With all the posts about Fight My Way I can’t decide whether I now feel like I don’t even need to watch it or if it’s making me want to watch it more LOL 😛 What’s good/bad about the show?


    I don´t actually watch that show, I already have 3 and it is enough. But sometimes the recaps do make me want to take a peek.


    I was just thinking that! Waiting for someone to answer your question. 🙂


      *pulls out chair for you and hands over a glass of freshly squeezed juice* Let’s wait together then! 🙂


    – The main couple, their history, their relationship and chemistry, and also them as characters, together and individually, are just fantabulous
    – Shenanigans
    – The epilogues
    – Tertiary characters
    – Background music
    – fight scenes lol
    – relatively good handling of flashbacks to build character development

    – Some of the passing of time and choices of scenes to show when is a bit jerky? Like it jumps between times and scenes sometimes too abruptly imo, and doesn’t flesh out or finish a scene completely (usually with everyone but our mcs) It doesn’t affect the overall story, it’s just kinda more annoying as a viewing experience. ((But it could be a stylistic choice of editing, one I clearly don’t seem to prefer haha))
    – I need more on the secondary couple to really love them. They gave us a bit more this week but their scenes can get boring, and as much as I love the second lead I want to shove a hot rod up her spine at times.
    – Hye Ran is a bitch. And kinda seems to be there just to be annoying and get in our OTP’s way at the moment… which yeah.
    – I’m realising there is still a lot of resolution and story to be covered and or uncovered and I’m hoping they have enough time for it all. But they’ve done ok with that side of the pacing so far so.
    – That’s all I can think of for now


      Thank you!! 😀 That’s a really big help!

      Nothing really screams at me to watch it, based on this. Like the cons aren’t the kind that are usually enough to make me not be bored by a show. Maybe I’ll wait until it’s finished and hear the final beanie-verdict, unless I end up caving anyway out of boredom 😛


        I don’t know if it’s really anything revolutionary, but the main couple is a blast to watch, and their dynamic is refreshing to me at least. I’d say put on your to-watch list but don’t worry if you don’t watch it right away or understand our hype lol
        I don’t think I’m gonna be around for the finale :/


          I just don’t tend to be good at shows that mostly work because of the main couple/romance. I tend to end up bored.


          LOL I actually tried, but quit after two eps cause of the creepy villain. Then I saw the later comments about it and realized it’d been a wise decision 😛 (Also quit because I just can’t root for a heroine who won’t use her powers when a man is being beaten up, but will do it when they break her phone. Like no.)

          Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo, is also one I’ve tentatively put on my to-watch lol, cause all everyone talks about is the chemistry/relationship.


            Heh… I liked the villain, except he had no backstory, so I also didn’t like him, but he was acted well. (Yeah… the story is a mess. The only saving grace is the OTP’s chemistry and for some that’s enough, and for others *me* it’s really not)
            Ohhhh WFKBJ is beautiful, and not just because of the relationship, like that’s great and I adore them together so much, but it’s also about their careers and college friendships as well, and just lyfe in general? and it’s so sweet. Although I will say it took be till about episode 4 to be completely hooked. And it still had it’s controversies (everything seems to though)


            You HAVE to watch WLFKBJ. It has a wonderfully uplifting story. Yes, the OTP chemistry is off the charts, but the storyline and character development from everyone is phenomenal. It tackles real life problems so well. A great little show.


          Okey dokey guys, you’ve got me convinced, it stays on the to-watch, don’t worry! 😛
          It might take me a little while to get to (or not), but I’ll get around to it one day then ^^


      Thank you! I am allergic to second leads who exist just to annoy the main leads and poison their relationship… I think I might wait and see, just like kaybee.


        Thankfully. it seems like dramaland has started to move away from the evil second leads, generally speaking. They always drive me up the wall o.O


    I personally love it. The characters are grounded and the writing is solid; there’s little callbacks and small details in each episode that I love. The OST is awesome and I’ve bought several of the songs featured that aren’t even OST!
    It’s a solid romance with a fairly realistic view of life and how to chase your dreams against the odds. It very very strongly reminds me of how “Bottom of the Ninth, Two Outs” made me feel, which is my absolute favorite drama ever.
    There isn’t much bad, except for some of the characters being horrible people. I’m not noticing bad acting or a bunch of weird cuts or flashback overuse, etc.
    For me, it’s a must watch over “Lookout” because I really want happy and laid-back in my life, though I watch “Lookout” on Fridays 🙂 Quality-wise though I consider them equals.
    It also features Park Seo Joon shirtless, so there’s that ….
    I recommend watching it at some point. The recaps are great, but you do miss a lot of the little details sprinkled by the writer. And the feels aren’t quite the same.


