They gave Woo Seung a makeover? Like… why??? What’s so wrong with jeans and boots? o.O
And they gave Ji Hoon a new haircut, but all he needs is to wear his shirts differently *sigh*


    But I like that Ji-hoon tucks in his shirts like the nerd that he is and he must have got it from Gwang-jae because he does it too! I saw his new haircut and somehow it’s worse, it looks weird because it completely covers his eyebrows.


      I’m just talking about if he wants to be an idol 🙂 No idol could get away with those clothes, not even Heechul lol. Otherwise I’m not usually a fan of makeovers in dramas, I like to see the characters’ clothes reflect their personality and be more individual.
      Completely agree about the new haircut! I thought it might just be me being weird, but that hairstyle really doesn’t suit him. The old hair was cute! Also liked Hyun Jae better with his old hair and clothes tbh, was so sad to see all of that go!


        I beg to differ. Heechul can rock any style because he will just be all sassy and say- I still look pretty yo! (or was that Key :P)

        That aside, now I just don’t want to catch the latest episodes! I can see that they are pushing with the Hyun Jae- Woo Seung romance and I am not ready for it! And yes Ji Hoon’s hairstyle looks plain weird!


          LOL right, we did agree to that! Both him and Key and a couple others hehe. But the buttoned up shirts tucked into pants that are too short with a pair of random trainers to round it off.. Not sure any idol would be allowed to walk around like that. Although Winner’s and FTI’s stylists have been doing all sorts of weird stuff lately, so who knows LOL.

          I thought the first 30 min ep was okay. But I don’t like how little time they spend on Ji Hoon. The main attraction to me was a) the comedy, b) the 1N2D references and c) the idol/music stuff (/Kim Min Jae hehe). But now it seems like the main focus is on HJ+WS and I’m not really that interested in either of them on their own anyways, so don’t care about them as a maybe-couple either. Ji Hoon fits better with the trainee anyway though, kind of hope he’ll be with her instead, but most of all I just want to see him be awesome as an idol-rapper. And now… ugh… I saw it coming, but don’t like where they’re going with his storyline, but I may be alone in that.


            Winner stylists are definitely going crazy even now! They are channeling 90s hip-hop spirit it seems! FTI seems alright though, definitely better if compared to Winner (they are still carrying it off because it is them! :P)

            That last line is making me curious enough to watch the episodes! But yeah I am not pro any love line that doesn’t involve Ji Hoon! or MJ. because he is stupidly funny in the one scene he gets every episode.


          Haha that’s true! FTI can just wear anything and still be badass somehow. Maybe it’s because they’re so settled in the industry and have that “I know who I am” feel.

          Pffffft for a second there I thought you meant you were only pro-loveline if it involved Ji Hoon AND MJ. As in them being a couple. Ain’t gonna lie, I kinda really wanna see that plot twist now. Would instantly improve my thoughts on the show, because they’ve just been so cliched this latter half.
          Either way lol, I agree, Cha Eunwoo is surprisingly awesome. He seems to have a knack for comedy.


            Lol I meant that WInner are still somehow carrying it off and that i actually like what FTI are wearing- or just that the big loose shirts suit them!

            Hahhahha… now that would really be funny and something that will pull me back in!


          Haha aaah okay 😛 I think they pull it off most of the time, just once in a while one or two outfits make me go “what was the stylist thinking??” lol. I think FTI’s stylist makes some weird choices too. Especially wondering why they don’t get rid of SH’s red hair and hawaii-like shirts, it’s just…. no 😛


            Oh I had forgotten those shirts and was talking with the recent Thinking Oppa episode on mind! 😀


    There was nothing wrong with Woo Seung’s outfits, she looked just fine. Hopefully, she goes back to her own style.


      Thank you! That’s just what I was thinking. I love her usual style.
