Just released today and it’s all kinds of awesome!


    How many things is Zico doing at the same time?? Does he even take rest??

    Btw did you watch the first ep of SMTM6? I saw it was subbed on kshow123..


      Ikr, the dude needs to chill! He’s doing both this, his solo comeback, Block B’s comeback, SMTM and who knows what else. Reminds me of when they talked about it on Happy Together – CTJ said Zico hates being away from his studio and he himself said that he thinks this is his golden time and won’t be this inspired forever, so he’s trying to make the most of it now. I hope he takes care of his health though O.O

      Not yet. Still missing ep 9 (and 10?) of S5 and don’t want to start the new season before that.

      Did you listen to One’s debut? Have to say I’m not that impressed. I liked him in SMTM as an underdog who had more to show than he was able to, but it’s pretty clear that he should be an idol-rapper in a group and not a solo artist. Being solo requires much more than he’s currently capable of imo.


        I was really impressed by how self- aware he came across as in that episode of HT! When you think about it, he is quite young to have that kind of maturity!

        Not yet! I will check it out soon.. Currently watching KB- Zico episode! 😀


          True 🙂

          Ooh looking forward to hear what you think about it afterwards ^^


            God I loved it!! Su- geun and Hee-chul (he is a genius) killed it in this episode! They were at their funny-best! Best moments:

            -Zico mentioning Mino’s dance and HD and SG dancing like him. (HD is smitten with Mino, isn’t he?) Plus Okey- dokey was played so many times!! (Now I have it playing in my head again!) Also, Heechul’s fart guess and other guesses to okey dokey! 😛

            -Heechul hugging Yong Hwa when he impersonated Hong-Gi!

            -Was that a rolex?? and Zico’s face! he lost by 2 seconds but man his expressions were priceless!

            -God! The innuendos throughout the episode but mostly at one of Zico’s question!

            -Lol @ ‘almost paradise’ playing in the background when the pretty ones are being narcissictic!

            -YH’s stories and HoD’s increasinlgly worried face! Hahaha… you can’t do anything HD, YH seems to have come here deciding to play a role (I still don’t ‘get’ him)

            -That last mustache battle! and Zico trying to not play! So hilarious!!

            The whole episode was brilliant imo! I really liked Zico in his ‘innocent boy’ hairstyle! He is really pushing the “I don’t go to club” bit, isn’t he? 😛


          – Mino – I loooooved seeing them mention him! Too bad they don’t know how well he can actually dance lol. Did you see the recent NJTTW ep? Mino was like the main and Minhodong is so adorable, the room-search scene was so unexpected and cute! Also I really want Winner to come on KB even more now, if that’s even possible.

          – I may or may not have found the entire getting-lost story the most relatable variety moment ever. I think I need to reflect on my inner self now instead of my outer hahaha 😛

          – I still don’t get YH either. But I think this was probably the funniest I’ve seen him, because he didn’t seem constantly worried about his image. I have no idea what he was thinking though, it’s an odd and sudden shift in variety persona! Ho Dong getting so worried was hilarious.

          – The moustache scene, the watch thing, everything Zico was just hilarious. And then Heemi choosing him because “handsome trumps everything” LMAO.

          Haha he really is! It’s been awhile since I saw that RS ep where JJY mentioned the clubbing, but as far as I remember it didn’t seem like him clubbing was that rare 😉


            Yes to wanting Winner on KB! I am gonna hope for that with their next album promotions!

            There was a getting lost story? Why did I not notice!?

            Oh YH was funny but it was something weird! Like, he was drunk or just in a “f**k it all” mode.. when the episode began, I thought zico might be left out because of the YH- ho dong love but he shined more!

            Heemi/Hercule is brilliant! Like the others couldn’t even think before he named the song and the year of release! Plus yes, looks trump all! 😂

            Are Heechul and zico friends? Cuz heechul said that be took zico to club “once”… there were some comments about the girl zico is dating/has dated being friends with Hercule, so that might be it!


            Heechul, not Hercule! 😆


    Ahhh yes, this, Zico was teasing this on his instagram. Will go listen now 🙂
