It’s only ep 2, but I’m lovin’ all the times the girls are saving the boys.


    Oh! I had such high expectations from this one.. but it sorta just fizzled out after a few episodes… though I couldn’t stop hoping it would get better and watched till the end 🙁


      Oh noes! Eh, I remember coming across a lot of not-so-great reviews about this one, so I kinda knew it wasn’t the best drama, but idk, I’m liking it so far (on ep 3 now), so I’m hoping it won’t lose me because I’m kinda going in w/ NO expectations. Haha. Kudos to you for sticking w/ it! Don’t give me details, but was it worth it? Sticking through till the end?


        I think if I had watched it 5 years ago I may have liked it.. but these days I prefer proper plot resolutions and this one had a very random hurried explanation.. the whole levelling up by training bit for which we watch these shows was nice but left room for soo much! For instance the main guy suddenly gets his power and control .. while the strong girl who has been saving them all the while is relagated to the side lines..
        Plus I think they ended hoping for season 2.. and i hate that! Sorry.. I just love a good fantasy fiction in school ( harry potter.. eragorn..) and so the disappointment
