The saddest party people I’ve ever seen haha:


    This post makes me want to rewatch the show because I really can’t remember this scene!!


      Same here…I can’t remember that scene. But I did love Byun Yo Han in this!


        How can you not love Byun Yo Han in, well, everything? 😛 Honestly though, when everyone talks about Siwan in Misaeng or Yoo Ah In in SFD, I’m there talking about how awesome BYH was in both those shows lol.


          Have not watched SFD but I really loved BYH in Misaeng! Especially with his hair parted in the middle! I started watching Ex-Boyfriend’s club because of him and it was just too funny! I even got my sister hooked on watching it, too!


            I’m still only halfway through SFD (and it’s been like 6 months lol, me and sageuks just aren’t a good fit), but I love him in it. He’s such an underrated actor.
            Agreed, Ex-GFC is hilarious! I didn’t expect to like it this much, but I keep laughing out loud and in a pretty boisterous manner lol.


          So glad I have someone to share my love for BYH here!


            Same! ^^ I have no clue why he’s not more appreciated, at least on DB. But it seems there are trends and certain actors end up with all the beanie-fangirling haha.


    I don’t know where this is from, but they look absolutely dejected at that party.

    I kind of want to laugh though. ….. I think it’s the hats.


      It’s from Ex-Girlfriend Club and it’s supposed to be funny, so tis all good! 😉


    This show might not be so popular here on DB but I loved it, it was different and I just loved the music!


      It keeps doing something slightly different than expected, except as the ending nears, it’s getting a bit more typical. And yes, the soundtrack is awesome!
      I didn’t know it wasn’t popular on DB! But then my opinion tends to differ on a lot of shows, from the general DB consensus lol, so I tend not to pay too much attention to what shows the collective Beaniedom likes or dislikes 😛


        Yeah, it did get a review but wasn’t recapped!

        The same, I don’t pay much attention, I’ll watch shows regardless of what anyone says about them, even the ones that get so much hate, as long as I’m enjoying them, it doesn’t matter!


          Aww, that’s a shame!

          Exactly! I even sometimes get curious about the really infamous ones like Hyde, Jekyll and Me lol. And I keep watching till the end, cause you never know if you might end up liking it (tbh I actually liked that show more than most, even if not by much lol). I also loved and completely binged Gu Family Book, which everyone here keep saying is a bad show. I’ve also felt “meh” about more beloved dramas than I can count, so it seems maybe I just like being in the minority on these things haha.


            Yes, yes! Thank you! I enjoyed Gu Family Book, I loved the first part better but I loved the rest, too! And Hyde, Jekyll and Me, I watched it and didn’t hate it as much as everyone else did, LOL! I don’t know what you feel about MLFtS and Healer but I still can’t understand all the fuss about them, I watched them, (former for Oppa 😂 and latter to see what was it all about) they weren’t bad, they were just.. fine?!


          HJM definitely had its issues and sometimes made me feel like banging my head against the wall, regretting I ever started it. The love-triangle with self was particularly off-putting. But it also did some things right, which it seems most people just brush over.

          I actually really like MLFAS, but yesssss, finally someone who agrees with me on Healer!!! I had to try twice before I was able to finish it and despite it having some moments in the middle where I was feeling like I could finally love it, it ultimately disappointed me. So many potentially interesting things left in the dust and the bromance never really took off, despite how heartwrenching it could have been *sigh* Wouldn’t call it bad either, but it’s just one of those shows that are simply there and not much else.

          Other confessions (that you don’t actually have to read lol, just in case you’re curious and also because I’m curious myself to see how far this trend of mine reaches haha!):

          Didn’t live up to the hype for me: Chicago Typewriter, Marriage Not Dating, Goblin, High School King of Savvy, I Need Romance 3, King2Hearts, Let’s Eat, MDBC, Oh My Venus, My Lovely Kim Sam Soon, SUFBB, Signal, Something About 1 Percent (2016), Splash Splash Love, W

          Liked or just didn’t find that horrible, but it has a bad rep here: Dream High 2, Entertainer, Cheese in the Trap (loved it, ending and all!), Lucky Romance, Moorim School and Madame Antoine (though these last two may be because they were the first shows I live-watched lol).

          And then there are the tons of shows that just never get mentioned here, like You’re All Surrounded, Heart to Heart, Pied Piper and The Lover.

