Nam Taehyun should only ever sing 60s/70s rock-style songs, his voice sounds so much better on the lower notes and with more volume!
Also, he seems happier and the band seems good, so yay 🙂


    This is so bloody good! I loved this more than the other one he released..
    Btw did you see his latest interview? It has led some InCircles to renew their “hatred” for him & what they call his “using” Winner’s popularity for his benefit and for others to cry tears of joy…
    I dunno if all the hate was the reason or not but he deleted all his Instagram posts the same day.


      It really is! I’ve never been the biggest fan of his singing when he goes for quiet and light, but ugh, these deep notes and rock-techniques suit him so much better! I think it’s because he’s deaf on one ear and it’s easier to hear yourself over the instruments etc when you’re using more power, so he doesn’t go off pitch as much. And also he’s just got more control when he uses power, which I didn’t expect of him.

      I did see the interview! It was so heartwarming, he almost teared up when talking about hanging with Winner, which awwww. It must be tough to leave what is basically your family, even if you know it’s to improve your health and their career.

      I wish people would stop with all that nonsense. The guy clearly has mental health issues, couldn’t handle the intense pressure of being an idol, didn’t want to be artistically restricted and left for the better good of all five of them. And YG just let him go, because he realized it was for the better. Don’t see why anyone deserves such mean comments. Winner even does better now than they did at their last comeback and has been on more shows than ever before, so I really don’t get all the so called incles being all hateful.

      I was honestly suspicious when I first read the news about NTH leaving and why, but from everything I’ve seen since (and rewatched), it seems like they told the truth about why he left and I just hope they all can be succesful 🙂


        Exactly! I mean I don’t see how mentioning Winner is “using” their current popularity!! He has to talk about them. He was them. And no matter how shaky the relationship, they have a history together and it would actually have been odd if he never mentioned them!

        I am happy he met them and I hope in future they can meet often and support each other while doing their own thing! I don’t see a reunion but they are friends & almost-families! They should keep in touch.

        The problem with Incles is that the most passionate OT4 supporters have become NTH haters and they are very vocal about it. I frankly thought this was a cool fandom but the recent hate has woken me up! I will never get why in order to prove your love for one, you have to bad-mouth others!

        But fandoms have their use too. If not for them, WINNER would not be as popular. They just completed a mad-spree voting that made ‘Really Really’ the favourite song on MWave or something.. and now they are already preparing for MAMA 2017. I mean I don’t think I have the energy to do something like this but I appreciate them. Even though this is exactly what I dislike in other fandoms. Maybe I am just a little biased.


          And there’d definitely be people mad about it if he didn’t mention Winner. Probably the same people even. Because they’re not being rational, they’re just looking for some excuse to hate and thereby vent their own inner frustrations.

          Tbh I don’t even care. It was so sad to hear that NTH left, because I was used to them being five and they sounded good together. But they’re just people and most people don’t work the same job for all eternity. Why should musicians be any different? Maybe I’m just so used to it, because I knew a lot of guys who would form bands and break them up again in a million different constellations over the years, but I don’t get what the fuzz is about. The most important thing is that Winner and NTH are happy with their lives and making good music, while hopefully being succesful.

          Tbh even if it’s a group I like, I still get annoyed at the “vote for XX at XX” and the streaming on loop. But the Korean music industry is so based on popularity and, if not for hallyu, has a more limited audience and buyer-base, so I get why the fans do that. I just wish it didn’t make them feel so entitled at least and that it didn’t mean they often tear down other artists in an attempt to promote their own faves.


            True, very true.

            I understand, but I think the Korean music industry works a little differently. I mean, perception and popularity are very important there. So not everyone can just decide what they want to do without thinking of the possible fallout. But yes, all 5 seem happy now and that is what counts.

            Yup, the entitlement is what sucks! and the sexualization of idols. But I guess that is not gonna change anytime soon.


          The fact that it’s so different is simultaneously what fascinates me and annoys me about the Korean music industry lol. It’s hard to not think of these things with my own culture as comparison, but at the same time I do get and respect that it works very differently. When it generates hateful comments etc however, I tend to end up on the annoyed side of things.