      Thank you so much for the detailed answer! ^^

      I never did manage to get very far in Bottom of the Ninth, I think romance driven shows are kind of my krytonite, kdrama-wise lol. I’ll keep it as a maybe though! Sometimes we all just need a happy show and it’s good to have one set aside for that 🙂 (What? Park Seo Joon shirtless plays a part in why I’ll keep it as a maybe? Noooooooo-oo–ooooo..o..ooo.o. Absolutely not! *sideways glance*)

      I only read recaps if I want to make sure I catch references or want to join the discussion, so if I don’t watch the show, I won’t be reading the recaps either ^^


        Oh, I wonder if that could be a theme of the month: what’s your kryptonite? The answers may be even better than the catnips!


    I think I have seen almost every scene of the show despite (mostly) avoiding fan wall posts!
    I think I will marathon it once it is over now… I have many others to catch up on! 😀

    Also, off-topic, but ICSYV FTI episode has been subbed… Though I have a feeling that you might have already watched it! 😛


      Yessssssssss I have seen it!! And it’s so funny!!! Did you see it yet? 😀


        Started it even though it is 2:30am here! Will sleep after watching a little more… And yes, it is already funny! 😀


          Haha before you know it’ll be 4am and you’re still not asleep 😛


            So.. umm… it is 3:30 now.. You were right! and I am literally shaking from trying to control my laughter! This episode was so funny!!!!
            Hongki looked like a cute little kid most of the time! And how did they get so many wrong!?! Kinda expected them to be wrong but this was on a whole another level! 😛

            Okay I really should sleep now! 🙂


          Hahaha I knew it! And yes he looked adorable. I was really happy to see Seunghyun getting just as much screentime as him almost, I need the two of them in a variety show together, or just SH alone would be fine lol, his reactions and stuff are perfect for variety!

          I laughed so hard at all the things they got wrong, they were SO certain about everything and ended up with an epic fail haha 😀


          “and we deserve their screen time!”
          Haha so true! 😛

          I may be weird, but whenever I see games like banana-snapping, it always makes me wonder what they do with them afterwards? I know on 1N2D they give these things to the huge staff, but when there isn’t one I’m kind of worried they’re just throwing it away, which makes me sad because there are so many people who don’t have anything to eat :/ Like, don’t play with food lol!


            Not weird at all! I wondered about that too! I have a feeling that in this case they might just eat it! They look like boys with huge diet 😛

            I actually found it funny that Hoony underestimated Yoon and Jinwoo so much that he didn’t bring enough bananas! I can see why people were complaining about their WinWinTv being boring! 😛 I wonder if bananas are still considered a rare thing in Korea like they showed in Answer Me 1988..


          LOL let’s hope so! 😛

          Yep can definitely see that too. Even though they were actually doing something, it ended up more boring than FTI’s V-live which consists mostly of them simply talking alone to the camera one by one hahah 😛 Let’s hope Winner’s recent activities will make people see how fun and funny they can be!


    It’s my second fav after circle right now. Sp is wildly overrated and lookout is collapsing under it’s lack of logic.

    Pro: if you watch, you will understand all my jokes, particularly my TakSu trolling.


      Definitely agree on SP! I keep postponing watching last week’s eps lol, but now this week’s eps are here and I probably should get on it before the show is suddenly finished haha.


    I generally don’t like it. I dropped after few epi. I can only love youthful drama if it is not mainly on the romance. WFKBJ – I love first half of drama but after second half I started to dislike it. Romcom is no longer my thing, if these drama were my very first drama, probably I’ll be excited. It’s also a bit loud for my taste. There are characters that I like such as the Coach.

    It’s about taste and preference anyway, I just don’t find it compelling enough to con’t to watch it even I like both leads. I did saw spoilers here and there so I know what happened without having to fully watch each epi.