          I feel like a lot of the hyped shows are a bit overrated and some with a bad rep actually do have a few redeeming qualities that just gets ignored or bogged down by the faults. And some shows are just bad, but you enjoy them anyway 😛


            Comment was deleted


            Can I just say I’m so relieved to find another someone who didn’t really get the MNIKSS hype… Idk if we’ve had this convo before but bloody hell I couldn’t even finish it. He was so frakking annoying!!!


            MNIKISS as in Kim Sam Soon? That one’s such an awful drama imo. The male lead shows a million signs of being abusive, like punching a freaking glass frame behind her head. It scares me that so many women talk about how “romantic” that drama is. I want to yell at them to run far, far away if they ever meet a guy like that, but they’re just sitting there feeling mushy. Which is actually a common kdrama problem, this one was just extra bad.


            I just thought MLFtS was so overrated, I felt the same about LotBS (which I have yet to finish!

            LOL, read it all, some of the dramas you mentioned I actually really loved, Chicago Typewriter being one of them! I don’t think it was that hyped here on DB, I mean comparing it with other more popular dramas, it was this small group of us who jist kept talking about it, LOL! I absolutely love, love, love CITT, one of my favorite dramas of all time, I’ve memorized all the lines that’s how much I’ve watched it, and it’s not only because of Oppa, everything was perfect, it’s just that ending that still hurts!

            Didn’t watch Pied Piper amd The Lover but enjoyed both Heart to Heart and You’re All Surrounded.


          That was way too long. You don’t have to read it! *hides* I tend to ramble, in case you hadn’t already noticed 😉


            Rambling you say? Where? LOL!


            You’ll have to look reeaaaallly hard, but the rambling is there, somewhere 😉


          LotBS took me aaages to finish. It was so dull and the OTP pairing was odd. MLFAS has something highly binge/squee-worthy for me, but if I were to objectively judge the story, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t like it haha. It has a lot of cliches and logic fails, but the cast and the humor makes this show for me.

          Well it at least feels like every beanie and their mother recommended CT haha 😛 I loved the first two eps with a passion, just not the rest. But it had Go Kyung Pyo in it, which is always a plus. Guess I just wanted more literature/writing focus and less ghost hijinks and reincarnations, which I honestly feel like has been done many times before. It was visually stunning though! So stunning. Whoever did the scenography (or is that word only for the theater and film just uses ‘sets’ instead? Eh, who knows lol) on this is genius.

          I don’t think I’ll ever get why people didn’t like the CITT ending. Maybe because I didn’t live-watch, so it didn’t give that sometimes warped perspective of how much time/eps has passed. When you’re not live-watching, it’s only about ep 14-15 that seem odd and a tad exasperating. Or is it the very last ep?
          I agree, acting, cinematography, everything was just so well done in CITT!


            It was! I don’t even remember where I stopped, was it ep14 or 18, I’ll go back to finish it one day because I always do!

            CT is very stunning and I love the OST, I guess it’s the songs that made me love it even more and the past story-line!

            For me, it started to feel a little odd around episode 13 when the focus shifted to Baek In-ho, being an avid webtoon reader I couldn’t help but compare, I wanted more Jung, I felt frustrated to have to defend Jung’s actions and wait for the show to provide an explanation, there is so much more to him and so much more to Seol, I felt their stories were shafted, I felt betrayed and when Oppa came and talked about scenes he filmed that got cut it made me so mad, LOL! With all that, I still love it and watch it everytime someome mentions it!


          Agreed, the soundtrack for CT is really good!

          Ahh I see. I don’t read webtoons, so didn’t have that in my head while watching. I actually liked the subtle portrayal of Sunbae. It was pretty clear from early on that he’s mentally ill, but to the people around him his actions would probably be confusing, so I think it worked well. Especially since he didn’t understand himself that it was him that had an issue and not always everyone else. Maybe that’s also why I liked the end scenes – I’d been hoping all along for them not to be romantically involved until he’d gotten better (and less dangerous) and he needed to define himself away from Seol and everyone else he knew.

          Even with the odd focus on In Ho in a few eps at the end, I still felt like Jung was the main focus. His character is such a presence and in a sense the main focus of the entire story, that I didn’t feel like we were missing any scenes with him in those eps. I was mostly just annoyed by the whole “oh no my hand doesn’t work again”-cliche, not so much the lack of Jung-screentime.
