Not proud of it LOL and may or may not have deleted it from my yt history afterwards hahaha 😛

            It was worth it though, so funny 😛

            It’s funny though, cause the word “perverted” when translated from the Korean and thus also when Kpop/Kvariety fans use it, is just so different from the usual definition. Like pervy normally means something really abnormal and wrong, but in the Korean usage it seems to be more just basically kind of talking about sex etc openly. Pretty huge difference lol. I once used the Korean definition of the word when talking to a friend and only realized it afterwards and can’t help but wonder what she thought ahahahahah 😛


          Hee… so did I! 😛 But yes, told you- it was worth it!

          Exactly! This was not ‘perverted’! This was them being adults and talking about things 😛 And I wonder if watching too many Korean things is changing my language skills- like ‘service’ and ‘fighting’ have acquired new meanings!


            Precisely! Tbh in my country lots of people even share really intimate details about these kind of things, so this was hardly shocking. It’s just young people being young 😛

            Haha same! “One shot”, “skinship”, “sense”… So many words and phrases that just sound so English, but when you think about it, they’re purely Korean lol. Have you seen this short vid about it?
            Really funny and a good reminder haha 😛


          Lol yes! I have heard and talked about a lot more than this so not shocking at all.. but quite surprising cuz never would have imagined a k-pop group talking like that!

          Haha that video was sure funny! I didn’t know/ hadn’t heard half of those things.. but seriously ‘Man to Man’? That doesn’t even make sense! Now I wonder if ManxMan was named so because of a reference to sweatshirt! (clearly I haven’t watched ManxMan)


            I’ve actually come to expect this of FTI haha. I guess it’s just definitive proof that they’re no longer a k-pop group, but 100% a rock band lol!

            Ikr, Man to Man had me laughing so hard. And yes! I also thought of ManxMan! Tbh I watched the whole show and I still don’t see any reason behind the title at all. So I really racked my brain to see if the sweater-thing could make sense. It doesn’t. So I still don’t know why they named it that ha. And good for you having avoided that trainwreck!!


    Jaejin’s ‘Hei’ at the end… I’ve seen this before but it’s still great.


      It never gets old. Despite the fact that I have no clue what they’re actually saying, except for random words like “he” and “likes”. I mean, I can imagine it, but that might not prove a healthy excercise haha.


    This reminds me when they were in The Show on April’s Fools Day and they were asked to tell lies. They were coming up with conventional lies until they got to Jonghoon and he said, “I’m actually gay.” Not missing a beat, Hongki added, “I know, he’s actually my ex boyfriend.”


      I love that interview, messy and akward as it is with that green interviewer who speaks less Chinese than Seunghyun haha 😛