      Romcom used to be my favorite escapism, but these days I really do need more than just the main relationship to be satisfied. I just started Ex-Girlfriend Club and enjoying it, because there’s focus on other emotions than just being in love.


        Ex gf club was a fun show. I love it, especially those female characters are interesting in their own.


          Yes I’m really loving it so far, tvn really knows how to make good dramas 😀


        (Scrolled down and found a mention of Ex GF Club… Just had to comment)

        I loved Ex- GF Club, though I haven’t heard many people talk about it! It was a fun little show and the 12 episodes were the perfect length! It wasn’t a show to write much about I guess but it was time well spent!


          Apparently I posted an inappropriate word and have no idea what LOL. Let’s try again, short version:

          Premise for Ex GF Club is awesome. Thinking of shortening to-watch list by finally getting around to the shorter 12 ep shows on there. Found out I have 7 of those on there! Really no excuse not to have watched such short shows yet 😉


            7? Which ones? I don’t remember many 12 episode shows except Sassy Go Go and Ex GF Club..

            Is one of them Surplus Princess? That too wasn’t brilliant but fun in its randomness… It was cut down so it seemed like they didn’t spend a lot of time on the main love line but still a good way to pass time.. Plus Kim Seulgi and house-sharing which is an interesting concept (I really need to watch We Broke Up)


          Already seen Sassy Go Go and Surplus Princess. Let’s see though…

          1. this one
          2. Liar Game (I know, I know lol)
          3. Three Musketeers
          4. Solomon’s Perjury
          5. Awl
          6. Flower Grandpa Investigation Unit
          7. This Week My Wife’s Having an Affair

          I think they’re actually all cable shows lol, JTBC or TvN. A good 12 ep show I’ve seen is The Lover, that was loads of fun!
          And yes do watch We Broke Up! It’s super super quick and easy to watch and I love the OST. One of the best webdramas I’ve seen ^^


            2. You better get a move on! 😛
            4. Quite good… The feel is a lil White Christmasy but not THAT crazy…. add a little Shut Up Flower Boy Band feel (nothing to do with music here though, so I dunno why I feel that way)
            7. Not as amazing as JB and GF maintain but it really is quite good.. Like I was bored of the first 4 episodes

            I haven’t actually watched 3, 5 and 6 and out of these I don’t think I want to watch 5… it sounds a little boring (I didn’t love Misaeng as much as others did)… I saw some episodes of The Lover but somehow left it midway… My dropped or on-hold is longer than I have actually kept a record of! I should update my records!


          2. I actually tried the first ep, but quit pretty quickly because there were already some logic fails LOL. Plus not a fan of its cinemtographic style. But it’s SO famous and people love it, so I’ll definitely watch it…. someday 😛
          4. I haven’t seen White Christmas yet. I’m not really good at watching plots with bullying, at least as it is now, which is also the reason I have gotten around to Solomon’s yet. They both look good though, so I do want to watch them.
          7. I often disagree with JB and GF (sssshhhhh, don’t tell anyone!! :b), so I’m not expecting too much, especially cause I’m no SJH fan (as you know). Mostly want to watch it for the male lead heh 😛

          I love “boring” shows like these, so I’m really looking forward to 5, but if you didn’t like Misaeng I can see why you’re not dying to watch this one haha 😛 (Also, don’t ever watch the American show Newsroom then, you probably would be just as bored ^^)

          The Lover is a certain brand of humor that definitely doesn’t suit everyone’s taste, so I’m not surprised 🙂

          My dropped/onhold list is getting shorter and shorter, I’ve been weeding out in it for the past months lol, slowly but surely 😛 And I decided that ones I only watched 1 or 2 eps of don’t count as dropped, because it’s just like having an apetitizer before deciding whether to dig into the main meal.


            2. The logic fails were a lil too many in the first 2 episodes… But it became quite brilliant once Shin Sung Rok started taking more of a centre stage.. Basically once they reached the game arena- it just became a ‘what-the-hell-will-happen-next’ kinda drama…

            4. White Christmas doesn’t have bullying as a theme as far as I remember.. and again, the show takes its sweet time to get to the point of what in hell is happening.. Give or take 2 episodes..

