Haha love that someone made a gif of this, it was hilarious!
Reminded me of It’s Okay It’s Love 😛


    Sleeping in the bath tub.


    Exactly what I told my cousin! But she still wasn’t tempted to watch!
    I didn’t think he would actually sleep in it!! And wow he moves a lot in his sleep!! Almost looks like a photo shoot or something! 😛
    Maybe an ad about a mattress- “do you feel like you are sleeping in a bathtub when you sleep on your bed? Exchange it for xyz mattress and discover what comfort is!”


      *gasps* How can anyone not be tempted to watch the awesomeness that is NJTTW?!? :O

      Haha the moment I saw that tub I literally said to myself (internally lol): “Somebody’s gonna be sleeping in the tub toniiighttt” 😛 It does look like a photoshoot! The editing on that show is brilliant. Ahahaha there’s actually a Danish TV commercial for private loans that used to run all the time, where this guy is sleeping in a tub 😛


        I know right!! I keep telling her it is awesome but she is currently suffering from kdrama saturation and is busy reading novels for the time being. I did also tell her that k-variety is the perfect antidote to kdrama saturation but she doesn’t get it..

        Speaking of kdrama saturation, I might just be on the verge of it- I really thought I would be loving all the currently airing shows, but I keep finding flaws in them! Except The Best Hit because it doesn’t take it’s own story very seriously and is focused on drawing out laughs..


          Variety is always what saves me when I’m in a dramaslump lol.

          Ahhhh same here -.- I’m loving The Best Hit and Lookout (despite its flaws), but other than that none of the currently airing shows are doing it for me. I really don’t know how I’ll be able to finish watching SP. Haven’t even gotten around to this week’s eps yet, the whole her-dad-probably-didn’t-kill-his-parents-but-he-thinks-he-did subplot that popped up last week, made me not want to keep watching. Been there done that (drama-watching-wise that is lol, not irl! 😛 ). I’m not really up for so much noble idiocy and misunderstandings and manipulations right now.


            Sadly even Lookout is not holding up for me anymore.

            I just finished watching the latest SP episodes. And maybe it was because I went in with very low expectations (I literally made myself watch it because I didn’t want to drop it now) but it surprised me by not being that bad. I just love it when I get some flashes of IRY while watching the SP and maybe that is what i am holding on to. Btw id the house the same as the one Lee Hyun used to live in.. it doesn’t look similar from the outside but in the initial few episodes, the set- up was pretty similar!


          It definitely has a lot of flaws – Key’s acting isn’t as good as in Drinking Solo (understandable as it’s a much more demanding character, but a bit disappointing nonetheless), Lee Si Young is a pretty terrible actress, the logic fails are sometimes many and WHY OH WHY does people keep talking about very secretive things in places where they could be walked in on at any moment?? That said, I still love it. I think Kwan Woo is what keeps me interested. I just love that nothing is simple when it comes to him. His moral compass is both perfect and completely malfunctioning at the same time, which is really fascinating to see in a male lead. There’s no romance between the main leads which I love so so much. Si Wan is also a really intriguing villain. So I guess the good still outweighs the bad for me, by a lot.

          The only thing that made me watch SP is the writer. I don’t much care about the story or JCW and NJH is just okay for me, not enough to make me watch an entire show. But in the beginning I had slight hopes for something as good as IRY, which were quickly tanked and then I just kept watching because now I had already begun and other people seemed to love it, so I thought maybe I’d learn to too. Did not happen 😛
          It is?? I actually saw Hyun’s house in another show, where it looked exactly the same inside. Can’t remember which one though, hmmm…


            I don’t love Lookout as much as you do and I don’t dislike SP as much as you do.. and if I had to weigh in, I would say I like SP a little bit more than Lookout. Just because I only love Key and Kim Tae Hoon (who is so under utilized there) in Lookout but I adore most of the cast in SP- all 5 from the law firm and Jung Hyun Soo (Dong Ha).. Dong Ha could very well have been the next Park Bo Gum if the show had worked as well as IRY. He is given such a meaty role for a relative newcomer.

            And yes, while I loved Key in Drinking Solo, I can see that he is not ready for this character yet. I usually like Kim Seul- gi but even she seems unprepared for this role. Plus I always hate it when she uses that whiny aegyo voice which she does a lot in this show. She is better as characters who are a lot more fun- like she was in Oh My Ghostess (another show which i didn’t love as much as beanies did) and Splish Splish Love.


          He’s the one who also played the chaebol in Chief Kim right? He’s really good! I think it was PBG’s innocent flower boy looks that shot him to fame much more than his acting though. NOT that he can’t act, but as in, there are plenty of really good actors who never make it to fame because they don’t have the trendy look. Just look at how much bigger PBG is than SIG, despite them doing a drama together (it didn’t do that well ratings-wise btw, it was R88 that made PBG really famous, though IRY was his stepping stone I think) and SIG nailing his character there.

          Seulgi’s adorable and cute and I like her, but her acting is just “okay” for me. Splash Splash Love made no longlasting impression, but didn’t watch OMG (haha!), so can’t really say too much about her acting in general. I really like her pairing with Key in this drama, but I 100% do not buy that he’s older than her. And they’re mostly just being cute. She did okay when she was holed up in the apartment, but since then her scenes haven’t left much impact.


            Yup! And I will never for the life of me understand why Seo In Guk isn’t more popular!! He is brilliant at acting and singing and he is freaking hot!! Like I know some might not consider him that good looking but man he looks good! I guess Korea loves pretty boys more than handsome ones. For me SIG is as good, if not better, than all the hallyu wave celebrities like Kim Soo Hyun, Lee Jong Suk, Song Joong Ki, Kim Woo Bin, Lee Min Ho and Bo Gummy.

            I know about the sad state of ratings and R88 being more popular, but if there is a show which really utilized his acting skills, it is IRY. Negative and/or ambiguous characters bring out the best acting skills in my opinion.

            Lol, she definitely doesn’t look 4 years younger than him and how could she when she is just a month younger in real life 😛 They do look cute together.. And yes, I was okay when she was in her apartment but since her backstory has been resolved, there is not much for her to do..


          SIG is just so freaking charismatic that no matter how he looks he’s good-looking lol. Charisma and personality is everything to me when it comes to being attractive. But I do see that he’s not classically handsome to Koreans. I can’t compare looks though, cause someone like KSH is also really attractive, but in a completely different way. On a sidenote, I never did get the LMH or KWB craze tbh, despite having seen them in several dramas.

          Actually, IRY is the only show where PBG caught my attention. The rest of his performances were a bit bland to me, but I know I’m pretty much alone in that opinion hehe 😛


            I never got the LMH craze either but I like all the others I mentioned (though by different degrees with Song Joong Ki trailing at the far end)… But as you know already, no one trumps SIG for me 😀

            I know about your lukewarmness (if that is what it can be called) towards PBG and I completely understand where you come from (we had a discussion on him sometime back).. I am not of the same opinion but I am sure there are many who haven’t bought into what is popularly called “Bo Gummy’s magic” 😛
