I wake up to a new downvote, literally because I said The Best Hit made me happy. I’m getting really over it. I thought I was doing all right with it, but it’s staring to make me not want to comment.


    Sorry to hear that @Pickwick12 If someone has misunderstood me because I’m not clear enough that’s one thing. But when you just say ‘I like that actor or I really like that show it seems so silly.


    No!!!! Don’t let the meanies get to you!!!


    What the pho 🍲, man? 😑 I’ve noticed that once you trigger the haters one time, that one hater seems to always be lurking around to downvote you for the majority of your posts. It’s ridiculous, malicious, and rude. That’s why I’d like to be able to SEE who up/downvotes, just to see who’s being so damn salty. I wish that in the future, we could block accounts, so they can’t see our posts and we can’t see theirs. See how long they’d last if they can’t go around downvoting peeps anymore. 😒

    But please, don’t let it get to you to the point that you don’t even wanna comment and voice your opinions anymore. For every hater, you’ll always have more Beanies that actually appreciate your input and what you have to say. I know I do! 🙂


    I’m sorry that you were down voted. Do not allow those down votes to make you feel insecure about stating your thoughts/opinions.


    LOL I just noticed I also got downvote just because I’m expressing my love for The Best Hit too 😂😂😂

    Don’t let it bothers you, and let’s be happy in this site together.


    NO! Noooooo! @pickwick12 DoNOT let the bullies win. No. (footstomp).

    I offer myself. Whenever any of y’all get downvoted come find me–send out an isa signal and I will ASSURE you that you are awesome and valuable and enjoyable and waaaaay more awesome than some jerk bully who’s going around downvoting people. They are probably jus jealous that people aren’t upvoting THEM. Probably because their personality is lacking.