            7. SJH didn’t have to act much in it.. The camera angles took care of most of it.. She did look amazingly beautiful though. Lee Sun Gyun has an amazing voice and does quite well in dry humour.. Also it is very ‘his’ kind of show. I don’t know how to explain it but he suits the role to a tee… You might actually like the secondary couple too..

            I actually didn’t dislike the humour in The Lover (reminded me a little of Coupling- a BBC show) but it had a sort of low-budget feel which wasn’t too pleasing to the eyes…

            I don’t think I will ever be able to shorten my list.. There are way too many new shows to go back to everything I left midway…


          same here – have to comment on ex-gf club! there’s isnt as much love for it as there should be!
          the soundtrack they used everything the ex’s banded together to do something crazy was my crack for a long long time! Sooo funny! #RosesOfSharon
          The track would start and i would be in splits just in anticipation b4 anything happened on the screen!


            I loved the track and yup, laughed every time it was played in anticipation of what is going to happen next.. I also really loved that promotional scene (I don’t know what it should be called) that played at the beginning of every episode- the one with him running and them chasing him…


          Yeeaahh! Tom’s & Jerry at its best!


          2. Okay, now I’m back to being curious about it! Mission accomplished I guess hahah 😉
          4. Oh cool! I just remember trying to watch the first ep and one of the kids were bullied, so I thought it might be the main thing, but happy to hear it’s not! 😀
          7. “The camera angles took care of most of it” LOL! Now I’m looking more forward to it (based on the rest of what you said too haha, not just this!).

          Ahhh, okay. I actually didn’t mind the low budget look. The stories and jokes are just so different, realistic and relatable that I was too busy having fun to notice haha. Also… Jung Joon Young.. Nuff said 😉

          I tend to be picky about which new shows I watch and I like to watch completed ones on the side of live-watching, so that helps. Even with this current batch of dramas there’s only 3 I’ve ended up actually watching. I think I’ve gotten pickier. I cleared up my to-watch too, there’s “only” about 50 dramas on there now.


            Mission accomplished on all 3 shows actually! 😁

            I have realised that I had more time to give to kdrama-related stuff while studying… now that I don’t have the excuse to study I have to do real life stuff!

            Right now the priority is cleaning out my full list of watched, on – hold, dropped and to-watch list…

            Did you send out any catnip? I was pondering over what my catnip is and I couldn’t pin point what works for me everytime without fail… it isn’t one single thing I guess.. if I succeed in pointing one out, I will try and write something..


          Awwww, poor you 😉

          Nope, didn’t send in anything for catnip, maybe I’ll try next month’s theme? Tbh I’m tired of writing after that written exam lol. Also not sure what my catnip is either. I mean, one of my major ones is when characters have trauma or messed up families. Cause I can relate LOL 😛 That pretty much describes every single kdrama though, so that would mean kdrama in general is my catnip haha. So I dunno…

          Maybe psychological dramas? Psychology is so intriguing and fascinating and it always means the show’s really character-driven, which I love, because it makes you feel their highs and lows so much more, as if they’re real people heh ^^

          Also… Music. If there’s going to be music as a big theme in the show, I’m sold haha. I even started (and finished) She’s So Lovable despite knowing its bad rep!

          What are some of the things that generally capture your interest, even if it’s not without fail?


            That really is every kdrama ever! If I had a rupee for every time I heard ‘trauma’ in kdramas, I would be rich indeed! 😛 I literally laughed out loud when in Who is Next, Seungyoon said he has some sort of trauma because of JYP! I was like- OMG I am almost watching a kdrama with Yoonie as the male lead! 😀

            Psychological dramas for sure! I love when a show goes deep into the mindset behind a character’s actions.. Just gives it a much needed depth! I Remember You and Liar Game being ones which instantly come to mind..

            On almost a complete opposite end of this genre, I also love watching high school dramas. I am a sucker for school based stories.. If I ever do end up writing a novel, it would be based on school life (or at least a part of it would be)… I think I always give a try to school based shows..

            Similar, but not compulsorily related- I like it when the leads or any pair met or knew each other as children… Like IRY again or Producers.. Many examples can come here..


