Wow. The twists in SMTM4 are no joke! P-Type got eliminated in round 2, but Vernon got through? I’m sorry, whaaatt??
And not just Mino, but Kim Min Jae and Lil Boy competed? *shoots hearts at screen*


    My trajectory of “finding” SMTM was almost the reverse of yours- I wanted to know more about Kim Min Jae (because he looked so beautiful in Because It is the First Time) and I got to know that he is a rapper who appeared in SMTM so I checked out his audition clips! 😛

    Are you watching SMTM4?


      Yep. Completed almost the entire thing yesterday lol, only a couple eps left for today.

      Have you seen more than those clips? If not, you should! 😉


        Na i haven’t.. Is it good? I did have it in my ‘to-watch’ list cuz of Mino..


          It is! But I may be biased, cause I really like K-hiphop/rap and it’s got Lil Boy from Geeks, Mino, Zico, Tablo being hilarious and lots of other stuff hehe. But no matter what, I’d say it’s worth it for Mino! It’s really interesting to see a different side to him than what we normally get in variety, while at the same time he’s still very much the same guy who’s always fun to watch. His rapping is so good and it”s fascinating to see how the other rappers both know that and are kind of afraid to go up against him, but also don’t like idol rappers so he’s up against that prejudice as well. Also him and Zico together is the best!


            I will give it a go! I just googled it with Mino’s name and seems like he was criticized a lot for just being part of YG! Quite sad!


          The whole idol-rapper thing was a big issue for a lot of hip-hop fans for ayges, because they weren’t seen as ‘true’ rappers. Till you had Zico kinda work both the underground scene and the ‘idol’ scene, followed by Bobby and Mino and others.
          There’s probably still some salty khiphop fans out there but it seems to have died down a bit.
          Oh and we don’t talk about Vernon’s SMTM4 shhhhh (I haven’t even seen it I’ve just heard it’s bad and that we don’t talk about it lmao)


            Such music snobbery *sigh* Music is music, period. Just because someone’s goodlooking enough – on top of talented – to earn lots of money as an idol and chooses to do that instead of scraping by on a daily basis does not make them less of an artist or musician or rapper or whatever. And lots of them choose to be idols to help their family out financially instead of staying underground and feeling like a burden.

            I’m glad it seems to have died down! It’s seriously ridiculous when you watch SMTM4. So. much. saltiness. And it only makes them seem afraid, jealous and like they have an inferiority complex LOL. Maybe they’re just mad they’re not pwetty enough to become idols and earn the big bucks haha 😛

            Hahahhahaha poor Vernon, not even his fans liked it XD
            Tbh he came off as quite the annoying little brat lol, but that may have something to do with Mnet’s infamous evil editing of course, who knows. The bad rapping he can’t run from though lol. Please tell me he’s somehow magically gotten better and started caring about his craft? 😛


            I don’t know where to reply to so I’ll just have to hope you see this.
            Yeah I think it’s stupid too, although I think some of it was based on the fact that sometimes idol rappers are just given their raps to sing, their are a ton of them with actual skill and writing ability and no, shouldn’t just be discounted because they’re hehe prettier and signed to a label.

            He is actually a lot better now, he even admits he’s not the best rapper in one lyric but I quite enjoy his sections in SVT songs. And lol, not an annoying brat all hahaha I’ll put that one on the editing


            I got a notification for both. From what I’ve seen, you get a notification every time someone replies on your own fan wall posts, so that at least makes things a little bit easier!

            There are some really bad idol rappers, sure, but the idol stigma gets out of hand. In the end the whole “idols can’t rap/sing/act/do anything” is a bit ridiculous, because there are plenty of famous actors who are just plain bad, same with singers and there are way too many rappers who think rapping is just talking fast while pronunciating preferably while dissing and swearing. So also lots of rappers who aren’t really rappers but have nothing to do with the idol world.

            Haha glad to hear he’s at least aware of it and has improved lol 😛


          Just beware that it’s a bit of a mess by the end lol. But Mino <3 kkk ^^


            Aish this reply-system. This was aimed at @obsessedmuch lol 😛


            Got it! I can just FF it towards the end… I have noticed and been irritated with MNET’s editing! Produce 101 is a perfect example…

            Btw have you heard of ONE? He is about to make his debut this month and earlier he was being considered as a replacement for Nam Taehyun in Winner.. he does look a somewhat similar to both Namtae and Jinwoo but thank god they decided against it.. he was in SMTM too and he was part of a 2 person group with the other guy Samuel just having missed the cut in Produce101’s ‘Wanna one’… I checked out their songs and they weren’t very good, but with YG’s training, One might have improved and I am looking forward to his debut..


            Just gonna reply here in case you don’t get the notification for the above comment…


          @obsessedmuch Yeah he was in SMTM4. I think he did fine on there, but his rapping wasn’t really memorable. I’m really glad they decided against putting him in winner, 3 rappers in a 5 member group where only one of them is a strong vocal seems a bit much. Maybe I should check out their group – was it 1Punch?


          I checked them out and you’re right, it was pretty bad lol. Not like they as people did bad, but the song/choreo and such just was off and they seemed way too young. I think they can both do really well in the industry, they just needed a few years.


            I was wondering how anyone in their right minds helped produce those songs! They just looked so juvenile and not done well at all!! But yeah I didn’t have any problem with them per se… They were young (Samuel was like 8 years younger than One- that is too young for a debut) and they both have potential! I am really looking forward to One’s debut!


          8 years!?!? Wow. That’s too big an age difference when they’re the only ones in the group lol. Also, I’ll never get why some agencies debut kids whose voice haven’t broken (is that right word?) yet. Especially since some guys don’t sing quite as well afterwards.


            I wonder why too! and yup that is the word.. I was watching an Indian singing show and a father withdrew his amazingly talented kid from the competition because he was at the age where his voice was developing and he didn’t want to ruin his son’s brilliant future for short term gains!