          Honestly speaking though, it sometimes bugs me the way Koreans throw around the word trauma lol. Like every single little bad thing in life suddenly becomes one. “I spilled milk on the floor and my mom got mad! Oh no! Trauma! I can never drink milk again!” 😛

          High school dramas have never really done anything for me. Maybe because my school experience is so different from the way Koreans seem to have to slave away? Like, the one that got closest was SUFFB and even that ended up boring me, maybe because I’ve known too many guys like that and how annyoing they can be irl haha 😛 Don’t think I have a single high school drama in my favorite-list. Not that I avoid them or haven’t somewhat enjoyed some of them, they’re just kind of… there? I guess. I did enjoy both Dream Highs though, but that’s cause MUSIC lol. And Kim Soo Hyun and Jinwoon :b I also liked Sassy Go Go and the way they treated Ji Soo’s story, most of the time, but I’m not sure I’d ever rewatch it. What are your favorite high school dramas?

          Haha that’s almost every drama in existence too 😛 Someone on viki even made a list for dramas where the leads HAVEN’T met before and even with the help of others it’s still not very long kkk.


            I couldn’t think of even one typical high school drama when you asked me my favourite! 😛 It is just that I enjoy them as shows but they never climb up to become my most loved ones… School 2013 does come to mind but that is a little different from what I mean by high- school dramas… I am mostly talking about the cute romances.. Answer Me 1997 is there but as a genre it belongs to something else altogether… Sassy Go Go, Dream High, Page Turner, Adolescence Medley, School 2015 (except that end) were good but I won’t call them my favorites.. It’s just that I will watch a show if it is based on school life.. Doesn’t mean I will love it 😛

            Also school life is never what they show in shows anyway… I did personally have a beautiful high school romance and it was full of all that they show- innocence, butterflies in stomach and the whole fairy-tale feel… So any school setting kinda draws me in for the nostalgia I experience I guess..

            I should go check out that list! ;P


            I wonder if you noticed but this conversation made me write a catnip post and it was posted some days back 🙂


          *hoping I found the right reply-button* LOL

          Oh! I didn’t see that! I don’t really read many of the catnip-posts since most of them haven’t been ones I was particularly interested in and I’ve missed a lot of them too, since so many have been posted. Will have a look then ^^


          Read it! ^^ It really is cute and tugs at the heartstrings when there are those childhood parts. Though I honestly love when leads don’t have any sort of connection before they meet, makes it exciting to see them try and figure each other out lol.


            I love it that we are sometimes so alike in our choices (Seo in Guk, Winner, FTI) and sometimes just so different (RM, Healer, Bo Gum)! 😀


          Definitely makes for some interesting discussions! ^^


    I love this show! The soundtrack is so fun! Sometimes the characters are a little whacky and over-the-top, but there’s a freshness to the dialogue and the themes that the show is trying to grapple with. I like that there’s an underlying melancholy as the characters try to navigate the unfulfilling aspects of their lives and what it means to overcome them, but also this high energy and underdog spirit. Most of all, I like that the characters aren’t guarded or afraid to be vulnerable and put their most inner thoughts out there for all to see. Also, the main love line is wonderful. If you tune in just for them, then it’s worth it.


      Comment was deleted


      Thanks for the answer! Some of these things definitely sound intriguing, like fresh dialogue and vulnerabillity. I feel like I’m getting swayed by all the answers, first to the one side, then to the other lol!


    Haha! I like this thread! FMW is basically a light rom-com to watch for laughs. There isnt a poignant storyline or intense anything.. it’s like how u need to watch chickflicks/chick lit at times for fluff? but quality fluff 🙂

    and u HAVE to watch weightlifting fairy! OMG! that was just gorgeous and amazing.. it was a really good slice of life drama with bonus points of lead pair chemistry.


      Best Hit is even better for the laughs though – i love a good show which can make me laugh while having a decent storyline. #modestExpectations 😀


      I do like fluff, at least when rl is busy or stressful. So maybe I’ll end up watching it when classes start again LOL.

      I love The Best Hit! It’s my current fave and probably my favorite 2017 show so far 😀 I almost don’t care about the storyline, all the random 1N2D-esque jokes just make my day lol.


        Agreed! Best Hit doesnt really even need a storyline.. I’m quite happy watching their antics and ridiculous-saw-it-from-a-mile-away-but-still-hilarous set ups! And Hyun Jae’s hair do just brings back my teenage years squealing! 😀
